Aplicabilidade do sistema de avaliação da aptidão agrícola das terras frente à realidade do processo produtivo agropecuário goiano
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
There are several works which aim to equate the agricultural production in function of the best
use of natural resources as soil and water, in the attempt of obtaining the maximum of effectiveness in the
productive system, and upon this context the evaluation of the potential of using the lands has major
importance for a correct planning of agricultural activities. The elaboration of maps of agricultural aptitude
is of extreme importance for the sustainable use of soil and water, it should be the first and more important
instrument of agricultural planning. Because of this, the elaboration of those maps should be accompanied of
a discerning methodological process, focused mainly in the socioeconomic aspects aiming to adequate it to
the various levels of soil handling present nowadays. This work has as objectives: 1) Research the
applicability of the evaluation system of the lands agricultural aptitude regarding the actual conditions of the
agricultural productive process for two areas of the State of Goiás, basin of drainage of Córrego das Pedras
and of Ribeirão Jurubatuba (nascent of Ribeirão João Leite) and of the immediate surrounding of the
National Park of Emas; 2) Look for latent factors responsible for the large variability of the lands aptitude in
the studied areas, and detect the similar samples considering this clustering, using for this multivariate
techniques of factor analysis of principal components and discriminative. The work considers quantifying
and comparing the elements of production among the various classes of agricultural aptitude, establishing
qualitative differences among those aptitude classes and the handling levels, comparing the theoretical model
proposed in the studies against the several realities of the researched areas. The data related to the soil types,
agricultural aptitude and handling levels recommended were gathered from maps elaborated for the two areas
being studied. Data regarding productivity, production costs, land value, gross revenue and local adopted
technology were obtained from personal visits and direct interviews with a sample of 52 farm properties for
the agricultural year of 2006/2007. Based on the information found in the 52 analyzed samples, the use of
factor analysis was shown to be promising, for this study area, being an innovative aspect in the
interpretation of data related to the agricultural aptitude. Two techniques of statistical multivariate analysis
were used: factor analysis aiming to reduce the columns of the original matrix (variables in study) through
the identification of latent factors, synthesizing the common information over all variables; and the
discriminant analysis with the objective of classifying the observations, with known data. These analyses
indicated that productivity and production cost are related and that a possible explanation for it may be due to
the levels of handling and technology, as with the gross income it may be explained by other elements as the
business opportunity, market value for the products, and not necessarily with the level of technology. It was
verified also a need for establishing greater and more meaningful details regarding the handling levels for the
cases of pasture and forestry. Because of the peculiarities and diversity of production systems found in the
basin of Ribeirão João Leite, the system of agricultural aptitude of the lands proposed by Ramalho Filho &
Beek (1995) was considered insufficient, for suggesting only three handling levels, while the dispersion of
the data regarding production, productivity, production cost and gross revenue, demonstrates the need of
better discrimination or hierarchization of the handling levels. For the area of the immediate surrounding of
the National Park of Emas the system of agricultural aptitude was shown to be more appropriate on the
handling levels recommended. The system proposed by Ramalho Filho & Beek (1995), in a certain way,
plasters or limits the expectations one could have relative to the potential of certain cultures, soils and used
labor force, regarding the productivity and profitability of some agricultural and forestry activities. It was
verified also that the handling levels are extremely important, and they should be in greater number and more
detailed than the existing 3 handling levels (A,B and C) proposed by Ramalho Filho & Beek (1995).
BORGES, Lino Carlos. Applicability of the system of evaluation of the agricultural aptitude of the lands
regarding the reality of the agricultural productive process for two areas of the State of Goiás. 2008. 96 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.