O heteroerotismo em Uma aprendizagem ou O livro dos prazeres de Clarice Lispector: das performatividades de gênero às paródias narrativas

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In the novel Uma aprendizagem ou O livro dos prazeres by Clarice Lispector, originally published in 1969, the main characters, Loreley and Ulisses, seek their own psychological maturity, so that a deep and lasting affective-sexual relationship can be built between them. Thus, it is noticeable, in the process of psychological development sought by the protagonists of the novel, the establishment of a heteroeroticism between them, that is, of an eroticism between subjects that have different gender identities, within the binary logic of feminine-masculine that underlies the heterosexual matrix in our society. This heteroeroticism between Loreley and Ulisses is consolidated, throughout the narrative, through gender performativities, which are, as Judith Butler (2003, 2016) theorizes, discursive reiterations that aim to ensure the intelligibility of sexual differentiation socio-historically-culturally, amid a “regulatory ideal” that promotes the maintenance of certain power relations. However, there are not only maintenances of gender performativities of the heterosexual matrix throughout Lispector’s novel, but also some subversions/transgressions/inversions in relation to them, which can be identified, for example, in parodies – intertexts with critical distance (HUTCHEON, 1989) – with heteroerotic configurations present in the narrative. Thereby, this master’s thesis aims to analyze and reflect on how the heteroeroticism between Loreley and Ulisses is established, along textual and intertextual (parodistic) instances, either by leading to gender performativities of the heterosexual matrix, or by subverting them. In order to support the analysis proposed in this paper, I mainly resort to theoretical formulations by Linda Hutcheon (1989), Howard Bloch (1995), Elizabeth Grosz (2000), Judith Butler (2003, 2016), Zygmunt Bauman (2004), Simone de Beauvoir (2009), Kathryn Woodward (2012), Tomaz Tadeu da Silva (2012), Stuart Hall (2012), Georges Bataille (2014) and Michel Foucault (2012, 2013, 2015).



GRIECO, Frédéric. O heteroerotismo em Uma aprendizagem ou O livro dos prazeres de Clarice Lispector: das performatividades de gênero às paródias narrativas. 2018. 95 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.