Vochysiaceae A. St.-Hil. nos Parques Estaduais da Serra de Caldas Novas e da Serra Dourada e sua sinopse para o estado de Goiás
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The family Vochysiaceae has about of 240 species grouped in eight genera: Erismadelphus Mildbr. e Korupodendron Litt & Cheek what are natural of Western Africa; Callisthene Mart., Erisma Rudge, Qualea Aubl., Salvertia A. St.-Hil, Ruizterania Marc-Berti and Vochysia Aubl. with neotropical distribution. Vochysiaceae is reconigzed its leaves oposite or in polymerous whorls, zigomorfic flowers, spurred calyx, corolla with one, three or five petals and one fertille stame. The Goiás state is inserted in the region of the Cerrado, the second largest biome in area in Brazil, in it’s found several conservation units, for example the State Park of Serra Dourada (PESD) and State Park of Serra de Caldas Novas (PESCAN). The PESD is located between the municipalities of Mossâmede and Goiás and the PESCAN located between the municipalities of “Caldas Novas” and “Rio Quente”. To perform this work we examined material of several herbaria at Brazil and we collected botanical material in several points of Goiás, included the PESD and PESCAN. Here we present the following results: we reported 27 species of Vochysiaceae for Goiás state in five genera: Callisthene (5 spp.); Qualea (6 spp.); Salvertia (1 sp.); Ruizterania (1 sp.); and Vochysia (14 spp.). Qualea selloi, Ruizterania wittrockii and Vochysia sessilifolia are new record for Goiás state; we propose here the new combination of Qualea dichotoma var. elongada to Qualea cordata var. elongata. In the PESCAN and in the PESD, Vochysiaceae is represented for 17 species, distribuited in four genera: Callisthene (3spp.); Qualea (6 spp.); Salvertia (1 sp.); e Vochysia (9 spp.). Callisthene fasciculata, C. major, C. mollissima, Vochysia cinnamomea and V. pumila have found only in the PESCAN, and Vochysia pruinosa and Vochysia pyramidalis have been found only in the PESD. The others species are common to both areas. In this work is presented a key of identification of the species occurring in the Goiás state, and in the PESD and PESCAN, as well as descriptions, illustrations taxonomic comments, phenology, distribuition and examined material.
SAMPAIO, T. H. S. Vochysiaceae A. St.-Hil. nos Parques Estaduais da Serra de Caldas Novas e da Serra Dourada e sua sinopse para o estado de Goiás. 2017. 185 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biodiversidade Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.