Inỹsurenỹ: a terra é nossa! Judicialização da terra indígena do povo Inỹ Karajá de Aruanã-Goiás
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This dissertation aims to contribute with studies concerning the indigenous rights, which are
so expensive and necessary for us in the area of Law, especially rights related to land. I bring
from a concrete case, in question, the Inỹ Karajá de Aruanã-Goiás land, the reflections which
were developed during the research and the experience with this people, guided by numerous
concerns related to land, its legal nature, its recognition, reality and its situation. I also bring
the perspectives that outline the whole demarcation process and its unfolding regards nonethnic
recognition of their ownership prerogatives, use, management and maintenance of
ancestral land. Besides that, a range of irreducible needs that also reach the fundamental
rights in order to, finally, affirm that, the State in recognizing these rights and not enforcing
them it positions itself as the greatest perpetrator of the crime of destruction by perpetuating
the continuous disrespect to the constitutional commandments, concerning as regards the
ancestral right of their lands, thus constituting in what we can call by institutional violence.
OLIVEIRA, R. C. C. Inỹsurenỹ: a terra é nossa! Judicialização da terra indígena do povo Inỹ Karajá de Aruanã-Goiás. 2020. 210 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.