Caracterização experimental de túneis de vento para a análise de potencial eólico
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Wind tunnel is an equipment used to study aerodynamics, whose main function is to
provide high quality air flow in its test section. It makes possible to study the effects of
air flow around various aerodynamic or non-aerodynamic models (airfoils, blunt bodies,
anemometric towers, reduced models of civil structures and others). The qualities to be
satisfied when using a wind tunnel are: a low level of turbulent intensity at the entrance
of its test section, meaning uniformity in the speed and pressure fields and the height of
the boundary layer formed along the length of the test section. The knowledge of both
variables for the various ranges of use of the wind tunnel guarantees the appropriate
boundary conditions for the experiments and makes it a reliable measuring equipment.
For example, a high turbulent intensity can interfere considerably in the transition of the
boundary layer, generating undesirable effects. Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A. acquired
two wind tunnels, the purpose of which is the in-depth study of the wind power generation
system. To know the characteristics of the tunnels is essential in the exchange of technical
and scientific information, in the comparison of experimental results, in the extrapolation
of model parameters to the real scale and in the simulation of tests in Computational Fluid
Dynamics. Through experimental measures, using Pitot tubes and statistical tools such
as experimental planning techniques and analysis of variance (ANOVA), the turbulent
intensity of approximately 0.5% was found at wind tunnel (TV1) for speeds above 12.0m/s
and for speeds below 12.0m/s, the turbulent intensity increased up to 3.5% for speeds
around 5.0m/s. A method of controlling the height of the boundary layer is also presented,
in order to be able to study the wind potential of a given terrain.
Cardoso, F. M. R. Caracterização experimental de túneis de vento para a análise de potencial eólico. 2020. 111 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.