A inclusão da Educação Ambiental nas escolas públicas do Estado de Goiás
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
It is unquestionable the importance of Environmental Education (EE) in the educational
process for the students´ education who are able to make based decisions and to
participate on discussions in their community as far as environmental issues. Before the
problems lived in our society, the social-environmental problem treatment in the formal
teaching is one of the conditions which contributes for the capitalist model changes and
transformations, that stimulates the overboard consume and reinforces the social
inequalities. However, the insertion of EE in the school environment facer many
challenges which go through, including, the lack of structure itself of the educational
system that still works in a traditional way. Implementing EE in the school context
requires a posture and attitude change for a participative debate about the environmental
issues where the community is inserted. Thus, considering that it is needed to discuss
the different ways in which the EE is treated in the school day to day basis, this research
has for objective to analyze the EE approach through Complementary Educational
Activity Projects (PRAECs), developed in Goias state schools, from three Regional
Sub-Secretaries of Education: SRE-Aparecida de Goiania, SRE-Goiania and SREAnapolis.
Thus, we used questionnaires and interviews to obtain the data. These
revealed that the teachers still present an EE conservational conception, with a
dichotomous idea of the relationship between man-nature and they have a fragmented
vision of the aspects that involve the socio-environmental problems. Although they
have used different methodologies, these are punctual and limited, according with their
conceptions, and if they are not contextualized and with a participative character they
will not obtain the expected results for an EE that may promote changes for the
education of individuals with capacity of making based decisions. We cannot leave out
to highlight the presence of activities that come closer to the PRAEC proposal and to
enrich and to diversify the curriculum through dynamic activities. In relation to PNEA,
we have verified that at some moments the project gets closer to recommendations of
this document; however, at other moments it becomes distant. We have verified that
PRAEC can be characterized as a public policy as we consider that it appeared from the
demand of a social group, however, documents that may regularize within the Secretary
of Education of the State of Goias (SEE-GO) were not found, and therefore, we
understand it as a mascaraed public policy. We have concluded that EE is present in the
day to day school and that PRAEC is constituted a strong instrument for its
consolidation, despite this, the attributed principles to EE in the formal teaching must be
better understood and applied, in the sense of producing pedagogical practices that may
provoke changes in the way of seeing and thinking about the world. It is fundamental
the investment in the educational system as a whole, especially on the bachelor´s degree
courses, so that they raise their quality bringing down the knowledge fragmentation
barriers and the limitation imposed by the discipline of it. It is also important the
investment from the SEE-GO in the PRAEC institutionalization, establishing more
specific guidelines to elaborate and to develop activities with quality, meaning, that they
may be able to call the attention of the students for a based debate on socioenvironmental
problems that are around them in a critical way. Thus, this project can
contribute to the EE rooting in the schools in a way to involve the whole community
and its surroundings to a renewal of the educational process, with visions of
improvement in the quality of life of such and for the future generations.
ALMEIDA, Adriana Seabra Vasconcelos. The insert of environmental education inthe public schools in Goiás: the case of PRAECs. 2011. 127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.