Aspectos anatômicos do pênis, prepúcio e músculo retrator do pênis de bovinos das raças Gir e Nelore

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Professionals of reproduction are increasingly looking for a deeper study of the penis and prepuce for the selection of reproductors to avoid factors that may favor the development of diseases causing impotence coeundi. In the surgical area this knowledgment facilitate nerve blocks and surgical approaches. So, it was aimed to conduct a review of penis and prepuce focusing embryological aspects, postnatal development, anatomical and histological composition, muscular origin and insertion, blood and lymphatic irrigation and drainage, innervation and mechanism of erection and ejaculation and to study morphometric aspects of the penis, prepuce and penis retractor muscle of Gir and Nelore cattle. In the first study, we selected 40 bulls aged between 30 to 38 months, being 20 Nelore and 20 Gir. These animals were evaluated by clinical examination and specific terms of the genital tract, test libido and mating ability. Later, the animals were carried to the slaughterhouse, where anatomical parts of the penis and preputium were collected in order to perform the morphometry and dissection of the retractor muscles of the penis, which, regardless of race presented in pairs in all animals. The second vertebra was the site of origin of the penis retractor muscle in all animals studied. The insertion of the left retractor muscle of the penis was more distally than the right one. However, there was no association with any disease process, since all animals showed themselves able of carrying out mating. In the second study, it was selected 23 Nelore and 20 Gir bulls from different centrals of collection of semen in order to study the morphometry and the correlation of different body and preputial measures. The average length of the prepuce of Nelore and Gir bulls was 52.4 5.5 cm and 57 3.2 cm, respectively. In the third study, for the penile morphometry, it was used the anatomical specimens of the first experiment. The penis length was, on average, 71.96 and 75.73 cm, respectively for the Nelore and Gir bulls. Some morphological and morphometric parameters quantified in this work, as the length of the prepuce, the shortest distance from the preputial orifice to the abdominal wall, lower distance from the umbilicus to the abdominal wall, circunference of the preputial orifice, length of the glans and length of free part of the penis, are found to be important parameters to evaluation criteria in the selection of reproductors for phenotypic characteristics improvement or even for prevention of acquired diseases that affect the external genitalia of bulls.



MENDONÇA, Alberto Corrêa. Anatomical aspects of the penis, prepuce and penis retractor muscle of cattle Gir and Nellore. 2010. 90 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.