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Item A complexidade do trabalho docente em alfabetização: tessituras de um coletivo de alfabetizadoras(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-05) Souza, Odiliana Ribeiro de; Alves, Wanderson Ferreira;; Alves, Wanderson Ferreira; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Fernandes, Eliane Marquez da Fonseca; Toassa, Gisele; Limonta, Sandra ValériaThis thesis examines the teaching practices of literacy teachers, with a focus on the dimensions of activity identified by Yves Clot: personal, interpersonal, transpersonal, and impersonal. The thesis presented is that the challenges observed in a group of literacy teachers reflect and relate to issues and problems that are specific to the macro-level organization of work. This organization hinders the profession and acts as a barrier to the development of the teachers' own activities. To comprehend this movement, a case study was conducted in 2023, which focused on the work of a group of literacy teachers teaching 1st and 2nd grade in a Full-Time School (EMTI) that serves the initial years of elementary school in the Rede Municipal de Educação de Goiânia (RME). The objective of this study is to gain a better understanding of the work of literacy teachers, based on the studies of the Activity Clinic. The focus is on the work of Yves Clot, and this perspective, in dialogue with authors from the Clinics of Work, can lead to a deeper understanding of the working conditions and the individual and collective engagements involved in the activity of literacy teachers. In methodological terms, we conducted a literature review and analyzed the guidelines provided to literacy teachers for their work. We also utilized semi-structured interviews, coaching, simple self-confrontation, and observation of teaching practices to analyze the work experience of the members of this collective. The study highlights the various aspects of a literacy teacher's work, including the rules of the trade, tool production, instrument and resource utilization for children's writing acquisition, the teacher's language, prudent know-how, pedagogical values and meanings, appreciation for work, recognition of a job well done, team self-regulation, and the importance of working relationships. However, there were contradictions and challenges regarding the organization of pedagogical work within the educational institution and the management of the school network. Such issues have an impact on the teaching activity, constituting either a source of impediment, or a source of development of the activity, materializing as a resource for literacy teachers to overcome the challenges imposed by the profession.Item A relação entre tendências autoritárias, identificação com grupos e irracionalidade em estudantes universitários(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-10-31) Soares, Tatyane Pereira de Morais; Chaves, Juliana de Castro;; Chaves, Juliana de Castro; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Teixeira, Ricardo Antônio Gonçalves; Silva, Maria Isabel Formoso Cardoso e; Silva, Pedro Fernando daThis study, “The Relationship Between authoritarian Trends, Group Identification, and Irrationality among University Students”, investigates whether there are authoritarian tendencies among university students, if these tendencies are related to group identification, and what their rationality is. The justification lies in the growing contemporary political and social polarization, which makes it relevant to understand the factors that promote identification with authoritarianism. The theoretical framework is based on authors such as Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, and Sigmund Freud, who discuss the psychic and social foundations of authoritarianism. This is a quantitative-qualitative study, utilizing a questionnaire and the Fscale (Fascism) developed by Adorno, with some modifications, applied to 340 university students from the Pedagogy and Medicine courses at the Federal University of Goiás. The research reveals four types of authoritarian tendencies among university students: High, Medium-High, Medium-Low, and Low. Those with high and medium-high authoritarian tendencies demonstrate a greater predisposition to authoritarianism. In the medium-high and medium-low authoritarian tendencies, a conservative rationality can be identified, which tends to reinforce irrational behaviors. The groups where this identification occurs include “Catholics” and “Evangelicals”, the “Liberal Party”, “the Social Christian Party”, the social network “Brasil Acima de Tudo, Deus Acima de Todos”, and “Brasil Paralelo”. However, when analyzing the majority of students with medium-low and low authoritarian tendencies, a non-conservative rationality is evident, indicating a lower predisposition to authoritarianism and a greater concern for equality and diversity through groups such as the “Workers' “Party, “Feminist”, “Anti-Racist”, and Student movements, and social networks like “Mídia Ninja” and “Rita Von Hunt – Estudos e Debates”. The results highlight the importance of understanding how the dynamics of identification and rationality influence the predisposition to authoritarianism.Item Adolescentes e jogos eletrônicos: racionalidade, submissão e resistência(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-02-25) Gonçalves, Guillermo de Ávila; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo;; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Gomes, Christianne Luce; Jorge, Luiz Eduardo; Baptista, Tadeu João Ribeiro; Chaves, Juliana de CastroThe objective of this work is to analyze the relationships that adolescents have with electronic games through the contradictory perspectives of submission and resistance. Such relationships are the object of study of this research and are taken as an illustration of forms of sociability instituted by capitalist materiality and rationality. Twenty twelve-year-old adolescents were interviewed and spoke about their relationship with electronic games. These included adolescents from high and low social classes, both male and female. This research is theoretically grounded in dialectical materialism and in the categories named rationality and contradiction. In the context of the rationality that organises the relations of production and influences subjectivity in capitalist societies, this thesis looks at the instrumental rationality in Adorno and Horkheimer, the technological rationality in Marcuse and the logic of operation of the Culture Industry. This work also presents considerations of the cultural construction of electronic games, especially in relation to playfulness, leisure, and toys and games in general. Submission, based on alienation and reification of subjectivity, and resistance, understood within the remit of criticism and emancipation, were also objects of theoretical analysis. The results of this research point to the contradiction between submission and resistance in the context of the relationships between adolescents and the rationality contained in electronic games. The constitutive nexuses of this contradiction are: the relationship between the rules and victory; changes in the functioning patterns of games; "being in and out" of