A genealogia do conceito de perversão na obra freudiana
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The present research has the general objective of establishing the genesis and development of
the concept of perversion in Freud's work; and, as specific objectives, investigate the pre psychoanalytic notion of perversion, study the notion of perversion in Freud's first theory of
the psychic apparatus and investigate the concept of perversion in Freud after 1920. In this
sense, the research method in psychoanalysis is used , with a systematic approach in a
bibliographic review to delimit the topic, data collection, analysis and synthesis of the
information obtained. Thus, perversion initially starts from the medical-legal vision and
constitutes, in Freud's work, three major moments, the first around the Three essays on the
theory of sexuality of 1905, second around the text A child is beaten of 1919 and the third
moment around the text Fetishism of 1927. It is then understood that psychoanalysis
revolutionized, differentiating itself from the medicine of the time and understanding
perversion as a clinical structure alongside neurosis and psychosis.
MENEZES, K. C. A. A genealogia do conceito de perversão na obra freudiana. 2024. 112 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Faculdade de Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.