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Item "Da infância longínqua à ancianidade presente": tempos e vivências de Cora Coralina (séculos XIX - XX)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-19) Oliveira, Elis Regina da Silva; Valdez, Diane;; Valdez, Diane; Andrade, Ludmila Santos; Vieira , Ilma Socorro Gonçalves Vieira; Siqueira, Ebe Maria de Lima; Furtado, Rita Márcia MagalhãesThis thesis is linked to the State, Policies and History of Education research line of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Goiás. Sedimented in this field, the guiding threads intertwine literature, history and education with the purpose of bringing to light experiences socio-historical aspects of formal and informal education in the state of Goiás at the end of the 19th century, as well as female performance in the limitless society of Goiás in the 20th century. For this exercise of crossing knowledge and perspectives, we took the set of poetic works by Cora Coralina (1889-1985), published during her lifetime, as an object of study revealed from a historical time that unites ‘distant childhood with present age’. Cora Coralina, in her literary writing, demystified the romantic vision of childhood and portrayed a panorama of all the lives she carried within herself. In this mosaic of experiences, we find several images of the ways of instructing and educating children, youth and other stages of life. In view of this, we record the poet's writing state as a 'place of memory' and memories of an adult, distant in time, about her childhood and other times. With her reminiscences, Cora Coralina presents us with different ways of thinking about history, of reviving memory, of reconstituting space. This means that through the pages of the literary text a certain historical reality can be read and interpreted. The investigation has a bibliographic and documentary character, based on cultural history, articulated with the aesthetic elements of literary studies and the educational field. In this way, we understand literature as a problematizing art that transcends the temporal line and reveals everyday forms of life in the most diverse social groups, including childhood within this context. The research results demonstrated that the Coraliniano text, through representations, constitutes a significant source for analyzing facts and events in the City of Goiás during the defined period (end of the 19th century and part of the 20th). We also highlight Cora Coralina's sing as another voice that problematized the history of diverse experiences: childhood, ways of educating them, youth and female action in the face of patriarchal commands and excesses.Item Biografias de mulheres na história da educação: Benedicta Stahl Sodré, Branca Alves de Lima e Iracema Furtado Soares de Meireles (século XX)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-11) Dias, Ana Raquel Costa; Valdez, Diane;; ; Valdez, Diane; Panizzolo , Claudia; Rocha, Juliano Guerra; Fialho, Lia Machado Fiuza; Nicolini, CristianoLes vies et les noms des femmes sont importants, et les histoires des enseignantes sont des thèmes fondamentaux pour problématiser l'histoire de l'éducation brésilienne. À cet égard, cette thèse repousse les mécanismes de production et de reproduction qui ont historiquement tenté de réduire au silence les actions et les discours des femmes, en affrontant les dispositifs patriarcaux soutenus par une société représentée par des écrits historiques non pluriels. À cette fin, les noms et les vies de Benedicta Stahl Sodré (1900-1972), Branca Alves de Lima (1910-2001) et Iracema Furtado Soares de Meireles (1907-1982) ont été mis en évidence, en les biographiant historiquement au milieu de la proéminence des documents sur leurs écrits pédagogiques: Cartilha Sodré (1939/1940), Caminho Suave (1948) et A Casinha Feliz (1970). Il s'agit de femmes brésiliennes, blanches, de l'élite, enseignantes, normaliennes, femmes d'affaires et auteures de ces abécédaires et autres matériels pédagogiques. Des femmes, dont les histoires se rapprochent et s'éloignent, éminemment révélatrices d'émancipation, de confrontation et de résistance. La conscience féministe a soustendu cette thèse, nous permettant de comprendre l'importance de l'appartenance, de la prise de décision, des relations et des engagements qui entourent les vies biographiées. Le choix de la biographie historique comme méthode, compte tenu de son statut scientifique propre, repose sur un choix politique, privilégiant la construction d'une histoire diversifiée et articulée. L'objectif était de formuler, de comparer et d'analyser leurs biographies afin de comprendre les espaces qu'elles ont occupés et les époques dans lesquelles elles ont vécu. Benedicta, Branca et Iracema sont devenues le sujet de cette thèse lorsque nous avons trouvé des silences sur leurs histoires de vie, surtout si l'on considère que les abécédaires qu'elles ont écrits ont été largement diffusés, annoncés, propagés, adoptés et vendus avec le soutien du monde complexe des maisons d'édition, de la presse, des actions du gouvernement, des avis publics et d'autres moyens. Ils ont également fait l'objet de recherches universitaires et sont considérés par l'historiographie de l'éducation comme les manuels les plus populaires, les plus vendus et les plus adoptés du XXe siècle. Nous réalisons donc que les stigmates liés au genre peuvent être les principaux responsables des tentatives d'invisibilité, tout en spéculant sur la manière dont d'autres questions ont pu soutenir l'effacement, y compris les attentes de la famille, les choix éditoriaux, les relations de pouvoir et d'autres facteurs. Nous comprenons également l'importance des forces coercitives en place, ainsi que des choix, impositions et décisions individuels. Les chemins que nous avons parcourus nous ont permis de réfléchir aux contextes éducatifs, aux intentions et aux exigences dans les contextes politiques et sociaux. Nous avons voulu explorer la relation singulière des auteurs avec les univers dans lesquels ils se trouvaient, en observant leurs processus d'origine et d'action, en tant qu'êtres sociaux qui donnaient forme à leurs expériences et donnaient sens aux situations et aux actions qui conditionnaient leur existence. En réfléchissant à leurs trois vies, nous nous sommes concentrés sur leur éducation, leurs relations familiales, leur militantisme, leur enseignement, leurs productions scolaires et d'autres aspects. Le processus méthodologique a montré qu'au cours des dernières décennies, les travaux académiques sur la vie des femmes ont connu une augmentation notable, révélant des données sur les trajectoires qui sont précieuses pour comprendre les places occupées par les femmes qui ont travaillé dans l'éducation et leurs exigences. À cette fin, des recherches bibliographiques, de la littérature, des lettres, des invitations, des lois sur l'éducation, des comptes de médias sociaux, des registres du cadastre, des annonces posthumes, des entretiens, du matériel pédagogique produit par les biographes, des recherches universitaires et des sources provenant de la presse périodique nationale ont été utilisés par mesure de précaution, compte tenu de la période qui s'est écoulée entre la naissance et le décès des trois auteurs. Le traitement des collections numériques et des dépôts d'archives s'est avéré essentiel, car ils offraient une variété d'indices. