Irregularidades sanitárias nas drogarias de Goiânia e aplicação com avaliação de uma ação educativa
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The Drugstores are places of great relevance because of services and products
they make available to the community. The non-following of the sanitary laws and
regulations which the drugstores are subject to can compromise the quality of
services and products offered and harm the overall community health in which they
are placed. It is responsibility of the Normative Institutions which oversight and
regulate the sector to promote information and knowledge of the rules all the sector
must abide to. The objective of this Study was to survey the drugstores in order to
have a clear understanding of the main non-conformities and their causes. This way
educational campaigns can be prepared to promote a better understanding and
following of the legislation, and serve as a model for future actions of the Health
Surveillance. The method of the Study consisted in analyzing 71 Intervention Cases
related to Drugstores in the city of Goiania-GO that occurred between October of
2012 and October of 2013 analyzing the Before and After of these interventions. The
Study was developed in three phases. 1º- check up of the level of obedience to the
Sanitary Legislation by the Drugstores in Goiania. In order to raise information of the
main irregularities, the demographics and social aspect, as well as the professional
qualification of the Technician legally responsible for the Drugstore. 2º- promotion of
Educational Workshops destined for the legally Responsible Technicians of the
Drugstores participating in the study. 3º- overall evaluation of the Educational
Initiative. The main non-conformities encountered were: lack of individual protection
equipment(IPE´s) in 70,4% of the places and lack of Standard Operational
Procedures(SOP) for discharge and use of IPE´s in 60,6%. Of the establishments
that worked with prescription medicines of special control 37,3% were not sending
the files to the ANVISA(National Oversight Sanitary Regulations Agency) accordingly.
There were found erasures or lack of filling in 37,3% of the Drugstores surveyed in
the study, and about 50% of the blanks on the forms, where filling was mandatory,
were not properly filled , specially in regarding to antimicrobial medicine. The
Educational Initiative was considered satisfactory when judging the reaction to the
trainings and also the post training job performance. In regarding to learning, the
right answers in the pre-test(before the training) were 271(61,18%) out of 450
questions, and in the post-test (after the training) were 368(81,78%) out of 450
questions evaluated. The study revealed the Drugstores in Goiania show many nonconformities
in regarding to the sanitary legislation some of them of great sanitary
risk to the community. The educational initiative in this study had a satisfactory
reaction and there was a positive reaction to the application of what was learned.
Also positive was the skills improvement of the technicians who participated in the
Educational Initiative which shows the importance of such actions in order to
promote knowledge on the nation´s Sanitary Regulations.
MORAES, Luciana Calil Samora de. Irregularidades sanitárias nas drogarias de Goiânia e aplicação com avaliação de uma ação educativa. 2014. 104 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.