Clóvis Moura, o movimento negro e a revolução brasileira (1940-2000)
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The objective of this work is to investigate the intellectual and political-institutional
trajectory of the intellectual Clóvis Moura. It is assumed that the author's intellectual
production is intricately linked to the responses he had to give regarding the main issues
involving his political praxis. The complexity of his theoretical endeavor is mainly due to his
personal involvement in movements, sometimes convergent, sometimes contradictory,
namely: the Brazilian communist movement and the Black movement. If, at first, in the
1940s and 1950s, Moura joined the ranks of the Brazilian Communist Party (PCB) and,
within them, through internal and external dilemmas within the Party, became interested in
the Black issue, throughout his life, Clóvis Moura progressively disengaged, both
theoretically and practically, from orthodox communist ranks, never abandoning important
elements of a praxis-oriented Marxism. His practical detachment from the Communist
Parties to which he belonged (PCB and PCdoB) occurred simultaneously with an
increasingly active involvement in the Black movement, this time directly, especially the
movement that emerged on the fringes of the Brazilian Military Dictatorship from the 1970s
onwards. The intention is, in this way, to analyze how the development of important
conceptual tools for the author throughout his work is linked to his changing conceptions in
the face of the complexification of his praxis in reality, alongside his intellectual maturity.
Thus, it became necessary to make a comparative analysis within the author's work,
noting his essential transformations over the years in the face of concrete reality; and also
externally to his work, noting the singularities of Moura in relation to those who also had to
respond to essential questions regarding the Brazilian Black issue. Unraveling the
intellectual trajectory of an author is also, pari passu, making the history of the ideas
expressed by the institutions and social actors directly and indirectly linked to him, which
also influenced his responses during his intellectual biography.
REIS, G. A. Clóvis Moura, o movimento negro e a revolução brasileira (1940-2000). 2024. 149 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Faculdade de História, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.