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur la base théorique des discussions sur l'histoire de l'éducation brésilienne, l'histoire biographique et l'histoire des femmes, en donnant la priorité aux femmes auteurs de productions et de conceptions. Nous avons inscrit leurs noms et leurs vies dans l'histoire, sans délégitimer le prestige de leurs productions, mais en affirmant que Benedicta, Branca et Iracema sont plus grandes qu'elles. Ce sont des protagonistes de l'éducation brésilienne, comme tant d'autres femmes qui méritent que leur histoire soit révélée. Crayon en main, elles ont brisé le patriarcat dans les groupes scolaires, les écoles normales, les organisations sociales et politiques et la famille. Nous concluons que les temps sombres qui entourent la vie et les noms de Benedicta, Branca, Iracema et d'innombrables autres éducatrices et écrivaines ne sont plus, parce que les femmes écrivent sur les femmes et les dévoilent dans l'histoire.Item A Educação Física para além do capital(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-05-30) Kirsten, Milena de Lourdes Gomes; Ribeiro, Tadeu João Baptista;; Ribeiro, Tadeu João Baptista; Pietrafesa, José Paulo; Ventura, Paulo Roberto Veloso; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Taffarel, Celi Nelz ZulkeThis thesis investigates body movement as work in general. It starts from the assumption that bodily movement, through corporality, constituted the human essence and, under the capitalist mode of production, is alienated, distancing human beings from what brings them closer to their totality. Therefore, the body is understood as part of this totality without the fragmentation of body and mind. To support these considerations, we resorted to the theme of work, considering it as an ontological condition, just as human body movement is. The concept developed around corporality is understood as the manifestation and expression that is proper to the body in its expression of life. The theoretical perspectives investigated were, in particular, the implications of alienated body movement in the formation of men and women and the perspectives present in Physical Education of acting in a counter-hegemonic way in the spaces where it manifests itself, through qualitatively different pedagogical practices. In this sense, there is a centrality on Physical Education as an area of knowledge. Finally, the debate revolved around the possibilities of transforming the alienated bodily practices present in the educational proposals of the Landless Workers Movement (MST). The propositions present in this text were supported by authors such as Marx, Lukács, Adorno, Mészáros, among others.Item Os sentidos da unidade teoria e prática constituídos no estágio supervisionado em educação infantil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-16) Batista, Luciene; Araújo, Denise Silva;; Rosa, Sandra Valéria Limonta;; Rosa, Sandra Valéria Limonta; Suanno, Marilza Vanessa Rosa; Souza, Rosiris Pereira de; Silva, Kátia Augusta Curado Pinheiro Cordeiro da; Cruz, Shirleide Pereira da SilvaThe present investigation is part of the line of research Teacher Training and Professionalization and Educational Work. It proposes as a theme the unit theory and practice in supervised internship in Early Childhood Education. The guiding axis of the investigation presents the following problem: what meanings do students of the Pedagogy course attribute to the theory and practice unit in the perspective of supervised internship in Early Childhood Education? The general objective was to apprehend and analyze the meanings of the theory and practice unit constituted, in the supervised internship in Early Childhood Education, by students of the Pedagogy course at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás. The specific objectives include: Discussing the relationships and contradictions between the supervised internship in EI and the theory and practice unit in teacher training; identify how the supervised internship constitutes a privileged space and time for teacher training for Early Childhood Education; apprehend and analyze how Pedagogy students at the Faculty of Education at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) understand the theory and practice unit from their experiences in the supervised internship; understand the meanings of the theory and practice unit constituted in the experiences of the supervised internship in early childhood education, elaborated by the students. The research participants were students who were undergoing the internship or had already completed the supervised internship in Early Childhood Education of the Pedagogy Course at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás. We base the research theoretically and methodologically on historical-dialectical materialism, since the epistemology of praxis is the category of analysis of teacher training, investigated in this thesis in its concrete totality, one of the fundamental principles of the research's theoretical-methodological framework. We understand that concrete reality is constituted by complex social phenomena that are configured as antagonistic and contradictory and such phenomena are located in a certain historical time, therefore they have a transitory character, that is, they are not inert, they have a movement that generates transformations. We adopted as the main theoretical contributions of the research authors such as Antunes (2004; 2015), Curado Silva (2008; 2019), Dourado (2015; 2016; 2019), Gatti (2010; 2019), Harvey (1992); Kuenzer (2010), Lukács (1079), Marx (2011; 2017; 2001; 2004; 1978; 1984; 1980), Marx; Engels (2001), Mészáros (2011), Pimenta (2020); Saviani (1984; 2013), Shiroma (2003; 2017); Vazquez (2011). For the analysis of research data, we started from the theoretical-methodological categories meanings and senses, and based the discussion on Vygotsky (1996; 2009); Leontiev (2004); Aguiar (2006); Aguiar; Ozella (2006; 2013); Aguiar; Soares; Machado (2015); Aguiar; Machado (2016). Based on the adopted methodology, five core meanings were elaborated, constituted as explanatory categories of the meanings and senses of the theory and practice unit established in the supervised internship in Early Childhood Education, namely: 1) Ambiguities and contradictions in the identification with the Pedagogy course; 2) Meanings of teaching – contradictions between theory and practice; 3) Learning through practice: the contradictory movement of the teacher training process; 4) Meetings and Disagreements between the Institution of Early Childhood Education (EI) and the University in the supervised internship; 5) Relationships and Contradictions of the meanings of the theory and practice unit in the supervised internship. The contradictions observed in relation to the meanings and meanings indicated two fundamental categories for their understanding: pragmatism and praxis. The analysis of the frequency of these categories allowed us to infer that they are mediated, concomitantly, by pragmatic processes, by the emphasis given to practice in the formative process, an aspect that is strongly disseminated and present in current hegemonic policies and at the same time by praxis, due to the awareness regarding the importance of theory to support practice. In this investigation, we defend the importance of praxis and work as an educational and formative principle in the entire formation of professionals in Early Childhood Education and in the particularity of the supervised internship at this level of education, as we understand that theory and practice need to be understood dialectically as inseparable dimensions, although they are different. From this perspective, we understand that, in order to promote teacher training and bring about changes in pedagogical practices, it is fundamental to support theory, in order to achieve a transformed and transforming praxis.Item Currículo do ensino médio, governamentalidade e subjetivação neoliberal: o caso do Centro-Oeste(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-06) Marques, Danielle Araújo Ferreira; Oliveira, João Ferreira de;; Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Assis, Lúcia Maria de; Alves, Miriam Fábia; Oliveira, Valdirene Alves de; Gouveia, Andréa BarbosaThis thesis, entitled High School Curriculum, Governmentality and Neoliberal Subjectivation: Brazil’s Midwest Case, is part of the research group State, Policies and History of Education, of the Graduate Program in Education, at the Federal University of Goiás. Among the mechanisms for materializing the reform of Secondary Education, put into practice through Provisional Measure No. 746, in September 2016, later converted into Law No. 13.415, in February 2017, there is the institution of a Common National Curriculum Base for High School (BNCC-EM), approved in December 2018. The BNCC-EM is effectively materialized in schools through the Curriculum Documents proposed by the States of the federation for