Entre o sujeito e o verbo: um estudo sobre o caráter urbano da militância do MST na Região Metropolitana de Goiânia (RMG)

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


In Goiás, as well as throughout the national territory, the agrary reform process happens slowly, and in most cases it is because social movements are pressuring the state to do so. This paper seeks an understanding of who is the subject that forms the social basis of the MST in the state and its intrinsic relationship to the territory of the movement. If the field has undergone abrupt changes in recent decades, the movement had to monitor these changes. Such changes make room for a new conception of land reform under new strategies to fight, thus incorporating new subjects. The struggle for land gains new characters, the stage is now in urban centers and in the cadence of walking contradiction, a land of emigration before reason, today is the possibility of new mass of militants from the outskirts of large urban centers. The engagement of militant urban opens spaces for reflection of the current model of production in the field, and the prospect of resistance of the peasantry in the state. From this, the thesis presents the results on who is the activist of the MST in Goiás, its forms of entry, ideas, and also their perspective on the future of their family, their contradictions and difficulties in movement. The character of migrants is another fact placed on the work, which helps to understand who is militant. Its historical and economic burden corroborates its character of migrant. Its routines lead to militancy, and thus the struggle for land appears as a change of perspective of life and has the movement as possibility



MARQUES, Marcelo Barbosa. Between subject and verb: a study on the militancy of MST in the Goiânia Metropolitan Region (RMG). 2009. 56 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.