UFG em todo lugar: apontamentos para uma política de comunicação pública da ciência
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
At the Federal University of Goiás, extension was responsible for mediate dialogue and the
exchange of knowledge between science and the population. By knowing some notions and
practices of Public Communication of Science that permeate this finalistic sphere of federal
universities, a qualitative, descriptive-exploratory research was proposed, with a case study.
Based on the extension program “UFG em Todo Lugar”, for the popularization of science, the
research sought to answer the question: what guidelines would be necessary to strengthen and
make the actions of this program more effective? The study covers the program's past and
present, using multiple collection instruments, among them, documental research,
questionnaires, interviews and a focus group. The purpose was to know the perceptions about
the Public Communication of Science (together with managers, organizers and extension teams
that work in the program), the ways they use to bring science closer to the population, the
difficulties of this trajectory, in addition to the opinions of the external public who participated
in the event promoted on May 27, 2023. Together, these data also made it possible to identify
the gaps of “UFG em Todo Lugar”, resulting in notes for a Public Science Communication
Policy that could strengthen it. The data were systematized and presented according to Bardin's
Content Analysis (2016), with a triangulation at the end. In this way, it offers not only a
diagnosis on the Public Communication of Science established from this program, but also
guidelines for changes in posture and for the resumption of an integrated communication
process between higher administration, teaching (undergraduate and graduate -graduation),
institutional communication, research and extension. Through the outlined recommendations,
the university could give a new future to “UFG em Todo Lugar” and reframe the way it interacts
with society based on it.
BASILE, R. C. UFG em todo lugar: apontamentos para uma política de comunicação pública da ciência. 2023. 322 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Faculdade de Informação e Comunicação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2023.