A relação entre ciência, tecnologia e inovação e o empreendedorismo de alto crescimento
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
High growth is a phenomenon that occurs for a small group of companies and, it is related to fast
growth caused by new jobs creation or superior growth compared to other companies. Researchers
and public politics makers showing interest for companies with high growth is motivated by the
fact that those companies are perceived as important factors for a dynamic economy and, job
creation. They are also known for creating and diffusing new technologic knowledge, contributing
for regional development. To analyze the relation between science, technology and innovation's
regional indicators, as well as the entrepreneurship indicators of high growth in the Brazilian states,
the collected data composed a cross-section within the 27 Brazilian federation states, between the
years of 2008 and 2012, having its explanatory variables grouped into four indicators of ST&I that
corresponds to ST&I infrastructure, ST&I Human Resources, Investment in R&D and Innovation.
Stacked data was utilized and the estimated method adopted was the Ordinary Least Squares
(OLS).To better adjust the proposed model the dependent variable TEAC general was segregated
for the Service, Industry and Commerce sectors.16 logistics regression specifications was studied
in reference to the four proposed equations, segregated in function of the four dependent variables
mentioned. The results shown in this work demonstrate the existence of a low correlation between
ST&I and TEAC general. It also suggests that the activities sector is an important component in
relation between ST&I and TEAC, although the ST&I indicators present larger impact for Industry
Sector's TEAC. Another significant result was that a better human resources qualification results in
better TEAC. To prove the theory, it was verified a strong correlation among people hired with
bachelor's degree while a person holding a master or Ph.D. degree didn't present significance to the
CONDEIXA, G. A. A relação entre ciência, tecnologia e inovação e o empreendedorismo de alto crescimento. 2016. 96 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.