O Planetário: Espaço Educativo Não Formal Qualificando Professores da Segunda Fase do Ensino Fundamental para o Ensino Formal
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Despite the changes introduced in the Brazilian Educational
System since the LDB from 1996, and of the introduction in the PCN s
Natural Science of the transversal theme Earth and the Universe, it is
still practically null the knowledge of the teachers about the Astronomy
concepts presents in the school curriculum, the formal Education scope.
This work emphasizes the need and importance of the study of
Astronomy, analyses how the Museums and Science Centers, in
particular Planetariums, as non-formal education spaces, can suppress
partially this need, having in account that the education is not restricted
to the classrooms, but happens on a diversity of other spaces where the
human life develops and proposes a kind of minimize the teaching
formation deficiencies to treat this theme.
The Planetariums, devices destined to reproduce the starry sky,
with the Sun, the Moon and the planets, as well as other astros, with
their movements as we see then from Earth s surface, exist since
Archimedes. It s conception evolved from small celestial globes and
armillary spheres that can be placed on a table to huge Planetariums
with thirty to forty meters of diameter domes, capable of shelter in it s
interior three hundred people, and capable of simulating space travels
through the Solar System or beyond the limits of our Galaxy to the
frontiers of the known Universe. A special attention is given to the
Planetarium of the UFG, for this being the space where the scientific
education in it s formal, informal and non-formal aspects have been
developed for more than thirty years by the staff that composes the
faculty of this organ of the UFG. A brief historical of this Planetarium is
presented, describing the work developed by the teaching staff.
A research made with fundamental school teachers who brought
their students to the Planetarium on the first semester of 2008 revealed
the total acceptance of the service offered by the Planetarium with a
derisory number of critics, what seems to be due to the immense lack of
information about astronomy and to the only active presence of the
Planetarium of the UFG on the Center West region of Brazil. With the
intention of giving a step ahead in the qualification in Astronomy, is
made a proposal of a course for the second stage Fundamental School
teachers which could open new horizons for many Science teachers on
the understanding of the scientific approach of the mysteries of the
MARTINS, Cláudio Souza. The Planetarium: Space Qualified non-formal educational
Teachers of the Second Stage of Primary School
to formal education. 2009. 112 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, goiânia, 2009.