O papel de intervenções pedagógicas com foco em prosódia no desenvolvimento da fluência e compreensão leitora em espanhol/L2

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Rodrigues, Rhanya Rafaella

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Reading is a complex skill whose development requires formal instruction in both first language (L1) and second language (L2) (DEHAENE, 2012). Seen in these terms, research suggests that pedagogical interventions aimed at the prosodic aspects of reading fluency (RF) can contribute to greater accuracy in reading comprehension (RC) (SHIMONO, 2018; 2019). In addition, working memory capacity (WMC) also seems to impact RC (GABRIEL; MORAIS; KOLINSKY, 2016). The main objective of this study was to verify the effects of pedagogical procedures focused on prosody in the development of reading fluency and reading comprehension in Spanish as L2. The proposed research also had the following specific objectives: i) analyzing whether the type of pedagogical intervention (practice + explicit instruction X only practice) interferes in the development of reading fluency and reading comprehension in Spanish/L2; ii) verifying if the effect of pedagogical interventions on the prosodic aspects of RF can be perceived (acoustically and perceptually) in the oral production of the participants of the experimental groups; and iii) observing if there is a correlation between reading fluency, reading comprehension and working memory capacity. For this, a quantitative, quasi-experimental research was developed (ROGERS; RÉVÉSZ, 2020), with the participation of 36 Brazilian students learning Spanish in basic education. Respondents were organized into three distinct groups, considering the type of intervention to which they were submitted, namely: i) Practicing Group (PG), which was exposed only to oral reading practices; ii) Group of Practice and Explicit Instruction (GPI), which received explicit instruction on the prosodic elements and carried out oral reading practical activities; and iii) Control Group (CG), which did not receive any guidance related to the prosodic aspects of reading. The experimental groups had two weeks of pedagogical intervention, with a total duration of 4 hours. To obtain the data, the participants answered the following instruments: i) pre-test and post-test of silent and oral reading; and ii) Alpha Span test to measure working memory capacity. After data generation, the performance of the participants was evaluated through descriptive and inferential statistical tests, which made it possible to verify the accuracy of reading comprehension, silent reading behavior (reading speed) and oral reading (speed, precision and prosody), as well as working memory capacity. It was observed that, in general, the three groups increased both RF (silent and oral) and RC, with the greatest variation between pre-test and post-test being found in the GPI. In addition, it was found that prosody-focused pedagogical interventions had an effect on RF prosody performance in the PG and GPI. Finally, no correlations were identified between WMC and RC in any of the groups, whereas, associations were found between aspects of RF and WMC in the CG. Through this study, it is argued that carrying out pedagogical interventions focused on prosody, especially explicit instruction in interaction with individual variables, can significantly contribute to the development of RF and RC of Brazilian students in Spanish/L2. Thus, the research that gave rise to this thesis brings important contributions to the teaching of reading in Brazilian schools that offer Spanish language, as they point out that pedagogical interventions on L2 prosody can contribute to increase student’s reading fluency and comprehension.



RODRIGUES, R. R. O papel de intervenções pedagógicas com foco em prosódia no desenvolvimento da fluência e compreensão leitora em espanhol/L2. 2022. 267 f. Tese (Doutorado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.