the Secondary Education. Considering the impact of the institution of these new curricular paradigms for young Brazilian students, mainly regarding the neoliberal discourse propagated through the reformist context and the approval of a basis for the secondary curriculum, an attempt was made to investigate the proposed curricular policies in the states of the Midwest region of Brazil after the approval of BNCC-EM. Specifically, the objective was to analyze the Curriculum Documents approved by the States of Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás and the Federal District, seeking to examine the discourses proposed by them and how they approach or distance themselves from the neoliberal discursive practice instituted by the secondary reform and BNCC-EM. The theoretical framework that permeates the understanding of the researched context considers the premise that the State is crossed by neoliberal ideas and, at the same time, constituting itself through its norms, reflects and materializes them in the policies it promotes, thus contributing to the institution of subjectivities that are consistent with them, as discussed by Dardot and Laval (2016), Safatle (2021), among other authors. The curriculum field, as well as the field of education, in this way, is conceived in the midst of disputes for hegemony and, therefore, is understood here as a construction that reflects interests, as pointed out by Apple (2006), but which also builds discourses, as analyzed by Lopes (2019) and Lopes and Macedo (2011). As a methodological instrument, but also as a field that contributes to the theoretical understanding of the research, the Critical Discourse Analysis proposed by Norman Fairclough (1989, 2010, 2012, 2016) was used, understanding that its contributions are consistent with the critical perspective with which it was intended to develop the discussion and the problematizations done. The analyzes indicate that the Curriculum Documents of the Midwest region of Brazil are close to the reformist neoliberal context and, more specifically, to BNCC-EM, while using terms and expressions indiscriminately, as well as discourses that naturalize and legitimize the ills that are consequence of the neoliberal context, seeking to institute subjectivities that incorporate values of adaptability and resilience, even though coated with the defense of responsibility and flexibility which would contribute to the development of Brazilian society. However, as these documents were built by different agents of the educational field, other discourses were also observed that, even timidly, seek to contrast the meanings that intend to be hegemonic, putting on the agenda structural questions of the neoliberal order that continue to impact the educational field of the Secondary Education, what could contribute to the establishment of new discursive practices that effectively favor young Brazilian students.Item Socialização, diferença e destino: a experiência trans(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-08-28) Cassimiro, Hugo Leonnardo; Bernardes, Adriana Pereira;; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo;; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Viana, Cynthia Maria Jorge; Roure, Glacy Queirós de; Soares, Renata Leite; Miranda, Marília Gouvea deEsta investigación de doctorado, desarrollada en el Programa de Postgrado en Educación, en la línea de investigación Fundamentos de los Procesos Educativos, tuvo como objetivo comprender cómo las regulaciones sociales relacionadas a la diferencia sexual están implicadas en la experiencia de personas trans, o sea, interesa comprender la experiencia trans por la mediación de los procesos de socialización o, antes, de los procesos educativos. La diferencia sexual es objeto de interés, debate y control por parte de diferentes grupos, organizaciones e instituciones a lo largo de la historia y se inscribe en el debate entre naturaleza y cultura. La relación del sujeto con la cultura, como desarrollada a partir de Freud, y las determinaciones de las condiciones de objetivación y subjetivación en la realidad, como postulada por Marx, son basilares en la orientación teórica de ese análisis. En este sentido, las personas trans incorporan rasgos regulados como característicos de grupos diferentes de aquel al que se dirigieron en la relación con grupos, organizaciones e instituciones - como la familia, la escuela, la religión, la ciencia y el estado - y transforman rasgos de la diferencia sexual en el cuerpo con el auxilio de los instrumentos culturales desarrollados por las formas históricas del trabajo. Para desarrollar la investigación que se sintetiza en ese trabajo se buscó comprender el proceso de socialización del sujeto, la constitución histórica de modelos de regulación de la diferencia genital a partir de fuentes bibliográficas y se adoptó la técnica de historia de vida visando aprehender el proceso de socialización, la constitución y la socialización del sujeto, a partir de la historia que el mismo narra acerca de sí. Cinco personas narraron sus historias: dos mujeres transexuales, una de ellas también intersexual; Una mujer travesti; Y dos hombres transexuales. Las narrativas fueron organizadas a partir de los temas sobre los cuales el sujeto habló, lo que orientó la identificación de las categorías que componen la experiencia narrada: diferencia, destino y (trans)formación. La transformación de las características físicas de la diferencia sexual inscrita en el cuerpo es la dimensión más aparente en la experiencia trans. Sin embargo, la transformación incide también sobre los límites tanto a los aparatos invertidos en el cuerpo como ropas y accesorios como en cuanto al modo de expresarse a través del cuerpo, en la voz, en los gestos o en los movimientos. Todo ello implica también enfrentar las regulaciones sociales que dirigen al sujeto a grupos determinados y establecen límites entre estos grupos y, principalmente, implican la constitución de vínculos de identificación que admitan la diferencia y auxilien en el enfrentamiento de la agresividad y en la ruptura con los destinos culturalmente establecidos para la diferencia sexual. El sujeto de la experiencia trans marca, así, sus identificaciones en el cuerpo por la incorporación de aparatos y transformación de partes del cuerpo.Item O gesto profissional docente em creches: o visível e o invisível(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Silva, Ana Carolina Giannini; Alves, Wanderson Ferreira;; Alves, Wanderson Ferreira; Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira; Machado, Maria Izabel; Melo, Kenia Abbadia de; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros deThis thesis discusses the teaching work in day-care school centers, in particular, the professional gestures performed by the teachers in the concreteness of real work, questioning the invisibility of the knowledge put into action in schools by those professionals. The general objective is to understand how, individually and collectively, professional gestures are constituted in teaching activity with children aged 0 to 3 years in a Brazilian public day-care school center located in the interior of São Paulo state, Brazil. The research is characterized as a Case Study and has as theoretical-methodological basis the Ergological approach and the Activity Clinic. Eight teachers who work in the municipal public day-care school center participated in the investigation. The field research took place through moments of participant observation and of simple and crossed self-confrontation devices. The text is structured, in addition to the introductory section, in two parts. Part I contains chapters two, three, four and five and aims to present the course of the investigation and the research theoretical framework. In chapter two, the justifications that guided the choice of the empirical field are presented, problematizing the object of study and describing the investigation process stages. In the third chapter, the concepts about the definition of ‘profession’ and the notion of ‘qualification’ are outlined, in order to understand the problem of social recognition of work. In the fourth chapter, we present