the game; the understanding of creativity; the experience of emotions and sensations; the thought process in accordance with the logic of the market; and the understanding of the relationships between electronic games and social reality. Independent of class and gender variables, this research reveals that in the context of contradiction there is a predominance of submission over resistance. From this empirical research, illuminated by theory, emerges the possibility of emancipation through contradiction, since the rationality that takes hold of humans is a product of subjectivity objectified in reality. Finally we consider that consciousness reified in the name of the rationality of technique is a reality, but we also understand that the possibility of overcoming this rationality through the very rationality that one denies and questions is real. This means that electronic games, as an emblem of a rationality that instrumentalises human life, offer in their relationship with adolescents the possibility of overcoming their own rationality, that is, their own contradiction.Item Alforria pelo sensível: corporeidade da criança e formação docente(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-08-30) Silva, Maria Aparecida Alves da; Souza, Ruth Catarina Cerqueira Ribeiro de;; Souza, Ruth Catarina Cerqueira Ribeiro de; Silveira, Marly de Jesus; Bernardes, Sueli Teresinha de Abreu; Loureiro, Marcos Corrêa da Silva; Magalhães, Solange Martins OliveiraThis research desenvolvou up in the search line Training , Teacher Professionalization and Educational Practices Program Graduate School of Education , Federal University of Goiás and integrated the REDECENTRO - institutional study of the Midwest that the academic research on teachers ( UFG / UFT / UNB / UFMS / UFMT / UFU / UNIUBE ) . The objective of the research was to build pedagogical rationale for a teacher training that contributes to the denaturalization of domestic violence as an educational method punitive discipline . In the specific objectives , the thesis has identified and analyzed formative experiences that performed in their pedagogical integration between objective and subjective knowledge in teacher education. We sought to further investigate the knowledge built by professionals who act as trainers of reference in situations involving issues of violence against children . The theoretical and methodological approach adopted in this study were guided by a conception of the world and the man who denies the naturalization of social phenomena and understands that the immediate reality hides historically built inequalities are justified or hidden ideologies . This thesis was configured on a qualitative research , typified as a case study . The instruments of data collection were used narrative interviews and participant observation . Held a discussion on the concept of violence in order to contribute to the deconstruction of the myth that man is naturally violent. Discussed the contradiction between the principles and practices governing the education of children in the public world and the private world and presented research results that indicate a correlation between negative consequences on the development of children and moderate use of physical violence as a method punitive disciplinary education . Contextualized the process of implementation of legal frameworks that aim to ensure the child's right to physical integrity . The following is presented a study of the socio- historical dynamics that build and modulate the incorporation of resignation of violence committed against children by parents and the construction of the subject of indifference . Distinguished themselves further the concepts of authority and authoritarianism . From the view taken in this research , that the real criticism of the practice of beating to educate children necessarily involves the integration of objective and subjective knowledge on the phenomenon of violence , we built three pedagogical rationale for teacher training that address the theme of intrafamilial physical violence as a method of education , which are : 1 ) Historicity ontogenetic and phylogenetic naturalization of violence in the education of children , 2) Embodiment as a means of building knowledge sensitive , 3) construction of collective knowledgeItem André Gorz: trabalho, tempo livre e liberdade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2012-09-17) FURTADO, Roberto Pereira; MIRANDA, Marilia Gouvea de; Antonio Gramsci e a educação de trabalhadores: um estudo de tradutibilidade e filologia a partir dos escritos jornalísticos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-05) Maia, Júlio César Apolinário; Machado, Maria Margarida;; Machado, Maria Margarida; Paranhos, Rones de Deus; Furtado, Rita Márcia Magalhães; Duarte, Aldimar Jacinto; Oliveira, Edna de CastroThe present thesis, defended within the research line “Work, Education, and Social Movements”, of the Post-graduate Program in Education of the Public University of Goiás, is dedicated to deepening the theoretical-methodological contribution of Antonio Gramsci, based on criteria of translatability and philology, to the reflection on the education of workers. The bibliography and documents consulted are focused on the period of Gramsci’s life preceding his prison imprisonment. Therefore, biographical studies, journalistic writings, letters, and testimonies from those who experienced firsthand or had contact with Gramsci constitute the investigative corpus of the research. The reading and interpretation of Gramsci’s life are theoretically and methodologically based on the concepts of translatability and philology, presented in the first chapter of the thesis, which identify him as an antagonistic stance, grounded in the progressive development of a confrontation against any deterministic form of reason detrimental to the working class. The worldview of Gramsci is subject to interpretations that imply the assertion of new and exclusive actions on reality. From this argument, his conceptions of education and the education of workers, as well as those of his interpreters, are investigated. The movement of reading and action, interpretation and application, or even theory and practice, expressed in journalistic writings, analyzed in the following two chapters, strives to apprehend the theme of education of workers in Gramsci’s perception, based on the characteristics of synchrony and diachrony. Writings from two periods of journalistic production are analyzed, the first from 1914 to February 1919 and the second from April 1919 to November 1926, associated with the movements of ascent of a revolutionary project and another of resistance, respectively alluding to what the thesis terms as the “revealed alternative” and the “possible alternative” for the education of the working classes. The thesis highlights the implications of the pedagogical and political path outlined by Gramsci’s experiences for the education of workers and the pedagogical and political propositions derived from the selected writings. Among the implications and propositions, it is essential to highlight, primarily, the imperative of this education to be, as it always was for Gramsci, in line with the interests of the working classes; also, the importance of