Linha de frente na luta contra a COVID-19: narrativas dos profissionais de saúde
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The pandemic of fear, stigma and suffering of health professionals from two health units in
Aparecida de Goiânia, aimed to analyze and extract from the narratives of health
professionals what are the feelings experienced by them on the front line in the fight against
Covid-19 during the first and second wave. For this extraction it was necessary the immersion
in two health services with distinct care profiles, being the first one an Emergency Care Unit -
UPA Flamboyant linked to the urgency and emergency network of Aparecida de Goiânia,
gateway for suspected and/or confirmed cases for Covid-19, and the second one
Epidemiological Surveillance - EV linked to the outpatient network, with minimal passable
contact with possibly contaminated patients. I work in both environments reported above, and
I know the profile of their service dynamics and care. In UPA Flamboyant I am in the front line
in the confrontation with Covid-19 since the first suspected case that entered this unit. I was
able to follow during the first two waves, March 2020 to June 2021, the unfolding of the care
provided by the multi-professional team to these patients, I could see the first conflicts
generated by fear, uncertainty, and ignorance of the virus. In epidemiological surveillance, I
was also present when the first Covid-19 notification forms arrived in this unit, and I
witnessed the fear of health professionals and administrative staff to take the forms and be
contaminated, a fear that was shared by all, adding to the uncertainties that were also
present, evidenced by the hesitation to take the forms without using gloves. The complexity
of situations experienced during the immersion in the field sometimes blurred the boundaries
between researcher and researched, the constant taking off and putting on of the lab coat
allowed me to evolve with each immersion. The subtlety in perceiving myself as the "other"broadened my view of what the health-disease process is, explaining that it goes far beyond
the biomedical model. To think anthropologically about this health-disease model is very
expensive for those who are trained only in the biomedical model, because they will have to
overcome countless barriers that will arise using this new lens. Twenty-one interlocutors were
interviewed, and of these seven had not been contaminated with the Coronavirus by the time
we left the field on March 6, 2021. The seven uncontaminated interlocutors were five from the
UPA Flamboyant and two from the Epidemiological Surveillance. The fieldwork revealed that
even in the face of an invisible evil that caused fear, stigmatization and uncertainty, the
continuity of the assistance provided by health professionals, subtly was muffling and/or
eliminating these feelings routinizing Covid-19.
ALMEIDA, F. T.Linha de frente na luta contra a COVID-19: narrativas dos profissionais de saúde. 2021. 150 f.
Dissertação (Mestrado em Antropologia Social), Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.