Inoculação experimental de Salmonella Enteritidis em perus e controle da infecção com o uso da lactulose na dieta

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Three experiments were performed aiming to elucidate aspects concerning the pathogenesis, clinical, pathological and immunological changes in turkeys inoculated with Salmonella Enteritidis, as well as the control and performace variables, with the use of lactulose. Experiment 1 consisted of three treatments and a control group. A second group inoculated with 6.0x102 CFU/mL and a third one inoculated with 7.0x105 CFU/mL of Salmonella Enteritidis. Within 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24, and three, four, 38 and 49 days post-inoculation, two birds per treatment were sacrificed and vitelline sacs, spleen, bursa of Fabricius and ceca were coleted for Salmonella research, lymphocytes levels, and immunohistochemistry. The pathogen was isolated in organs studied in both tests and the lymphocytes levels decreased. Was observed that the dose influences the penetration, dissemination, and persistence of the pathogen elimination in turkeys. In Experiment 2, 160 turkeys were distributed into four treatments within 6.0x102CFU/mL, 7.0x105 CFU/mL, 8.0x109 CFU/mL of Salmonella Enteritidis and a control group. With 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 and three, four, 38 and 49 days were sampled blood, liver, spleen and bursa of Fabricius of two birds per treatment for electrophoretic, bacteriological and histopathological analysis, and also lymphocyte levels. There were differences in total serum protein data, as well as in bacterial isolation and tissue changes from 6 hours to 4 days before. The decrease of lymphocytes levels were registered from 3 hours post-inoculation. High mortality levels were observed in all groups in the first week, of which the main clinical and histopathological changes, as well the mortality levels were more evident in the group that received the highest dose. Was observed that serum proteins values, liver histopathological lesions, and decrease of lymphocytes levels occurs primarily in the first days post-infection. Experiment 3 consisted of 280 turkeys distributed in four treatments: placebo, control of lactulose; inoculated with 7.0x105 UFC/mL of Salmonella Enteritidis and inoculated with 7.0x105 UFC/mL of Salmonella Enteritidis and treated with lactulose. At seven, 21, 42 and 60 days were performed analisis of accomplishment. One bird of each quota was sacrificed and collected duodenum and jejunum from each for histomorphometric analysis, and ceca and inglúvios for enumerations of Enterobacteriaceae, Lactobacillus, Salmonella, pH measurements and biometric examination of intestines. Still, were collected liver, spleen, bursa of Fabricius and the gastrointestinal tract for bacteriological, histopathological, lymphocyte levels, and biometric examination. Were observed a lower weight gain in the group that received only the pathogen and increased only in patients that receiving lactulose. Were observed a higher correlation villous: crypt in the duodenum and jejunum of lactulose and placebo groups at seven and 21 days. Higher levels of UFC of Lactobacillus and Enterobacteriaceae were observed in the groups that receivied lactulose. Salmonella Enteritidis infections determine histopatological changes, decrease of lymphocyte levels and mortality. Lactulose increases beneficial bacteria, reduces the colonization of Salmonella, Promotes intestinal development and improved the animal performance, minimizes lymphocyte and tissue changes, reducing mortality and carrier state.



SANTANA, Eliete Souza. Inoculação experimental de Salmonella Enteritidis em perus e controle da infecção com o uso da lactulose na dieta. 2011. 135 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência Animal)–Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.