the theoretical-methodological foundations of Ergology and Clinical Activity, which are the approaches that supported our teaching work analyzes. Chapter five brings a synthetic review of the socio-historical constitution of the teaching profession in day-care center from the moment of its creation and expansion until the present moment, presenting the studies’ contributions about the nature of the teaching work, its knowledge and its specificity. Part II presents the empirical field researched and the participating teachers in the research, as well as the situated analysis of the teaching work. This part comprises chapters six and seven. In chapter six, it is exposed the research results, presenting the empirical field and the participating teachers, opening a discussion about the articulations between prescribed work and real work. Chapter seven deals specifically with the professional gestures. As main conclusions, the study points out four professional gestures in the day-care school center: conducting the routine; guiding affectionate dialogue; care in action; and holding the baby. The constitution of these gestures is permeated by knowledge, values and activity. The teachers' knowledge is woven in a dialectic in which the teachers need to manage the knowledge in non-adherence with the knowledge in adherence. In this sense, two types of knowledge – non-coincident and invested with singular importance – cross the professional gesture: the experience knowledge and the theoretical-scientific knowledge.Item Gênero, sexualidade e educação na ANPEd: uma análise bourdieusiana do GT 23(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-02-28) Barbosa, Jaqueline Aparecida; Real, Márcio Penna Corte;; Real, Márcio Penna Corte; Alves, Míriam Fábia; Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Noleto, Sylvana de Oliveira Bernardi; Gomide, Cristina HelouThis investigation had the National Association of Post-Graduation and Research in Education as locus and intended to examine the process of constitution, consolidation, and the most relevant elements of the Working Group 23 - Gender, Sexuality, and Education. Further it proposed to analyze a dominant group within it, noting the strategies mobilized by social agents and how they influenced their positions and participation in the WG’s activities. The fundamental theoretical-methodological interlocution was based on the works of Pierre Bourdieu, especially those about his incursions on the consolidation of a method, the defense of an economy of symbolic goods, and as well as the use of the concepts of field and subfield. Qualitative research was used for which we listed as instruments the documentary and bibliographical research, the systematic survey of the works on gender, sexuality, and education presented at the National Meetings of ANPEd from 2004 to 2021, and the reference to testimonials available in videos and texts on the internet. As a result, we ascertained the permanency of WG’s production, such as an abiding of the geographical origin of its researchers. But, also, we noticed small transformations, such as the use of the gender’s concept in substitution of “woman” and the gradual increase of male researchers working with gender and sexuality. The reports’ readings stated that the initiative in approaching the receptive institutional apparatus came from the WG, which generated a fertile collaboration between the spheres in the period of 2005 to 2016. After that, between 2017-2022, there was an accelerated demands’ deinstitutionalization process of WG 23 and other progressive social movements. The UFRGS and GEERGE, according to Guacira Lopes Louro and Dagmar Estermann Meyer’s work, appear strongly in the constitution of a dominant group in WG 23, and, despite the regional inequality is still a reality, other researchers emerge as important references in the expansion of the number of works in their regions.Item Educação e humanismo real: uma proposta no ventre do capitalismo tardio (provisório)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-01-31) Paula, Weber Mendes de; Zanolla, Silvia Rosa da Silva;; Zanolla, Silvia Rosa da Silva; Pereira, Márcia Ferreira Torres; Fontes, Paulo Vitorino; Ribeiro, Sandro Henrique; Oliveira Neto, Pedro Adalberto Gomes deThe stage of development we have reached as humanity is not satisfatory in terms of humanization, and it brings perplexity when we compare the level of satisfaction of people’s needs with the development of technique (ADORNO; HORKHEIMER, 198), because the sufferings that afflict us, especially the psychic ones, constant target of domination processes of the subjectivity by the objective universe (ADORNO, 1995b), are increasingly common facts, although their capitalist executioners are not clearly revealed “(…) loaded with ideological processes that lead to lies and alienation and, consequently, to adaptation to the social context of violence and cultura blindness” (TERRA, 2021b, p. 142). If, on one hand, this scenario has in the mainstream media one of its main elements of support, because the disclosure of the facts “(…) dispenses men from the process of knowledge by itself, as well as the idea that, to know and experience, it is enough to see, watch a certain program, that is, it is enough to cosume autonomousy” (ZANOLLA; PONTES, 2021, p. 80), on the other hand, the facts disseminated by the media are 1 Categoria em elaboração que pretende se constituir de elementos do humanismo e da educação crítica Adorniana. articulated to a managed culture (ADORNO; HORKHEIMER, 1985), and to an education for adaptation to the existing (ADORNO, 2003a). In this way, people’s physical and mental compromises are intensified to intense levels. To mitigate this suffering, to debar (ADORNO, 2003b) is something urgent and, for this motivation, the dissimilar humanism is proposed as a category that aims to constitute itself from arguments materiazlied in the ethical side of humanism, and the critical theory of sociedty, especially Adornian; articulating education and culture for the need of resistance to the state of real barbarism sustained by the administered rationality, which maintains the ‘transcendental human being’ as an ideal type of unreason (ADORNO, 1995a). To this end, and education for resistance to the existing is proposed, and, in effect, a culture for more human relations notes that outline the horizon that guides this dissimilar humanis. The term dissimilar is used by Adorno in some of his works. In negative dialectics, in one of the passages where this term is used, dealing with Being and beings, Adorno refers to “(...) the Greek dispute about whether it is the similar or the dissimilar that knows the similar (...)” (ADORNO, 2009, P 131), and goes on to state that the thesis that only the similar can know the similar, for the theory of knowledge would produce, in effect, “(...) the false consequence that the object is the subject. Traditional philosophy claims to know what is unlike, insofar as it makes it similar to itself, despite only really knowing itself” (ADORNO, 2009, p 131). The term dissimilar refers to the idea of non-identical, which appears in an illuminating way in another work by Adorno. “As truly non-identical, the object is the further removed from the subject, the more the subject constitutes the object” (ADORNO, 1995a, p 196). Subject and objects are not opposed, they are not identical, subject and object are constitutive, they are non-identical. (ADORNO, 1995a).Item Educação do corpo, práticas corporais e o movimento reformador do novo ensino médio brasileiro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-01-30) Rodrigues, Renato Ribeiro; Baptista, Tadeu João Ribeiro;; Baptista, Tadeu João Ribeiro; Alves, Míriam Fábia; Alves, Amone Inácia; Bungenstab, Gabriel Carvalho; Wascheck, Murilo de CamargoIn capitalist society there is a specific determination for the education of the body. Education, work and capital are articulated in formal education, in school education and in public school. Inserted in this process, school Physical Education is crossed by the educational orientation reform movement that, in its current historical form, is known as New High