O curso técnico em estradas: das origens à implementação na Escola Técnica Federal de Mato Grosso

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This dissertation, of historical-documentary and bibliographic nature, is included in the Research Line "State, Policies and History of Education", of the Post-Graduation Program in Education of the Federal University of Goiás. factors that contributed to the implementation and development of the Technical Course on Roads started at the Industrial School of Cuiabá and made official at the Federal Technical School of Mato Grosso. The research, unprecedented for this type of course in Mato Grosso, had as its main question: what led the EIC to choose the Technical Course on Roads in the 1960s? In order to answer this question, it was also sought to investigate the installation and functioning process, the curricular structure, the faculty and student of its first class, as well as it was instituted and started in the extinct Cuiabá Industrial School, considering the various aspects involved, such as the national educational policy and regional development, internal and external interests of the daily school that came to support its creation. The documentary research was carried out in the researched collections of some important institutions such as Library and Permanent Archive of the IFMT / Campus Cuiabá-Octayde Jorge da Silva, Public Archive of Mato Grosso (APMT); Archive and Library of the Barão de Melgaço House (ACBM / MT), Federal Revenue Archive in Mato Grosso (ARFMT); Museum of Image and Sound of Cuiabá (MISC); 9th Battalion of Construction Engineering (9th B.E.CNST), National Service of Commercial Learning of Mato Grosso (SENAC / MT), and Center for Research Libraries (CLR). It considers the possible influences to the fact that the country is experiencing a period of great turbulence at national level, carried out by the military government. It analyzes the various structural transformations through which the Institution has passed until the creation of the first group of the Technical Course on Roads at the Federal Technical School of Mato Grosso, now called the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Mato Grosso (IFMT). It relates the creation of the course with some influences related to the expansionist needs of both the federal government and the state government since the beginning of the twentieth century, culminating with the need to introduce skilled labor to support the developmental plans that propelled the state in opening up and the colonization of the northern region of the state of Mato Grosso, which began in the 1950s. The analyzes produced allow us to affirm that the implementation of the Technical Course on Roads was designed to form a quality technical workforce in the process of expansion of the road network of the implemented by the Strategic Development Program in the 1960s and 1970s.



BARROS, P. J. O curso técnico em estradas: das origens à implementação na Escola Técnica Federal de Mato Grosso. 2018. 185 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.