A sociedade de consumidores e a perversão do animal laborans: uma análise de Hannah Arendt sobre nossos tempos sombrios

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research has as object the analysis and characterization, according to the work of Hannah Arendt, in which external factors, inversions and events of modernity that would have been responsible for creating conditions for the establishment of a consumer society and what would be the relation and contribution from these elements that would form a kind of society we have to maintain the vital needs as the principal value and maintain, through laborwork, a process of production and consumption as the main activity. The analysis of these formative elements of consumer society will lead us to understand more clearly the various aspects that led the animal to win laborans to win in modernity and on what conditions would be able to establish a kind of "control" within the society of consumers in order to keep the ordinary citizen arrested by consumable goods and advertisements, thus removing the political life of modern man-based on action and freedom to act and express their own thoughts and ideas in accordance with the principle established by the plurality in Arendt The human condition. So it is up to this research seek the understanding and analysis of a series of questions, factors and events in Arendt's work that would have created the conditions for, since the victory from the animal laborans, allowed the emergence of a consumer society in the modern world



SEGUNDO, W. A. P. A sociedade de consumidores e a perversão do animal laborans: uma análise de Hannah Arendt sobre nossos tempos sombrios. 2011. 128 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.