School. In this perspective, the research had as its object the education of the body in brazilian public High School. The epistemological challenge was related to body practices aimed at young people in the school context. The general objective was to analyze which senses and meanings the New High School legitimizes for bodily practices in formal education in brazilian public High School. The specific objectives were: to identify which understandings about body education can be apprehended in the analysis of national public school education, when observed in the context of culture, the place of knowledge in the essence of educational processes and school practices; understand socio-historical-cultural senses and meanings of body education in the reality of the structure, organization and functioning of Brazilian public school education in contemporary times; to analyze how this body education is configured in the specificity of the school processes of the Physical Education component; and raise elements that dialogue with the sociocultural transformations of the world of work, in order to enhance the discussion of a public school education that promotes the human development of students. The research methodology considered historical-dialectical materialism as a theoretical, epistemological and methodological assumption. As a methodological procedure, documentary research was used, with an exploratory character and under a critical-dialectical approach. By understanding the most recent movement of reforms of educational guidelines in the time frame from 2016 to 2018, only one brazilian curricular reference was analyzed. From the regional selection, the Documento Curricular Para Goiás – Etapa Ensino Médio was chosen. The results indicate that there is a direct relationship between corporal practices in Physical Education at school and the contents and specific forms of corporal education suggested by the capitalist mode of production, molding students to a future condition of productive force consistent with the needs of capitalist society. It is stated that it is necessary to build another High School.Item Programa de Mestrado Profissional para Professores da Educação Básica (ProEB): o caso da Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-01-27) Barcelos, Lorena Bernardes; Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira;; Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira; Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Teixeira, Ricardo Antônio Gonçalves; Santos, Catarina de Almeida; Batista, Erlinda MartinsThis study has as object of investigation the Professional Master's Program for Basic Education Teachers (ProEB), specifically, the courses offered at the Federal University of Goiás, namely: the Professional Master's Degree in Mathematics in National Network (ProfMat); the National Professional Master's Program in Physics Teaching (ProFis) and the Professional Master's in Physical Education (ProEF). The research has as its main guiding question: How was the implementation of professional master's degrees within the scope of UAB at UFG and what status are these programs? The main objective is to understand how the implementation process of the ProEB courses at UFG occurred and how the distance modality is used in these masters, considering their link to the Open University System of Brazil (UAB). A case study with a qualitative approach was undertaken, which includes bibliographical and documental analyses, in addition to data collection through structured interviews. In this sense, the chosen methodological approach was the cycle of qualitative research proposed by Minayo (2015), structured in three phases: exploratory, with the mapping of previous studies on the object; fieldwork, with documentary research and interviews with program managers; the analysis and treatment of data, when the documents and the contributions of the interviews were collated, from the perspective of content analysis (BARDIN, 2016). The theoretical framework established to support the reflections consists of two strands: the first, on stricto sensu postgraduate studies in Brazil and professional master's degrees for teacher training, includes authors such as Alves;Oliveira (2014); Azevedo; Oliveira; Catani (2016); Coast; Cruz Duran (2012); Cury (2005, 2009); Oliveira; Lima (2018, 2019); Oliveira; Oliveira (2011); Golden (2015, 2018). The second strand of the theoretical basis includes distance education and the Open University system in Brazil, with authors such as Alonso (2010); Belloni (2002); Cross; Lima (2019); Lencastre (2013); Lima (2013, 2014). The time frame established for the study is between 2011 (implementation of ProEB) and 2019. The results show that UFG was a pioneer in joining the ProfMat, ProFis and ProEF networks, which reiterates the institution's commitment to teacher training policies. It was also observed that despite the financing of the Programs by the UAB System, the distance education modality is not used in any of the programs, with even a declared refusal to use it, which indicates that, despite the relevance of these programs for the improvement of Brazilian educational indicators, there is disagreement with one of the main assumptions of the UAB: the consolidation of distance education in Brazil. Furthermore, the research showed that prejudice persists in relation to professional master's degrees, despite the fulfillment of the objectives proposed by these coursesItem Atuação de professoras na região da prelazia de São Félix do Araguaia (Mato Grosso - 1979/1989)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-22) Carneiro, Alessandra Pereira; Valdez, Diane;; Valdez, Diane; Alves, Amone Inácia; Paganini, Vera Lúcia Alves Mendes; Santos, Alessandra de Oliveira; Vicente, Keides BatistaPostgraduation Program in Education (PPGE/FE-UFG, in Portuguese), whose title is Female Teachers Acting in the Prelacy of Saint Felix of the Araguaia Region - Mato Grosso (1978/1989), shows the trajectory of life of five female educators who carried out a social work based on actions of resistance and confrontation, proposing a social and political reflection approach in the Prelacy of Saint Felix of the Araguaia region. It especially intended to know if teachers Dagmar’s, Judite’s, Luiza’s, Sueli’s, and Maria Benvinda’s life stories have to do with their teaching practices in the Prelacy of Saint Felix. This thesis is written from narratives of these teachers, compared afterwards with other documents, newspapers, legislation, memorial, literature, and others, since history-based researches consist of finding, gathering, organizing, and analyzing the sources. It was intended not only to reveal the historical trajectories of the teachers, but also to visualize the educational practices of the women that dedicated themselves to teaching in a region of conflicts and disputes, politically remaining in favor of a teaching style towards freedom. The time frame of this thesis goes from 1978 to 1989, a period that is taken as for the beginning of the courses designed for the formation of the new teachers in the 1980s, when they worked in schools and other teaching institutions. Methodologically, it brings testimonies of teachers along with the perspective of life story as well as oral history and academic productions such as theses, dissertations, articles, and other materials. It considers, in its conclusion, that the teachers’ stories and trajectories indicate their social places were taken with resistance and confrontations in the construction of the right to a quality education, the right to a public, critical and liberating education. They were into a space, the Prelacy of Saint Felix, that provided a kind of work that gathered conditions to offer a critical education, one that aimed the construction of freedom in the molds of the Freirean education.Item Deslocamentos, confluências e matizes do conhecimento psicológico na pesquisa sobre educação infantil no Brasil (1999-2020)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-01-27) Lemos, Adriane Guimarães de Siqueira; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo;; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Gebrim, Virginia