A política de EaD e as disciplinas semipresenciais: o caso da UEG - campus Goianésia

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This study analyzes the offer of semi-attendance subjects implemented at the State University of Goiás (UEG) – Goianésia campus, in the context of Distance Learning in Brazil, observing mainly the institutional trajectory; the academic management, organization and coordination; the infrastructure; the elaboration of specific materials; and the teaching formation and structuring work. In a view of building a qualitative approach, exploratory, documentary, a type case study is carried out. In addition to the bibliographic survey and the examination of legal, normative and institutional national scope documents, UEG, in particular, the field research contemplates semi-structured interviews and with focus groups and agents involved in the semi-attendance disciplines implementation process, specially managers, teachers and students. The treatment and the collected material analysis occur from the data triangulation combining sources and techniques that evidence the agents perception involved in the process. The research and exhibition include the following categories: academic and administrative management, infrastructure and technologies, teaching and pedagogical mediation. The construction of the study object and these categories, in particular, result from the dialogue with: Dourado (2001); Minayo et al. (2005); Souza (2006); Oliveira and Ferreira (2008); Draibe (2011); Rodrigues (2011); Minayo (2012); Lima (2013; 2014a; 2014b); Howlett, Ramesh and Perl (2013); Silva and Toshi (2015), among others, in articulation with the investigation process resulting from interviews, focus groups and documentary analysis. The research reveals a complexity public policy of higher education in Distance Learning (DL) considering theoretical and conceptual bases, contexts and the reforms examined, mainly, from the 1990s. This situation becomes even more significant with the expansion of distance learning in Brazil, especially considering the offer of distance workload in face-to-face undergraduate courses in public and private Higher Education Institution (HEIs). It was concluded that the DL policy, especially the offer of semi- attendance subjects in the face-to-face undergraduate courses, in UEG, was implemented in an accelerated way in the institution, especially at Goianésia, without a planning to receive and to structure the offer of this education modality. The research revealed the necessity of a broader and more critical assessment of the distance education policy at UEG and in its different campi, especially in terms of infrastructure investments, technologies and the teachers and technical-administrative staff qualification. It also showed the need of a continued agents involved training, in accordance with the specific demands and requirements, in a view of overcoming problems faced in the Distance Learning Education process implementation, accentuated in the administrative restructuring context of the University.



BERNARDES, Gisele Gomes Avelar. A política de EaD e as disciplinas semipresenciais: o caso da UEG - campus Goianésia. 2020. 314 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.