Caracterização genética de atributos do desenvolvimento radicular em algodoeiro herbáceo (Gossypium hirsutum L.)

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The objective of this study was to evaluate and characterize root growth in cotton genotypes, and identify the most appropriate time to evaluate the related traits in rhizotrons systems. It was also tried to estimate the genetic parameters inherent in these traits, among which were included the total length, surface area, total volume and average diameter of roots. Thus, two different studies were developed. The first consisted in an experiment to characterize ten cotton genotypes, in rhizotrons. This experiment was conducted in randomized block design with split plot in time, and four replications. Six evaluations were made per plots, at 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 days after seedling emergence. Each measure was resulted of the image captured from a rhizotron (experimental unit). The variance analysis was made, and Scott & Knott test was used to cluster the genotype means. Linear regression analysis was performed to evaluate the time effect within genotypes. The phenotypic, genotypic and environmental correlations between each pair of traits were also estimated. The daily root growth per genotype was also observed, applying the same method of mean grouping for the genotypic discrimination. The second study was also conducted in rhizotrons system, in order to estimate the genetic parameters related to the same traits. Two crosses were performed involving contrasting parents: CD 408 x CNPA GO 2008-1265 and CD 408 x CNPA GO 2007-423. Each cross was assessed in a different experiment conducted as completely randomized design with six treatments (parents, and F1, F2, RC1 and RC2 generations). The data analysis allowed identifying outstanding genotypes for each trait, as well as the most appropriate time for the respective assessment. It was found high correlations among the evaluated traits. The estimation of genetic parameters allowed approximate inferences about the minimal number of genes involved in the genetic control of these traits. The main conclusions were: i) there is genetic variability in the evaluated characters related to development and growth of root in cotton upland; ii) the evaluation of these traits at 35 days after seedling emergence enables better genetic discrimination for selection purposes; iii) the lines CNPA GO 2008-1265 and CNPA GO 2002-2043 are predominantly superior than other genotypes, especially in the total length root; iv) CNPA GO 2007-423 genotype is outstanding in relation to others by its higher total volume of roots; v) there are high genetic associations among the traits total length, total area, total volume, and total diameter of roots; and vi) the estimated number of genes involved in the genetic control of these traits indicate oligogenic inheritance, although there is also evidence of strong environmental influence, suggesting also the possibility of polygenic or mixed inheritance (major genes and polygenes).



RIBEIRO, V. A. Caracterização genética de atributos do desenvolvimento radicular em algodoeiro herbáceo (Gossypium hirsutum L.). 2014. 64 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Genetica e Melhoramentode Plantas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.