this education advancing beyond a propaedeutic conception, abandoning the exclusivity of a pedagogical orientation to learning, and replacing it, in the Gramscian manner, with its combination with the moral formation of the individual; also the affirmation of listening and dialogue, in contrast to a linear process of teaching and learning, which enables the expansion of the relationship between teacher and student; and the perception of places of practice, conductors of distinct, but equally important, pedagogical initiatives, sometimes combined with Gramsci’s notion of “evangelical propaganda” work, sometimes with the notion of creative work.Item Aprender a jogar o jogo: práticas educativas e reprodução camponesa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-08-27) Guimarães, Juliana Carneiro; Pessoa, Jadir de Morais;; Pessoa, Jadir de Morais; Silva, Valtuir Moreira da; Leal, Cátia Regina Assis Almeida; Assunção, Hildeu Ferreira de; Pietrafesa, José PauloThis thesis is the result of a research carried out within the scope of the Doctoral Degree in Education, of the Graduate Program of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás, in the line of research: Education, Work and Social Movements, with the purpose of elucidating the the role of education in peasant reproduction, through the analysis of the educational practices offered by the different agents and institutions that deal with the peasantry in the Jataian agrarian field. The theoretical basis is the Sociology of Practice of Pierre Bourdieu and the development took place through theoretical research (bibliographical research, consultation of books, magazines, articles), documentary research (projects, reports, magazines, reports, , statistical archives, among other sources), and also by means of immersion in the field, addressing the agents and institutions delimited and the traditional peasantry and settlements of the municipality of Jataí. From the research carried out, it was identified that education plays a central role in the social reproduction process of the peasantry and directly interferes in the (re) capitalization or decapitalization of this social segment within the agrarian field, since it interferes mainly in the production, distribution and marketing of their products and family income, which is largely responsible for maintaining the peasantry in the countryside and on the land.Item Armadilhas no labirinto: escolarização e trabalho docente desafiados pelo Pacto da Educação em Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-07-03) Almeida, Rosivaldo Pereira de; Rosa, Sandra Valéria Limonta;; Rosa, Sandra Valéria Limonta; Libâneo, José Carlos; Magalhães, Álcio Crisóstomo; Resende, Anita Cristina Azevedo; Miranda, Marilia Gouvea deThis work is part of the Education, Teacher Training and Educational Work Line of the Post- Graduation Program in Education, Federal University of Goiás, and aims to critically understand the conceptions of schooling and teaching work engendered in the Business Pact for Education in Goiás. It is a documentary and bibliographical research made from the analysis of document contents: Pact for Education: a better future demands changes (2011); Recognition Program: Education, the merit is yours - criteria and procedures (2012); Reference Curriculum of the State Educational Network of Goiás: experimental version (2012) and Management Circuit Notebook - Young Future Project: principles and method - Formative Path of School Management for Learning Outcomes (2016). From the cross analysis and interlacing of concepts identified in the documents, a process of technification of teaching work and schooling was evidenced as a reified treinality. The Recognition Program and the Management Circuit of the Unibanco Institute, implemented in the state public network of Goiás, as well as the Reference Curriculum, linked to a data base operationalized through virtual platforms, are effective control mechanisms and management of the pedagogical work and schooling. In our understanding, through the analysis of the documentary corpus, a conception of practicing schooling and the teachers' complete estrangement from the work of teaching are materialized. From the reality of the system of schooling of the state public network it is possible to perceive, in this current phase of accumulation, that capital promotes reification, using the processes of schooling and the technification of teaching work. They are theoretical references that contribute to the theoretical basis of our study: Hobsbawm (1995); Castel (2003); Araújo Júnior (2013); Enguita (1989); Gentilli (1999); Anderson (2000); Harvey (2005); Bourdieu (1998); Moraes (2011); Libâneo (2011); Silva (2013); Silva and Siqueira (2016); Magalhães (2014); Algebaile (2009); Peregrino (2006); Oliveira (1984); Harvey (1993); Miranda (2006, 2005) and Resende (2009).Item Arte e práticas educativas na educação infantil: rupturas e continuidades(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-09-02) Arantes, Milna Martins; Barbosa, Ivone Garcia;; Barbosa, Ivone Garcia; Silva, Kátia Augusta Curado Pinheiro Cordeiro da; Bastos, Raquel Benta Messias; Soares, Marcos Antônio; Teixeira, Ricardo Antônio GonçalvesThe present doctoral research investigated two aspects that are inextricably interrelated with the quality of the educational practices that contemplates knowledge, artistic experience and the formation of teachers, highlighting the role of the continuous formation, in special the course in Early Childhood education, Childhood and Art, developed by the NEPIEC/ FE/ UFG. We emphasize that this thesis is linked to the Research Line: Training, Teacher Professionalization and Educational Work, of the Graduate Program in Education of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás (FE / UFG) and the project Public Policies and Education of the Childhood in Goiás: stories, conceptions, projects and practices of the Center for Studies and Research of Childhood and its Education in Different Contexts (NEPIEC / FE / UFG). We start from the premise that art, aesthetic experience, imagination and creation are significant dimensions in the formation of children and presuppose conscious educational mediation based on theoretical- practical and methodological references, access, appropriation and resignification of cultural and artistic heritage. With reference to dialectical historical materialism, we sought for the analysis of the research object three methodological strategies: bibliographic review with the purpose of understanding the academic-scientific production on the interface between Art and Early Childhood Education, present in postgraduate programs-graduate, dissertations and theses, defended between 2010 and 2016; proposal of questionnaires to the teacher-cursist who work in early childhood education in the municipalities of Jataí, Senador Canedo, Cristalina, Firminópolis and São Luís de Montes Belos in order to know and constitute the profile of teachers and outline the process of continuing education: conceptions, bases theoretical-practical; participant research in Firminópolis and São Luís de Montes Belos, in order to know and to analyze the educational practice of the preschool teachers that contemplated the knowledge and the artistic