Sales; Queiroz, Edna Mendonça Oliveira de; Urt, Sonia da CunhaThis research is part of the Foundations of Educational Processes line and aims to investigate conceptions of psychology that underlie the academic production on early childhood education. This is a survey of the state of knowledge, considering theories and conceptions that inform the understanding of the child from 0 to 6 years and its constitutive/formative processes in articles, dissertations and theses published between 1999 and 2020. From a critical perspective, the theoretical bases that support the conceptions announced in this production are analyzed, in whose treatment and analysis a multiplicity of references was verified, with the reduction of psychological contributions and the approximation of sociological contributions for the explanation of the child's constitutive processes. The delineation of these foundations reveals the thesis that the foundations of psychology in the production that investigates early childhood education have developed, historically, in a fractured way. Different strands, various explanations, concepts and conceptions were amalgamated, constituting the form-content that has guided research on early childhood education, that is, the fractured explanation of the child's constitutive processes. And this occurs in the wake of society's objective demands, not infrequently disregarding the original and sustaining foundations of the concepts and contributions of psychology. The displacement of this scientific production towards the sociology of the foundations does not change this condition. Rather, it is an expression of the fracture, since the redefinition of the place of children and childhood in the central proposal of the main sociological strand that guides the production analyzed, the Sociology of Childhood, does not do without contributions from psychology. Foundations or rudiments of psychology are, thus, subsumed in the sociological foundations, due to structuring and functional requirements that demand research answers dynamically compatible with the current structural conditions. This is a fractured psychology that reposes the child-society tension. The social fracture composes the relation psychology-education in the production that investigates early childhood education, engendering answers for the explanation of the child in its constitutive processes and formative proposals also fractured. It is also of the social-historical context the demand for fractured and non-totalizing explanatory systems.Item Fundamentos do conhecimento científico para a formação humana em Theodor Adorno e Max Horkheimer(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-01-31) Bernardes, Giselle Carvalho; Chaves, Juliana de Castro;; Chaves, Juliana de Castro; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Viana, Cynthia Maria Jorge; Silva, Maria Isabel Formoso Cardoso eThe aim of this thesis was to reveal the foundations of formative scientific knowledge in Theodor Adorno (1903-1969) and Max Horkheimer (1895-1973), authors of the Critical Theory of Society, also known as the Frankfurt School. This is a theoretical research carried out from the analysis of the texts: “The concept of enlightenment” and “Excurso I: Ulisses or myth and Enlightenment”, both from 1947, “Semi-formation theory”, from 1959, “Education - what for?”, from 1966, “Education after Auschwitz”, from 1967, “Education against barbarism”, from 1968, “About subject and object”, from 1969, “Marginal notes on theory and praxis”, 1969, “Traditional Theory and Critical Theory”, from 1937, and “Means and Ends”, from 1941. From the analysis of the debates carried out by the authors in the interweaving between knowledge, reason and formation, the categories “Contradiction”, “Reason reflexive criticism”, “Primacy of the object”, “Articulation between whole and part, universal and particular” and “Theory and praxis”, which establish relationships towards the constitution of a knowledge that resists instrumental reason, capable of guiding training for emancipation. Thus, it is concluded that for the two authors there is a certain type of scientific knowledge that is linked to human formation.Item Didática x hegemonia: questões teóricas e epistemológicas(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-01-27) Moura, Mariana do Vale; Alves, Amone Inácia;; Alves, Amone Inácia; Pietrafesa, José Paulo; Magalhães, Solange Martins Oliveira; Ximenes, Priscilla de Andrade Silva; Silva, Elsieni Coelho daThis thesis is linked to the research line “Training, Teacher Professionalization and Educational Work” of the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE) of the Education Faculty (FE) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), also integrates the Network of Researchers on Teachers from the Midwest (REDECENTRO). We dedicate ourselves to Didactics’ theme, taking as an object of study the relationship between Didactics and Hegemony. Through a qualitative approach, we sought in bibliographic the necessary conditions to carry out the methodological research. We support the Historical-Dialectic Materialism (MHD) as a study method that guides the theoretical, practical, methodological and epistemological understanding of the thesis, guiding us through a critical and counter-hegemonic perspective of understanding the concrete reality and the study’s object. Therefore, our problem questions are: “What is the origin of the relationship between didactics and hegemony? How was the relationship between didactics and hegemony built throughout the history of education and didactics? How do contemporary approaches to didactics understand the relationship between didactics and hegemony? How is this relationship present in the production of current knowledge in the field of didactics present in the last ten editions of GT 04 – ANPED Didactics?”. Through this questioning, we used the category of historicity to build the theory and social context that provided conditions for the emergence of didactics within the context of education and for the epistemological understanding of the concept/category of hegemony. Our general objective is “to understand how the didactic relationship and hegemony can contribute as a revolutionary praxis in human emancipation and in the transformation of society”. The specific objectives are: 1) To understand the concept of hegemony from a gramscian point of view, with attention to the way in which the relationship between education, didactics, hegemony and capitalist society was built throughout historical time, starting from their origins; 2) To theoretically understand education and didactics as powers of transformation or social conformation, based on the relations established with hegemony, through the rescue of the historicity of didactics; 3) Present and analyze the main elements that make up the pedagogical ideas of contemporary approaches to didactics to understand how they understand and how the relationship between didactics and hegemony is set in the following approaches: Didactics of Critical-Social Pedagogy of Contents; Didactics of Historical-Historical Pedagogy criticism; Didactics of Liberating Pedagogy; Developmental Didactics; Multidimensional Didactics; Complex and Transdisciplinary Didactics; Intercultural Didactics; and Sensitive Didactics; 5) To analyze how the current scientific productions published in the last ten editions of the Didactics Working Group (GT 04 – Didactics) of ANPED bring and understand hegemony, didactics and the relationship between hegemony and didactics; as well as reflecting on didactics as a field of knowledge beyond hegemony. To carry out the analysis of scientific productions related to didactics and hegemony over ten editions of ANPED we used the categories used in Historical-Dialectic Materialism, namely historicity, dialectic, alienation, contradiction, among others. The results indicate that the relationship between didactics and hegemony was not present in contemporary approaches to didactics, as well as in the knowledge production of GT 04 – ANPED Didactics.Item As universidades federais e o novo normal: ofensivas neoliberais em tempos de