Cartografia camerística: uma poiética intertextual na performance contemporânea da música de câmara
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This work is the product of a cartographic investigation about the performance(s) that is (are) to be found in today's chamber music recital. Starting from a discussion on the creative role played by a classical music performer (when he or she structures the spectacle's performance, chooses his or her repertoire, sets spacialities and the intertextual devices that integrate each recital), we assume that the recital takes the shape of a ritual (GOFFMAN, 1959; TURNER, 1974). Even though such chamber music recital's cultural rituals are secular, they do comprise an artistic dimension that overcomes common place and everyday life, such as in the case of sacred things. The chamber musical recital, therefore, is an event full of performatic dimensions that go through all phases of the performance (SCHECHNER, 1985), in its inceptions, as well as in its performance or its mouvance (ZUMTHOR, 2018). I name “performatic layers” (genre, praxis, and recital) those very dimensions through which one may set a certain perspective by means of the lenses of the performances for they at times coexist, superimpose upon each other or take place separately and yet they are co-dependent. In a way, such matters drive theme, problem and method itself and therefore some assumptions are set by means of an investigation about the arts (BORGDORF, 2012; 2018), thereby setting a certain entanglement with the so-called qualitative investigations (BAUER; GASKELL, 2008, VELARDI, 2018), and performatic investigations (HASEMAN, 2015), as well as cartographic investigations (ROLNIK, 2006, DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 2011, PASSOS; KASTRUP; ESCÓSSIA, 2015). In another way, cartographic deambulatory experience merges artistic experience with research experience, thus generating data that throw some light upon the setting of this thesis and demand a specific method. Besides the theoretical framework related to the very features of this research, its concepts and the history of chamber music and beyond the theory concerning cultural performances, there also appear as generated data the observation and analysis of recitals which I attended and of recitals in which I took part (as a musician), as well as interviews with chamber musicians. Such data comprise a kind of counterpoint to the information present in the three first chapters and the description of the making of the recitals and therefore demonstrate the applicability of the concepts that have been used. This thesis culminates in the artistic project elaborated through the cartography made during this investigation (narratives, theoretical references, discussion of concepts and interviews), in a video-recital entitled Improvisório. It is a self-poietic testimony, which closes this work from the perspective of artistic practice.
FRECCIA, G. W. Cartografia camerística: uma poiética intertextual na performance contemporânea da música de câmara. 2021. 249 f. Tese (Doutorado em Performances Culturais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.