experience, considering their theoretical-practical and methodological aspects. The construction of investigative data articulated the analysis of documents, questionnaires, interviews, conversations, testimonials, field insertion and images. In order to reach and comprehend the objectives of this investigation, considering its multiple determinants, we opted for a theoretical framework aligned with the socio-historical-dialectical perspective and the dialogue with authors who have historically contributed to the area of art in its didactic-methodological specificities. Our analytical efforts revealed disruptions and continuities, a dialectical and contradictory movement that embraced both stereotyped and standardized practices and practices that were committed to children's imagination, creation and artistic expression. In this sense, we understand that artistic praxis presupposes the need to poetize daily life, the deep involvement with the cultural and artistic production of humanity, with symbolic thinking and creative experience, as well as with consistent formative processes of teachers incorporating artistic knowledge and aesthetic and, which articulate theory and practice and the critical and creative analysis about their area of expertise.Item As políticas multissetoriais e integradas do Banco Mundial no Brasil: a infância como capital humano do futuro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-10-28) Marquez, Christine Garrido; Barbosa, Ivone Garcia;; Barbosa, Ivone Garcia; Silva, Kátia Augusta Curado Pinheiro Cordeiro da; Oliveira, Anátalia Dejane Silva de; Alves, Nancy Nonato de Lima; Soares, Marcos AntônioThis research integrates the project of Public Policy and Education of Children in Goiás: history, concepts, projects and practices developed by the Center of Studies and Research of Childhood and its Education in Different Contexts (NEPIEC) which is inserted in the research line: Education, Teaching Professionalization, Educational Work of the Postgraduate Program in the School of Education of the Federal University of Goiás. Propositions of multisectoral policies and integrated development of Early Childhood of the World Bank for developing countries have been investigated, which involve interconnected actions in education, health, nutrition, social protection (child protection and social assistance) and basic sanitation, in order to understand how this process has been set up in Brazil as of the 1990s. A documentary and literature research was carried out and we propose as reference of analysis historical and dialectical materialism. The starting point being a survey called State of the Art on the studied subject, in order to map out the academic and scientific production in the field, to enable a look at the production, observing the evolution of research, its features, focus and gaps. Presenting the multiple aspects of the organizational structure of the World Bank and its development policy propositions on Early Childhood supported in the six Education Sectoral Documents and the eight publications produced from 1974 to 2014 by the International Organization, which were formulated to instruct the political debate with governments, development partners and civil society in developing countries, including Brazil. The strategic entry points of investment have been analyzed, classified into four themes based on: 1) programs based on Early Childhood Development Centers focusing on school readiness; 2) residential programs based on behavioral change in relation to health, nutrition and child care; 3) communication / media campaigns aimed at families with young children on child health, nutrition and overall development; and, 4) conditional cash transfer for families with small children. It is concluded that the World Bank since its inception in 1944, besides project financing, policy-making, technical assistance to governments, also plays an important role in the meeting, synthesis and dissemination of knowledge about the specific development issues covering its extensive practice area, including the development of Early Childhood, services in the area and around the world. Since the seventies, the World Bank references the relevance of the adoption of multisectoral and integrated programs designed for Early Childhood, with the theoretical support based on the political theory of human capital, which seeks the reproduction and accumulation of capital, as opposed to a project that aims to guarantee full rights the children in Brazil.Item As políticas para o ensino médio no período de 2003 a 2014: disputas, estratégias, concepções e projetos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-07-11) Oliveira, Valdirene Alves de; Oliveira, João Ferreira de;; Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Souza, Ângelo Ricardo de; Azevedo, Janete Maria Lins de; Machado, Maria Margarida; Alves, Míriam FábiaThis research relates to the Line of Research State, Policies and History of Education within the Education Graduate Program from the Federal University of Goiás and aims at understanding how relations among the educational, political and economic fields were established in the definition of policies for high school in the period from 2003 to 2014, corresponding to Lula's presidency and to Dilma's first presidential term. In that regard, bibliographical researches were conducted in national periodical publications indexed by Capes as Qualis A1 and A2, electronically available; in the works presented in Anped's Working Groups 05 (State and Educational Policies) and 09 (Education and Work) and at the website Teses da Capes, in search for doctorate theses produced on educational policies for high school. The contemplated period in the bibliographical revision was wider than the research's focus. The investigation searched empirical elements among some agents of the educational field, who held positions in the federal government administration within the period studied and who collaborated with the study as interviewees, by the means of a scripted interview with semi-structured questions. The research outlined, during the bibliographical revision and conduction of interviews, the most relevant fields and agents in the disputes for the high school guidelines. The official documents referring to the educational policies for high school were mapped, as were the documents coming from the agents of the economic and political fields, considered in this study, by relevance and for reporting to high school directly or indirectly. The research started from the premise that the definition of an educational project relates to the trajectory of Brazilian education and highlights the disputes of conceptions and strategies of each historic moment. The investigation focused on the period from 2003 to 2014, aiming to learn the singularity of this moment to high school, in correlation to the fact that in the decade of 1990 the Brazilian education experienced relevant reforms, including the last stage of basic education. The hypothesis of a reconfiguration of high school, during the period from 2003 to 2014, touched part of the investigation, but the study allows the affirmation that despite the changes and advances from the educational policies implemented in the period, there was not a