pandemia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-01-30) Morais, Frederico Dourado Rodrigues; Miranda, Marilia Gouvea de;; Miranda, Marilia Gouvea de; Chaves, Juliana de Castro; Costa, Claudia Lucia da; Bittar, Mona; Guimarães, GedThis work, resulting from research carried out along with the research line Fundamentals of Educational Processes of the Graduate Program in Education at FE/UFG, seeks to understand how the pandemic may have been a catalyst for the adoption and/or advancement of neoliberal proposals for federal universities, from the perspective that we would live a "new normal". The objective is to understand the actions adopted in the institutional and academic scope by federal universities during the pandemic, identifying how these actions implemented or combat the mercantile and utilitarian perspective of a university advocated by neoliberalism. To this end, a documentary and bibliographical research was carried out, highlighting some key authors: CHAUÍ, HARVEY, KLEIN, LEHER, SAAD-FILHO, SLOBODIAN e SILVA JÚNIOR. The documentary analysis was based on the study of the minutes of the University Councils of five federal universities, each one representing the five Brazilian regions: the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Goiás (UFG), Minas Gerais (UFMG), Pará (UFPA) and Santa Maria/RS (UFSM). The bibliographic study was carried out in journal articles, obtained from two research sources - the CAPES Journal Portal and Google Scholar published between 2020 and 2022 and which brought questions related to the “new normal” and universities. The thesis is organized into three chapters, where the first two seek to contextualize neoliberalism, understanding its foundations and specificities, delimiting its current stage and thus analyzing its developments in Brazil for higher education and in particular its relationship with public universities. And the third with a study of the developments of the studies carried out in the first two and that move to understand the trends that would be being presented to, mainly higher education institutions, as “new”, fruit of the perspective of a “new normal” that society would present itself after the pandemic. With the accomplishment of the research, it was verified the advance of neoliberalism potentiated by the context of the pandemic from the privatizing processes of knowledge, in an adaptation of the institutions to the “new normal”, leveraged by the innovations arising from the technologies of communication and information.Item Trabalho docente, racionalidade técnica e adoecimento: um olhar à luz da teoria crítica da sociedade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-30) Santos, Jussimária Almeida dos; Zanolla, Silvia Rosa da Silva;; Zanolla, Silvia Rosa da Silva; Scarel, Estelamaris Brant; Fontes, Paulo Vitorino; Crochik, José Leon; Alves, Wanderson FerreiraTaking as theoretical reference the perspective of the Frankfurt School Critical Theory of Society, especially from the analysis of Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer and Herbert Marcuse, this research proposed to reflect on the relationship of teacher illness in interface with technical rationality in the context of the administered world and how this resonates in the process of division, precariousness, expropriation and alienation in labor relations. The goal was to examine the implications of work on teachers' lives, especially in terms of physical and mental health in the socio-political and cultural spheres. Some analyses were formulated based on Karl Marx's work as a category, which served as a guide to delineate the investigation about the process of getting sick in relation to work, given the conflicts inherent to a process of technical and technological transformations in capitalist society. In the context of this contradiction, teachers are faced with a crisis of teachers' uneasiness, suffering and, consequently, in getting sick, allowing us to resort to Georges Canguilhem and Sigmund Freud to deal with the aspects between health and disease, as well as the (im)possibilities of the "cure" in which the body is the main source of suffering in the relationship with the infidelities of the environment. This is justified in work situations as an educational action, because there is a "dynamic polarity of life". Among the main discussions, the cultural industry stood out in the process of (pseudo)formation, which involves the teacher in a stage of conformism in front of the media, uncritically influencing his/her teaching performance. Finally, another dimension revealed in this study in interlocution with the Frankfurtian critical theory, refers to the analytical contribution of the research on mental health and illness at work, conducted by Christophe Dejours and Edith Seligmann-Silva, in which they reaffirm the phenomenon of illness as an impediment to the quality of life in the context of the organization and work relations. From this perspective, these authors signaled the ways of dealing with illness at work, indicating resistance by intervening in the work space and in the organization, thus avoiding work structures that make people ill, this perspective does not ignore the contradictions referring to social limits and normative issues referring to biological aspects.Item Educação nos espaços de privação de liberdade em Goiás: tensões, contradições e desafios(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-19) Silva, Lucas Lourenço; Machado, Maria Margarida;; Machado, Maria Margarida; Alves, Miriam Fábia; Alves, Amone Inácia; Mainardes, Jefferson; Julião, Elionaldo FernandesThis research analyzes the education policies in prisons performed in Brazil in the last two decades, with special attention to its materialization in the state of Goiás. The guiding question of the analysis is to comprehend if the legal regulations and their effectiveness are contributing to the guarantee of the right to education of people that are deprived of liberty, starting from the more specific analysis of the effectiveness of the State Educational Plan in Prisons in Goiás (PEEPGO, 2012-2015). The research uses the contributions of Stephen Ball in the analysis of the policy cycle, this being a theoretical reference marker. It is anchored, also, in the theories of Foucault, Goffman, Berger, P., and Berber, B. to think of the prison as a social institution; and in the reflections of Julião for the comprehension of the context of the education policies in Brazil. The theoretical and methodological frameworks assisted in the data analysis, registered in the official platforms of the National Survey of Penitentiary Information (Infopen), of the System of Information of the National Penitentiary Department (Sisdepen), of the National Penitentiary Department (Depen), and of the Secretariat of Education and Culture of the State of Goiás (Seduc-GO), priority sources of investigation. For purposes of research exposure, in addition to the Introduction and Final Considerations, this dissertation is composed of four other sections: the second section has a survey of works already performed with themes facing prison education, the context of international influences, and prison as an institution. The third section is dedicated to the study of the legislation of prison education. The fourth section has an analysis of the state plans of education in the prisons of the federal units, while the fifth section presents the study of the State Educational Plan in Prisons in Goiás (PEEPGO, 2012-2015). The research results demonstrate that, after the implementation of the PEEPs (2012-2014, and 2015-2017), there was no increase in the total enrollments in school education, because in 2012 there were 11% of Brazilian prisoners studying and, in 2017, this percentage fell to 9,6%. The information systems reveal that there was an increase of 276% in educational activities, considering also those that are not educational. In Goiás, the attendance stayed below 10% during the validity of the PEEPs, having an increase of 200% during the pandemic, during which the non-attendance classes were authorized (Reanp), which the prisoners performing individualized studies or being