Comunidades gays do ORKUT : encontros, confrontos e (re)construção de identidades
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The present world is symbolic and ephemeral. It is called Post-Modern by the majority of
theoretical studies in this search. Considering the concepts evident in post-modernism such as
fragmented identities, sociality, presenteism, vitalism, on line communities and globalization, try in
this study reflect how these concepts are present in the life of the individual users from on line
communities, especially the gay person. So, theoretical studies by Post-Modernity and identity is
possible by the authors: Hall (2001), Giddens (2002), Bauman (2005, 2003) and Ortiz (2006) for
identify the assumptions that mean living in a cultural and globalized world. It examines the issues of
gender and attempts to relate it with homosexuality / homoaffectivity. For this it considering the
studies of authors such as Scott (1991) and Butler (2001, 2003). It is also theorized about the history of
homosexuality / homoaffectivity identifying social relations that marginalized gay and locate where
the knowledge studies of homoerotic are included. It done by Trevisan (2002), Louro (2001, 2004),
Foucault (1988, 1979), Fry and MacRae (1984) and Butler again (2001, 2000). Then, the authors like
Levy (1999), Bauman (2003, 2001), Maffesoli (2006) and Lemos (2004, 2008, 2002), discusses the
cyberculture and cyberspace and identify the concepts of aesthetic communities , tribalism,
presenteism, vitalism, hedonism and formism in on line communities surveyed. For the theoretical
contributions aims to: identify the constructed identities gays in on line communities hosted on
ORKUT by speech analysis; understand if the gay communities have become ghettos and / or spaces
of emancipation; know the concepts of what is to be gay from the participants speeches analysis,
identify the issues that prevail in most discourses promoted by forum; know what the gays say to you
in these communities; understand if the speeches were found in gay communities contribute to the
construction of speech against; identifying the construction of the speeches and if there is space in on
line power relationships that make the people positions. For these goals were possible, two ORKUT
communities were select with the following characteristics: public gay male, Brazil, active
communities in present day, with more existence years, that containing material (speeches) large
enough for analysis and the sufficient participants number. Finally it is concluded that gays were
different identities, So, identities are also in constant transformation. However, the gays speeches in
many cases negative, are reflections of the suffering caused by the society prejudice present today.
The gay prejudice is over only when the society deconstruction this prejudice through education
SANTOS, Andréa Pereira dos. The gay orkut communities: meet, confrontation and (re)construction of identities. 2009. 156 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Sociais Aplicadas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2009.