consolidation of a high school project substantiated by the conceptions outlined in the first actions of the period in question, as for example: integral formation, work as an educative principle, work, science and culture as curricular axes, therefore, there was not an effective reconfiguration. This approach lost power in the disputes inside and outside the educational field, in relation to the strengthening of the formative perspective angled towards a high school more aligned with the interests and demands of the economic field, as expression of the strength in the high school project outlined during Fernando Henrique Cardoso's presidential administration. The strategies used by the agents in the established game converged with the habitus peculiar to each field and, from 2003 to 2014, the economic field had the most success in its disputes, strategies, conceptions and project. The educational field lost symbolic capital among the agents of its own field and also before the political field, for reasons related to the political game of coalitions, strategies undertaken by each field and by the change in the field of power, which enabled for the agents of the economic field a better disposition and position regarding the affirmation of their high school project.Item As relações e os desdobramentos da dupla avaliação (CEE/GO e Sinaes) na administração central da Universidade Estadual de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-06-24) Campos, Valter Gomes; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso;; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso; Chaves, Sandramara Matias; Carvalho, Renata Ramos da Silva; Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Assis, Lúcia Maria deThis study is part of the field of higher education, in the subfield of institutional evaluation, and aims to analyze the results of the double evaluation (CEE/GO and Sinaes) in the State University of Goiás (UEG) central administration. The research sought to capture what moves the individual and collective agents, who in relations, participate in the constitution of the institutional evaluation habitus, which has a close connection with the managerial habitus of the University. In this sense, it was taken as a cut and sought to be understood the association of the double evaluation with the resolutions of the higher collegiate bodies and with the decisions and actions of the central administration, in the period from 2011 to 2017. From the bibliographical readings and theories used emerged the following categories of analysis: relations, field, habitus, capital, symbolic violence, totality, contradiction and historicity. The work is characterized as a case study, with bibliographical, documentary and field research, which through this broad approach sought to understand the object of study in its totality. For the analysis and understanding of the object, the study was based on the contributions of Pierre Bourdieu and the works of authors of the field of higher education and the subfield of institutional evaluation, among others, Catani, Oliveira, Dourado and Dias Sobrinho. The following results are worth highlighting: the demonstration of the adherence to the political field defining the managerial habitus and assessment of UEG; the proof of the double and mixed evaluation demonstrated by the evaluation processes (CEE/GO and Sinaes) taken jointly, often as sides of the same coin, but with Sinaes as official guider and reference for actions of evaluation and regulation of CEE/GO; the use of the evaluation processes results, in particular the scores of Enade, the CPC and the IGC to support the resolutions and decisions of UEG central administration, changing the habitus of UEG assessment and management; the search for the improvement of these grades and indexes as an expression of the quality of the courses and of the Institution, which together with the financing, budgetary and financial issues set the tone for the planning and decisions of UEG central administration in the covered period; The study also revealed that the concern with ranking is due to the quest for distinction and positioning in the field of higher education, which, in turn, becomes an element for evaluation of the institution's own central administration and for the benefit of managers’ relationships with internal and external communities, especially with political field and the state government. Finally, checked that as an internalized structure, the ranking and positioning in the field are incorporated into the way of using the double institutional evaluation and its unfolding in the University central administration, externalized as practices, discourses and relations between the internal and external agents of the Institution.Item atuação da união nacional dos estudantes UNE: do inconformismo à submissão ao Estado (1960 a 2009)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2009-09-24) PAULA, Gil Cesar Costa de; MACEDO FILHA, Maurides Batista; work follows the research method of The State and Educational Policies of the after-graduation program in Education of Federal University of Goiás. It addresses the importance of the participation of the university students in Brazil, from 1960 to 2009. The base is the hypothesis is that The Advent of the Social State , characterized by the constitutional inclusion of the fundamental personal guarantees and rights in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, opened space to mediations that brought new light to the social question and does not denote either repression of social movements, especially the Student Movement and student representative institutions, or the perspective of violent transformation of the society, however it amounts to the negotiation of interests in conflict and to the establishment of commitments. Therefore, we believe the role of the União Nacional dos Estudantes UNE (National Student Union) leaders, evolved or metamorphosed from confront to commitment, producing a policy of submission to the State in Brazil from 1960 to 2009. The main idea which was developed is that the student movement acts as one of the most important elements or resistance against the totalitarianism in the period of the military dictatorship, evolving in the democratization period, into a posture of collaboration with the denominated democratic governments. The methodology utilized in order to demonstrate our hypothesis is based on the analysis of declarations issued by the principal university leadership and authorities from 1960 to 2009, focusing the historical reconstruction anchored on the aforementioned people s reports, as opposed to the existing sociological literature and the examination of papers which have been assembled by the student unions. The interpretation built by the historical subjects were contrasted with their political practices, illustrating the pendulum in the student action, which vary from dissent to submission to the State in the period previously mentioned, causing the desmobilization of the student unionsItem Atuação de professoras na região da prelazia de São Félix do Araguaia (Mato Grosso - 1979/1989)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-12-22) Carneiro, Alessandra Pereira; Valdez, Diane;; Valdez, Diane; Alves, Amone