Memórias e identidade no/do lugar: o rádio na comunidade Patos-Temeroso no município de Gurinhatã-MG
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Taking into consideration the dynamics of our actual urbane society, we can infer that one of its main traces is the acceleration of communication and information speeds. However, this was revealed in a processual and different way at various parts of Earth. The dissertation had as research subject the comprehension about the insertion of radio, one of the main technologies of massive communication and information, at a rural community that differs historically and spacially of the lived actual dynamics. The locus is the rural community of Patos Temeroso, localized at Gurinhatã’s municipality at Minas Gerais. This community is placed amongst the mountains of Pontal, which difficults the access to inhabitants and visitants. In this way, the community, mainly because of being located at the rural space, has distinct dynamics than those lived by the urban high tech society. In order to the study be concretized, first, data research was made in institutional sites IBGE CIDADES and Prefeitura Municipal de Gurinhatã. Empirical research was unfollowed by six fieldworks (2015 and 2016) for the acquirement of primary data. The main proceeding was dialogues realized with the subjects that inhabit Temeroso’s community and those that went out of the place for diverse motives; the interview were without direction and with subjects which a snowball methodology. The recordings of the dialogues generated the transcriptions of around 30 hours of audio. Concomitantly with the empirical research, the theoretical foundation incurred by the means of reading and interpretation of books, scientific journals, dissertations and thesis available at physical libraries, Portal Periódicos Capes, SciHub and Google Scholar. The theoretical and empirical research occurred simultaneously, each feeding each other. It is comprehended that the insertion of radio at the community, as also of other technologies, influenced and intensified the sociocultural changes at the community. Otherwise, the subjects conform strategies that, at reality, allowed them to stay reproducing their logics, even though it was deeply altered. So, the subjects, even if they are in other place, if they don’t identify with it, will reaffirm that are from other place, in this case the Temeroso’s community. In order to do so, they create and unfollow elements that strengthen the power of memory, such as the anchor of place, and they transport them to the places they feel belonging. In this sense, the radio, as much as other communicational technologies, especially the internet, helps the continuity of those identitary strategies.
FREITAS, J. S. Memórias e identidade no/do lugar: o rádio na comunidade Patos-Temeroso no município de Gurinhatã-MG. 2017. 137 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.