Cadeia dominial e processo de desapropriação da Fazenda Acaba vida, Niquelândia-GO (1756 a 2021)
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This paper seeks to analyze legal points that permeate rural expropriation for land reform. It
analyzes the agrarian reform model and who benefits from it in the expropriation process, based on
the expropriation of Fazenda Acaba Vida, located in Niquelândia-GO. It aims to demonstrate,
based on the documents of the property, that goes from its origin to the current situation, and the
administrative and judicial processes, to argue that the State privileges the great rural owner in all
stages of land tenure regularization and, consequently, harms Brazilian society. In order to carry
out these analyzes, the methodology used was the case study, based on the sesmarias records of the
Overseas Historical Archive of Portugal, on the property transfer certificates of the Niquelândia-
GO Property Registry Office, as well as information contained in the processes, administrative at
INCRA, located in Goiânia-GO and judicial at the 4ª Federal Court of Goiânia-GO. With this
collected documentary framework it was possible to verify that: 1. The lands are donated by
sesmaria; 2. About 65% of the land in the property results from the illegal appropriation of vacant
lands legalized by the judiciary; 3. The owner failed to fulfill the social function; 4. There were
landless families in the place with the possibility of usucapir, and; 5. The expropriation action has
lasted for more than 30 years. Finally, it is shown that the State had losses that pervade: 1. The
sesmarial donation; 2. The loss of unoccupied land; 3. Compensation that the expropriated should
not receive; 4. The acquisition of land unfit for agrarian reform. The results also show that the
value of the property, which used to be R$ 19.979.746,77, went to R$ 63.003.562,36, in benefit of
the expropriated property.
FERRETTI, K. D. Cadeia dominial e processo de desapropriação da Fazenda Acaba vida, Niquelândia-GO (1756 a 2021). 2021. 158 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Agronegócio) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.