Inácia; Paganini, Vera Lúcia Alves Mendes; Santos, Alessandra de Oliveira; Vicente, Keides BatistaPostgraduation Program in Education (PPGE/FE-UFG, in Portuguese), whose title is Female Teachers Acting in the Prelacy of Saint Felix of the Araguaia Region - Mato Grosso (1978/1989), shows the trajectory of life of five female educators who carried out a social work based on actions of resistance and confrontation, proposing a social and political reflection approach in the Prelacy of Saint Felix of the Araguaia region. It especially intended to know if teachers Dagmar’s, Judite’s, Luiza’s, Sueli’s, and Maria Benvinda’s life stories have to do with their teaching practices in the Prelacy of Saint Felix. This thesis is written from narratives of these teachers, compared afterwards with other documents, newspapers, legislation, memorial, literature, and others, since history-based researches consist of finding, gathering, organizing, and analyzing the sources. It was intended not only to reveal the historical trajectories of the teachers, but also to visualize the educational practices of the women that dedicated themselves to teaching in a region of conflicts and disputes, politically remaining in favor of a teaching style towards freedom. The time frame of this thesis goes from 1978 to 1989, a period that is taken as for the beginning of the courses designed for the formation of the new teachers in the 1980s, when they worked in schools and other teaching institutions. Methodologically, it brings testimonies of teachers along with the perspective of life story as well as oral history and academic productions such as theses, dissertations, articles, and other materials. It considers, in its conclusion, that the teachers’ stories and trajectories indicate their social places were taken with resistance and confrontations in the construction of the right to a quality education, the right to a public, critical and liberating education. They were into a space, the Prelacy of Saint Felix, that provided a kind of work that gathered conditions to offer a critical education, one that aimed the construction of freedom in the molds of the Freirean education.Item Autonomia da práxis docente na universidade: condições e possibilidades(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013-08-26) Freire, José Carlos da Silveira; Miranda, Marilia Gouvea de;; Tiballi, Elianda Figueiredo Arantes; Konzen, José Oto; Limonta, Sandra Valéria; Queiroz, Edna Mendonça Oliveira deThis work integrates research line Fundamentals of Educational Processes, of the Postgraduate Program in School of Education, Federal University of Goiás. Its objective was to apprehend the conditions and possibilities of the autonomy of teaching praxis developed at the university. From a critical questioning of subjective autonomy conception in Rousseau and Kant, and intersubjective in Hegel, anchored in the theoretical and methodological framework of historical and dialectical materialism which discusses autonomy as human emancipation, this work revealed the sense of autonomy manifested in teaching practice developed in a public university. As theoretical contributions of Marx, Adorno and Horkheimer are references, the concept of autonomy is apprehended as praxis socio- historical and cultural criticism praxis, in the midst of other conceptions of teaching autonomy in dispute in the public university. The empirical study sought to demonstrate autonomy conceptions of teachers of a Pedagogy Course at a public university and of assessment that these teachers do of conditions and possibilities of autonomy in teaching. The informations on autonomy conceptions were collected through a questionnaire and interviews with eight of the 25 PhD teachers of the effective staff of Pedagogy Course of UFT with labor regime "exclusive devotion" and with more than three years of professional practice. The analysis has revealed that, among the conceptions of teaching autonomy, there is a predominance of conceptions of autonomy, as moral and intellectual praxis, expressed in the idea of "individual responsibility" and "possession and control of scientific knowledge". The conditions and possibilities of autonomy as praxis which aim emancipation are given by configuration of teaching working in contemporary, which paradoxically requires greater skill and subjective involvement in the work process, while this becomes precarious and intensified, producing situations of conformism and resistance to domination and capitalist exploitation. The pursuit and achievement of better teaching work conditions suggest a relative independence of thinking and doing investigative and teaching work at the university, while the processes of bureaucratization compress innovation and creativity, and difficult teaching to be experienced as emancipatory praxis which calls into question the mode of organization and operation of the university and society as a whole.Item A avaliação escolar nos ciclos de formação humana da SME/Goiânia (2001-2004)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-10-26) Moura, Sérgio de Almeida; Miranda, Marília Gouvea de;; Miranda, Marília Gouvea de; Faria, Gina Glaydes Guimarães de; Mundim, Maria Augusta Peixoto; Magalhães, Álcio Crisóstomo; Duarte, Aldimar JacintoThis work is linked to the research line "Fundamentals of Educational Processes" of the PostGraduation Program of the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás. The objective is to understand how the perspective of evaluation of the school organized by cycles of human formation according to the Political-Pedagogical Proposal of the Municipal Network of Education of Goiânia, management 2001-2004, is characterized, and to perceive how this perspective is confronted with the evaluation mode traditionally constituted in the school organized by the seriation. The main authors that help us in our analyzes are Coêlho (2012), Freitas (2003; 2005) and Lima (2002; 2003), mainly in the identification of school logic and evaluation in confrontation. The methodological choice was that of the case study research (Bogdan and Biklen, 1994), which directs the use of three different ways of accumulating data and its subsequent analysis: the bibliographic survey, the documentary research, and finally, the part empirical. The empirical part was accomplished by conducting interviews with three responsible for the proposal in the SME / Goiânia in the period. Data analysis revealed aspects of the implementation of the formation cycles in Goiânia that are very similar to the experiences of the Plural (MG) and Citizen (RS) schools in two senses: first, it refers to the fact that they are prefectures administered by the Workers Party, which coincides with the Brazilian historical context in which there was the expectation that the State (Federation, States and Municipalities) would adopt practices that would universalize social policies and social inclusion, especially the indices of poverty and misery constituted during the previous decades; second, it shows that, in general, all the experiences of formation cycles point to the confrontation of school failure as an objective. It is inferred specifically that the evaluation perspective proposed in formation cycles of Goiania contributes with possibilities of