monitored by other prisoners. It is concluded that there is a exclusion of the people in situation of deprivation or liberty restriction to the educative processes in schools, having a makeup of data, with the oversizing of the offer in educational activities, but without the commitment with the social quality of basic education, a constitutional right in Brazil.Item A trama faustina da captura do trabalho docente do sistema Universidade Aberta do Brasil pelo capital: o caso da Universidade Federal do Tocantins(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-01-20) Diniz, Juliane Aparecida Ribeiro; Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira;; Lima, Daniela da Costa Britto Pereira; Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Alves, Míriam Fábia; Dourado, Luiz Fernandes; Moreira, Marcelo JoséThe current thesis dissertation is associated with the thematic area of “State, Policies and History of Education” of the Postgraduate Research Program in Education at the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás. It comprises research inquiry conducted by the Research and Study Group in Technology and Online Distance Education. Its general aim was the comprehension of the repercussions of contemporary institutionalized capitalist advances over working conditions for undergraduate program teachers at the Brazilian Open University in the context of the Federal University of Tocantins. With the intent of weaving a reflection and analytical course as well as the expositive and compositive approach for the sections, the following specific objectives were selected: to discuss the concept of human work in its universal meaning and contextualize it, given its history, in the industrial capitalist and flexible-financial-neoliberal capital society; to highlight conceptual and historical details of the teaching profession work in the realm of flexiblefinancial-neoliberal capitalist and industrial capitalist accumulation regimes; to indicate the facts undergoing online distance education systematization in the country and worldwide, drawing attention to the specific and peculiar features of the Brazilian case that established the grounds for the Brazilian Open University System; to understand the developing structure of the Open University System between 2005 and 2020 by means of data and policies provided by CAPES (Coordination for Higher Education Staff Qualification), through the Online Distance Education Board of Directors; to analyze the empirical evidences of working conditions for teachers in the Federal University of Tocantins’ Open University System. As for the methodological approach, a dialectical and historical materialism perspective was adopted since the research thread follows along the set of historical, dynamic, diverse, contradictory, complex and multifaceted processes of a capitalist mode of production society. A case study procedure was selected in keeping with its appropriateness for exploratory, bibliographical, documentary and field research by means of analytical/descriptive analysis and questionnaire data gathering. Results made clear that teaching professionals in the Open University System at the Federal University of Tocantins were snared by the flexible-financial-neoliberal capital system, which characterizes the new face of work in the Brazilian public Higher Education teaching profession. This means that the teaching staff is hired in disagreement with legal work and pension requirements, depriving professionals of the shelter of social warrant and rights, of appropriate material working conditions and leaving them with lowered payment policies, without any clear planning of working schedules. As a result, barriers are imposed to union organization initiatives and to the feeling of group membership and belonging to a professional class, which leads to more intensive workdays and thereon to teachers’ physical and mental illness. Yet, evidence shows that even worse consequences impact face-to-face and online tutors at the Open University in the Federal University of Tocantins, who experience high rates of work conditions precariousness.Item O direito à educação nos planos municipais de educação de capitais de estados brasileiros(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-16) Rocha Junior, Anário Dornelles; Oliveira, João Ferreira de;; Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Alves, Miriam Fábia; Aguiar, Marcia Ângela da Silva; Ribeiro, Maria Edilene da Silva; Dourado, Luiz FernandesThis study, which is part of the Research Line State, Policies and History of Education of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), aimed to understand the conception of the right to education present in the municipal education plans of Brazilian capitals prepared from 2015, in conjunction with the PNE, considering the categoriesof universality, gratuity and obligation. A qualitative research approach was used to construct and understand the object of study, in articulation with bibliographical and documental research, as well as thematic categorical analysis. The study examined the moments of constitutional regulation, drafting of national education guidelines and bases laws and discussion and preparation of national education plans, especially the last of the 2014-2024 decade, in its articulation with state and municipal plans of education. The research had the following specific objectives: a) Reflect on the conception of the right to education that marks Brazilian education from the 1990s onwards; b) Investigate central aspects of the right to education in the PNE (2014-2024), in view of the constitution and materialization in the field of education policy and management; c) Examine the education plans of Brazilian capitals, bearing in mind possible advances and setbacks regarding the right to education under the direct responsibility of the municipalities, notably the mandatory pre-school phase (4 and 5 years) and elementary school (6 to 14 years). The treatment of the collected material occurred from the content analysis of the data (BARDIN, 1977), based on the municipal education plans of 15 Brazilian state capitals. The investigation and the exposition contemplate the following categories: universality, gratuity and obligatoriness, being that, firstly, it was sought to identify these words in the municipal plans of education and later cut through the municipal competence in face of the pre-school and the fundamental education. The construction of the object of study and these categories, in particular, result from the dialogue with: Marx (1998), Gramsci (1999, 2017), Apple (2003), Bobbio (2004), Harvey (2008), Cury (2010), Dourado (2017, 2020), Adrião (2018), among others, in conjunction with the document analysis process and the legal basis. The research revealed the complexity of public policy regarding the right to education based on the prognosis that its development is procedurally directed considering a certain historical period and meets several dimensions, sometimes contradictory, but which, in general, justify the dynamics printed for democratic political and social advances, but also for the reordering of the capitalist and neoliberal system. The municipal education plans (PMEs) actively highlighted the right to education regarding the categories of universality, gratuity and obligation. It was found that the right to education in municipal plans is close to the social conception and the economic conception, showing significant advances, but also setbacks in early childhood education (preschool) and elementary education. Regarding the social conception, the principle confirmation of the 1988 constitutional text was verified, the universalization of free and obligatory education; inclusive education; aspects about financing; conditionalities for the quality of education; continuing education for education professionals; holding a public tender for professors and aspects of the collaboration regime. However, in relation to the economicneoliberal conception, also present in the formulation of PMEs, it was observed orientations more linked to the expansion of the public-private relationship and to the privatist logic.