A inefetividade dos direitos territoriais indígenas e o genocídio cotidiano dos povos indígenas no Brasil (1988-2020)
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This text aims to discuss the daily genocide of indigenous people in Brazil (1988-2020). The
violence and deaths are situated in the historical context that follows the Constitution of 1988
and the guarantees of indigenous territorial rights. The main focus of this work is the importance
of demarcation and protection of the indigenous territories as means to the protection of life.
In order to do so, the work intends to respond the following questions: a) what are the relations
between the ineffectiveness of indigenous territorial rights and the violence and death of
indigenous people? b) The violence and deaths approach theoretically and methodologically to
the “daily genocide” category? The hypothesis is that the lack of possibilities to satisfy material
and spiritual necessities – regarding the guarantee of territorial, identity, cultural and
constitutional self-government rights –, the deconstitutionalisation practices and the absence
of social policies contributed to “daily genocide”. Furthermore, the major goal is to demonstrate,
based on the “historicization of normative concepts method” (Senent de Frutos), and also on
the empiric data obtained by the documental analysis of “Indegenous People in Brazil” (“Povos
Indígenas no Brasil”) series – created by the Ecumenical Center of Documentation and
Information (Cedi) and the Socio-environmental Institute (Isa) –, that the consequences of the
Brazilian State’s actions and omissions regarding the ineffectiveness of constitutional
guarantees of territorial demarcation and protection contribute to daily genocide. To enlighten
the analysis, the theoretical framework is founded in the “indigenist politic” studies (Souza
Lima); specific territoriality (Almeida; Shiraishi Neto; Pacheco de Oliveira); indigenous territory
(Souza Filho; Martinez de Bringas); genocide (Lemkin) and daily genocide (Clavero). In
conclusion, the empirical research demonstrates that the ineffectiveness of indigenous
territories rights makes satisfaction, production and reproduction of life impossible, besides the
fact that contributes to violence and extermination of people that belong to a specific ethnic
group. These practices compose a gradual violence: the daily genocide.
GOMES, F. H. B. A inefetividade dos direitos territoriais indígenas e o genocídio cotidiano dos povos indígenas no Brasil (1988-2020). 2021. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.