Análise anatomo-funcional dos músculos do antebraço e a citoarquitetura do neocórtex occipital de Cebus libidinosus
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Primates are known for larger brain size, enhanced handling and cognitive abilities and increasingly complex social behavior. Many studies have been conducted with the neotropical primates of the genus Cebus, known as capuchin monkey, regarding their behavior, tool use, encephalization index and memory. These studies are justified because these primates present high cognitive faculty and other biological characteristics that make them similar to Old World primates. This thesis rendered possible the production of two articles. The first one is entitled Anatomical description of the extensor muscles of the forearm associated with cognition and tool use in Cebus libidinosus . In this article, a comparative analysis between the anatomy of the forearm muscle of this genus and that the one of other primates that, individually or jointly, act in the hands allowing more or less specialized movements of the fingers, relating them to the use of tools and to the cognitive aspects of Cebus spp. described in the literature. There were evident similarities between the extensor muscles in C. libidinosus primates and the correspondent muscles in humans and chimpanzees; however, there were differences when compared to baboons. The structure and differentiation of the forearm muscles of Cebus spp., together with its previously known encephalization index, corroborate the association between its manual ability and cognitive and behavioral aspects in primates. The second article is entitled "Cytoarchitecture of the occipital neocortex of Cebus libidinosus . Its purpose was to analyze the cytoarchitecture of the occipital cortex using the technique of Golgi-Cox, the qualitative and quantitative aspects provided by this technique of impregnation of neurons, and to compare them with data from the literature. Primary and secondary visual areas are located in the occipital neocortex, and in C. libidinosus, the histological organization of these areas is similar to humans and other primates and it is characterized by the predominance of granular neurons and the presence of transversal fibers in the fourth layer. Although the Golgi-Cox method allowed individual observation of neurons and their extensions, the weak distinction between neurons and glial cells impaired neuron counting. These data, nevertheless, will grant further cell density comparison of other cortical areas between Cebus spp. and other primates. Aiming to contribute to the foundations of studies related to the evolution of primate cognition, this study related morphology, as a science, to the numerous observations on the behavior of capuchin monkeys. The comparative approach to study the morphology of the musculoskeletal and neural apparatus of C. libidinosus will allow data inference in areas of cognitive science and related areas.
PRADO, Yandra Cássia Lobato do. Anatomical-functional analysis of forearm muscles and cytoarchitecture of the neocortex of the occipital Cebus libidinosus. 2010. 86 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.