(Re)pensando o proeja no IFMT – Campus Várzea Grande a partir do olhar do(s) professor(es)
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Inserted in the research line of Education, Work and Social Movements, this study had as
objective to understand the experience of the Technical Course in Condominium Services -
Proeja of the IFMT Campus Várzea Grande, based on the teachers' listening, revealing
elements that contributed to the students permanence / not permanence of the Course.
Although there are several constraints - political, socioeconomic, cultural and educational
dimensions, which converge and influence the subject to give up studies - that interact to
raise the rates of "avoidance", due to the cut made, it was questioned: Which and how did the
elements lived in the experience of the Technical Course in Condominium Services - Proeja of
the IFMT Campus Várzea Grande contribute to the students permanence / non permanence of
the Course? In the search for answers, a theoretical discussion was held on the references to
Youth and Adult Education (EJA), with a focus on initiatives that sought integration between
EJA and Professional Education (EP), with a view to raising the schooling level of the worker to
better understand the creation of Proeja as public educational policy. Thus, a closer dialogue
with the object of study was conceived, which contextualized the movements and clashes
produced with the implementation of Proeja in the country as of Decree Nr. 5.478/2005, and,
especially, in the IFMT - Várzea Grande Campus. The temporary or permanent removal of the
students in the Proeja courses offered at the IFMT campuses has increased and, due to this
reason, many courses ended up being extinct and, consequently, many campuses no longer
offer the modality, as is the specific case of the investigated course. In addition, we analyzed
the pedagogical practice, the training of teachers and the official documents/legislation that
deal with the constitution and operation of Proeja in the national level and in Mato Grosso.
Chosen as a case study methodology, the data collection procedures were performed with the
use of bibliographic review, questionnaire, interviews, documentary analysis and observation
in the classroom. In the study, the results pointed to gaps in relation to: the importance of
IFMT management in assuming the Program in the institution, in order to propose guidelines
that favor the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the courses offered in campuses;
to Proeja's offer in the Várzea Grande Campus, since the choice of the course, the elaboration
of the Pedagogical Course Project, the pedagogical practices of the teachers, the lack of initial
and continued training of the professionals, also contributed to the final enrollment situation
in the Course in 2017/2, with 28 away students and 9 graduating students. This is because it
is a program aimed at the education of the worker to the work world, which should consider:
being a student worker, who has responsibilities with his self-support and family
responsibilities; in the teaching learning process the specificities of these subjects of the
modality - from the visual question; consider the different rhythms and levels of learning; the
need for the resumption of knowledge; the low self-esteem of students, among other aspects;
openness to dialogue and listening to students; the articulation of the technical-scientific
knowledge with the daily ones, giving meaning and significance to the worked knowledge.
However, much needs to be done, since there is no an educational project interwoven with
the subjects needs and realities of the EJA in the IFMT Campus Várzea Grande.
ALMEIDA, S. M. (Re)pensando o proeja no IFMT – Campus Várzea Grande a partir do olhar do(s) professor(es). 2018. 189 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.