Relações e condições de trabalho docente em IES privadas da grande Goiânia: análise relacional de rescindidos no contexto do Sinaes
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
Relational analysis of private Higher Education Institutions (IES) managements in the Metropolitan Region
of Goiânia (RMG) with Brazilian politics regarding evaluation, regulation and supervision of the field, that
constitute the Federal System of Education (SFE). The observed practice was in the work relations and
conditions, a relatively dynamic set of durable dispositions; manifested in this subfield and presented by the
documental base extracted from the Higher Education Census, from the e-MEC system (MEC, Inep) and by
the voices of teachers that worked in private IES in the RMG that had their contract termination assisted by
the Goiás Teachers Syndicate (Sinpro – Go), in the period between 2004 and 2017. The group of 126
teachers responded to the questionnaire link forwarded by e-mail and Whatsapp. In the questionnaire with
34 multiple choice and 8 open questions, three moments of their professional trajectories were highlighted:
in the ‘present’, about the types of work relations and conditions that these teachers experienced in 2018; in
the past, about the experience lived in the terminated contract between 2004 and 2017; and in the future,
with vestiges of glimpses and strategies for their careers. The comprehension of the subfield of private
higher education, undertaken here, demanded to be observed in relation to the field of power, where politics
are established in legal and normative prescriptions and to the economic field, especially when private IES
expand and diversify as private market, as they participate in the massification of enrollment by means of
the service sector. The intention was to search for evidence of teaching practice in their modus operandi,
looking toward the articulated management among three agents, taken as categories in this study: the
State, the private IES and the teaching practice. In the context of the relations of evaluation, regulation and
supervision by the State, as a consecration (production of belief) and (re)production system of a given
cultural capital, that happen in the academic field. Hence, the elements and criteria present in the
questionnaire were suggested, in part, by the National Higher Education Evaluation System’s instruments
(Sinaes) in regards to the quality of the teaching body itself (titles, work regimen, accumulated experiences). On the other hand, the private IES, or not, also present their processes of production and their “products” as
fundamental to the economy of symbolic goods, that does not put aside and conforms to the professional
class that materializes it. The construction of the object that stems from possible dialogues among
Bourdieu’s sociology (and the sociology of education), Adorno and Horkheimer’s the cultural industry,
Thoompson and Williams’ cultural materialism, and even the contributions of Clot and Schwartz’s work
sciences. Apart from the national reference that discuss higher education and its evaluation specifically,
such as Dias Sobrinho, Sguissardi, Barreyro, Rothen, Amaral, Oliveira, Hey, Moraes and Ferreira. It was
verified that in the expansion of the Goiás private subfield, according to information from Sinaes and
teacher reports, better indicators regarding the quality of the teaching body dealing with felixibilization,
intensification and precariousness of work relations and conditions in the private IES in the RMG. The study
suggests new questions about higher education and the emancipatory possibilities of the teaching practice
in its most political dimension (public and institutional policies and individual strategies), regarding the
different managements of the teaching practice, understood as academic activity that produces this
important cultural capital. The researcher was a recipient of a doctorate scholarship, given by the Social
Demand Program of the Coordination for the Enhancement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes).
COSTA, Aline Fagner de Carvalho e. Relações e condições de trabalho docente em IES privadas da grande Goiânia: análise relacional de rescindidos no contexto do Sinaes. 2019. 260 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.