advancement of the school in the struggle for the improvement of the quality of teaching and its consequent reduction of failure rates. But it also reveals the limits perceived in the reality of the serial school logic, characteristic of the current historical particularity, which contradictorily impede the implementation of advances. The results were only possible by confronting the two models of school organization in their correctness and their contradictions in the practice of evaluation and in the very process of reversing the numbers of school failure.Item Avaliação institucional e prática docente na educação superior: tensões, mediações e impactos(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-12-17) ASSIS, Lúcia Maria de; OLIVEIRA, João Ferreira de; work, Institutional assessment and teaching in higher education: tensions, mediation and impacts , is in the research line State and educacion policies of the PPGE, in the Universidade Federal de Goiás (Federal University in Goias). The study aims to identify the impact of public policy for institutional assessment (AI) implemented by MEC/INEP in the teaching of the higher education, seizing how the teachers are living with these processes. The investigation/exposition is based on the categories totality, contradition and mediation of the dialectic-historical approach, whose analysis reference is the literature of the area of public policies of institutional assessment of the higher education and work area, formation and teacher professionalization. Among the authors found, it highlights: Dias Sobrinho; Sguissardi; Catani; Oliveira; Dourado; Cunha L.; Frigotto; Bourdieu; Cunha M.; Morosini; Mancebo; Silva Jr. and Savianni. About nine graduation courses were researched in three IES: a college, an univeristy center and an university. Documents from the three IES researched were analysed, mostly the Institutional Development Plans (PDIs). Also, focus groups were achieved with the students of the researched courses: Administration, Engineering, Law, Information Systems and Pedagogy. Semi-structured interviews were also made with the course coordinators. The teachers and the students answered the standard questionnaire. We concluded that, in the period of 1996-2006, the AI has been influenced a lot by the neoliberal principles, in the midst of an accelerated process of expansion, privatization and differentiation of the brazilian IES. This context of fast effective changes has influenced the teaching, mostly formation aspects, professionalization and effective work conditions, which the teacher is being submitted, noting an ascending intensification of the teacher work, followed by institutional pressures for greater academic productivity in work conditions increasingly precarious. There is a strong trend, especially in the private college, to an alignment of its concepts, conceptions of formation and curricula to the marketing guidelines, with strong appeal for answering the demands of the productive sector and the labor market. According to the course coordinators, the AI has implied changes in its work, in view of the nature mediator of this function in the interior of the institutions. Nevertheless, the coordinators consider that the impact of the AI in classroom has been little, though it affects the teachers life, mostly in the private IES, since the tests results started to justify the restructuring of the tables teachers, the curricular reorganization and the redefinition of the employment contracts, that are becoming more flexible. In the opinion of the teachers and students, the AI does not cause great impacts in the teaching in public universities, but has brought changes in the pedagogical practice in the private institutions. These changes can be summarized in three aspects: greater preocupation with the learning assessment because of the national tests, greater willingness in joining to the interdisciplinary in the approach of the contents and a greater interest to know the course curriculum, as well as the profile of the professional that is being formed. We can still say that the AI, in the actual ways, has not met the objective of becoming the quality of the institutions better, since it emphasizes more the qualification function, characterizing what we can call regulated expansion of higher education in Brazil.Item Biografias de mulheres na história da educação: Benedicta Stahl Sodré, Branca Alves de Lima e Iracema Furtado Soares de Meireles (século XX)(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-11) Dias, Ana Raquel Costa; Valdez, Diane;; ; Valdez, Diane; Panizzolo , Claudia; Rocha, Juliano Guerra; Fialho, Lia Machado Fiuza; Nicolini, CristianoLes vies et les noms des femmes sont importants, et les histoires des enseignantes sont des thèmes fondamentaux pour problématiser l'histoire de l'éducation brésilienne. À cet égard, cette thèse repousse les mécanismes de production et de reproduction qui ont historiquement tenté de réduire au silence les actions et les discours des femmes, en affrontant les dispositifs patriarcaux soutenus par une société représentée par des écrits historiques non pluriels. À cette fin, les noms et les vies de Benedicta Stahl Sodré (1900-1972), Branca Alves de Lima (1910-2001) et Iracema Furtado Soares de Meireles (1907-1982) ont été mis en évidence, en les biographiant historiquement au milieu de la proéminence des documents sur leurs écrits pédagogiques: Cartilha Sodré (1939/1940), Caminho Suave (1948) et A Casinha Feliz (1970). Il s'agit de femmes brésiliennes, blanches, de l'élite, enseignantes, normaliennes, femmes d'affaires et auteures de ces abécédaires et autres matériels pédagogiques. Des femmes, dont les histoires se rapprochent et s'éloignent, éminemment révélatrices d'émancipation, de confrontation et de résistance. La conscience féministe a soustendu cette thèse, nous permettant de comprendre l'importance de l'appartenance, de la prise de décision, des relations et des engagements qui entourent les vies biographiées. Le choix de la biographie historique comme méthode, compte tenu de son statut scientifique propre, repose sur un choix politique, privilégiant la construction d'une histoire diversifiée et articulée. L'objectif était de formuler, de comparer et d'analyser leurs biographies afin de comprendre les espaces qu'elles ont occupés et les époques dans lesquelles elles ont vécu. Benedicta, Branca et Iracema sont devenues le sujet de cette thèse lorsque nous avons trouvé des silences sur leurs histoires de vie, surtout si l'on considère que les abécédaires qu'elles ont écrits ont été largement diffusés, annoncés, propagés, adoptés et vendus avec le soutien du monde complexe des maisons d'édition, de la presse, des actions du gouvernement, des avis publics et d'autres moyens. Ils ont également fait l'objet de recherches universitaires et sont considérés par l'historiographie de l'éducation comme les manuels les plus populaires, les plus vendus et les plus adoptés du XXe siècle. Nous réalisons donc que les stigmates liés au genre peuvent être les principaux responsables des tentatives d'invisibilité, tout en spéculant sur la manière dont d'autres questions ont pu soutenir l'effacement, y compris les attentes de la famille, les choix éditoriaux, les relations de pouvoir et