Remuneração e distribuição dos professores da educação básica: uma análise da rede estadual goiana
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The adequate remuneration of teachers of the Brazilian public basic education is a recurring theme in academic research in the last twenty years in the country. The agenda circles around themes such as the teacher professional design, training, career, attractiveness and permanence of this professional in public education, in addition to labor casualization process and the recent policy of wage appreciation of Brazilian teachers. Given the importance of teachers to the teaching process and the relevance of the remuneration for the design of a career and professionalization of teaching, research has as study subject the remuneration and distribution of teachers of public primary education, with the objective of this work analyze the level of compensation and the teachers of the compensation characteristics of the state of Goiás and verify that teachers with better career position and higher level of remuneration are allocated proportionally also in teaching units. Thus, it was initially performed a literature review of remuneration and allocation of teachers in schools, and later a documentary research to be able to understand the structure of the teaching career of basic education in the state school system in January 2009. In addition to the processing of data obtained from the Secretariat payroll of State for Education, Culture and Sport (SEDUCE) Goiás January 2009 was necessary to use techniques of descriptive statistics to understand how was the teaching career and the representation of this with total expenditure payroll that period. In terms of results, payroll data from January Seduce 2009 contained records of 54,656 servers, distributed in 99 positions (22 teaching positions and 77 administrative positions); 19 types of employments; 39 departments and 1,431 stocking units (1,224 schools and 207 administrative units), with servers located in 246 municipalities in Goiás. Total expenditure on the Seduce payroll in January 2009 was R$ 91,102,325.25, and the individual income totaled R$ 89,756,982.96 (98.52% of total). Teachers, research subjects, accounted for a universe of 36,606 individuals,
representing a third of all servers listed in the Seduce payroll in January 2009, with an average salary of R$ 1,570.00, which in January 2009 represented 3.4 times the minimum wage at the time. It was possible to investigate the profile of the schools where the constant servers in the Seduce payroll acted in January 2009 in the city of Goiânia, and 120 schools located in the urban area of the capital, of which 104 belonged to the state system and these met 88.65% of total enrollment among the 120 schools analyzed in this research. Of these, 2/7 met more than 1,000 registrations (larger) and 3/7 of the schools had described medium high socioeconomic indicator. Regarding the distribution of teachers, although this research rely on various data of international research, the results show that in the case of teachers in Goiania schools there is also a process of concentration of teachers with higher level of remuneration and better career position in schools taken as historically traditional.
PEREIRA, Greyce Lara. Remuneração e distribuição dos professores da educação básica: uma análise da rede estadual goiana. 2016. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.