d'autres facteurs. Nous comprenons également l'importance des forces coercitives en place, ainsi que des choix, impositions et décisions individuels. Les chemins que nous avons parcourus nous ont permis de réfléchir aux contextes éducatifs, aux intentions et aux exigences dans les contextes politiques et sociaux. Nous avons voulu explorer la relation singulière des auteurs avec les univers dans lesquels ils se trouvaient, en observant leurs processus d'origine et d'action, en tant qu'êtres sociaux qui donnaient forme à leurs expériences et donnaient sens aux situations et aux actions qui conditionnaient leur existence. En réfléchissant à leurs trois vies, nous nous sommes concentrés sur leur éducation, leurs relations familiales, leur militantisme, leur enseignement, leurs productions scolaires et d'autres aspects. Le processus méthodologique a montré qu'au cours des dernières décennies, les travaux académiques sur la vie des femmes ont connu une augmentation notable, révélant des données sur les trajectoires qui sont précieuses pour comprendre les places occupées par les femmes qui ont travaillé dans l'éducation et leurs exigences. À cette fin, des recherches bibliographiques, de la littérature, des lettres, des invitations, des lois sur l'éducation, des comptes de médias sociaux, des registres du cadastre, des annonces posthumes, des entretiens, du matériel pédagogique produit par les biographes, des recherches universitaires et des sources provenant de la presse périodique nationale ont été utilisés par mesure de précaution, compte tenu de la période qui s'est écoulée entre la naissance et le décès des trois auteurs. Le traitement des collections numériques et des dépôts d'archives s'est avéré essentiel, car ils offraient une variété d'indices. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur la base théorique des discussions sur l'histoire de l'éducation brésilienne, l'histoire biographique et l'histoire des femmes, en donnant la priorité aux femmes auteurs de productions et de conceptions. Nous avons inscrit leurs noms et leurs vies dans l'histoire, sans délégitimer le prestige de leurs productions, mais en affirmant que Benedicta, Branca et Iracema sont plus grandes qu'elles. Ce sont des protagonistes de l'éducation brésilienne, comme tant d'autres femmes qui méritent que leur histoire soit révélée. Crayon en main, elles ont brisé le patriarcat dans les groupes scolaires, les écoles normales, les organisations sociales et politiques et la famille. Nous concluons que les temps sombres qui entourent la vie et les noms de Benedicta, Branca, Iracema et d'innombrables autres éducatrices et écrivaines ne sont plus, parce que les femmes écrivent sur les femmes et les dévoilent dans l'histoire.Item Capacitação de professores de Classe Hospitalar em relação professor-aluno/paciente na perspectiva balintiana.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2008-08-22) BRANCO, Rita Francis Gonzalez Y Rodrigues; ALMEIDA, Dulce Barros de; line: Culture and Educational Processes. Search object: Balint theory/Balint groups in the qualification of hospital classes teachers. Objective: study the qualification through Balint theory/Balint groups. Existential action search with the teachers of Projeto Hoje from SEE/GO. The analysis of the results shows 5 groups for discussion: identity of the hospital classes teachers; action-reflection-action; pedagogical act; pedagogical listening and transference/ contratransference. The discourse of the teachers was red about Balint theory. Conclusion: the teachers presented: the enlargement of the personal resilience; development of the pedagogical listening; the most perception of the defense mechanisms; comprehension of the illness process; comprehension of the limits and possibilities and the most discernment of the feelingsItem Carreira do magistério em municípios de Goiás e o potencial de financiamento educacional local(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-08-22) Machado, Jarbas de Paula; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso;; Amaral, Nelson Cardoso; Gouveia, Andréa Barbosa; Oliveira, João Ferreira de; Camargo, Rubens Barbosa de; Alves, ThiagoThis thesis is part of the Research Line State, Politics and History of the Graduate Program in Education at the Education Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás. The aim of the study was to analyze and understand the career policy for public school teachers in Brazil, especially in the production stages of the normative texts of federal and local levels, from the constituent elements of that career and his relationship with the potential for educational financing from 15 municipalities in the state of Goiás. With the methodological theoretical framework Stephen J. Ball policy cycle and its relationship to the modus operandi of research in Pierre Bourdieu, we analyzed the contexts of influence and production of normative texts of politics. In addition to the survey and the analysis of documents adopted as complementary procedures to collect data through specific forms sent to the municipal education departments and surveys and observations, in locus, carried out in three municipalities of the sample. The policy for the teaching career in Brazil is being built, more punctually from the second half of the 1990s, under the influence ofneoliberal ideas for education. At the federal scenario was observed in the guidance on the preparation of teaching career plans, set out in documents produced by the MEC, the presence of the ideas disseminated by the World Bank for developing countries. In contrast, the definition of federal regulation is the product of institutional disputes where the interests of key actors such as the MEC, the Undime, the CONSED and the CNTE, are not always consensual. In the municipal setting federal regulation is not accepted in its entirety. Federal, marked by general guidelines, without objectivity almost always go through an individual interpretation of each municipality. In the 2000s, the adoption of new regulatory frameworks at the federal scenario, characterized by constituent elements more objective teaching career bring new perspectives to the teaching professionals. The most important landmark of this new stage of building policy for the teaching career in Brazil was the approval of PSPN Act. However, plans for career developed from the approval of Fundeb Act, the PSPN Act and the Resolution CNE / CEB Nº 02/2009 had "side effects" such as reducing the spread of careers, the extinction of additional ownership and the emergence of bonuses / performance bonuses and productivity. The initial hypothesis of the study was that, considering the different policy contexts for building the career of basic education public school teachers in Brazil, municipalities with the highest potential of educational funding would have better represented teaching career proposals, in particular in the structure the salary scales and other compensation mechanisms. Contrary is hypothesis, the study shows, based on the analysis of the career structure and the way the constituent elements of teaching career are organized, the potential for local educational funding does not influence the definition of proposals more or less advantageous for professionals the magisterium