Metodologias de ensino e práticas pedagógicas em um curso de graduação em odontologia

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Changes in the labor market profile of the learner, speed of knowledge production and the realization of an inconsistency between vocational training and the provision of services to the community, led a revolution in higher education, particularly in the health area courses towards tailor the training for this new context. Curriculum guidelines systematized these needs and boosted curricular reforms and restructuring of the educational course projects. In relation to teachers and students, in the midst of so many changes, it is also required a new approach to teaching and learning. This study focused on investigating the perception of teachers and students on the methodologies, teaching strategies and pedagogical practices employed in a vocational training course in dentistry. For this we used a qualitative approach. Data were collected through individual interviews with teachers and students to focus groups, analysis of these data was performed using Grounded Theory and having as support the WebQDA software. The teaching methodology used in the course is more traditional and the strategy is lecturing with slide projection. Although students recognize the benefits of active methodologies, these believe that the traditional method is most suitable for your training. The active methodology of teaching and learning is still a challenge for teachers essentially the pedagogical limitations. Utilize these methodologies is to abandon the security that underpins the historical use of traditional methodology. This paradigm shift for teachers, involves facing the resistance of students and win their own. The teaching practice shows inconsistencies with the pedagogical course design regarding the interdisciplinary, integrating basic and clinical cycle, prioritizing use of active methodologies, comprehensive view of the patient and evaluation process. As regards the use of active methodologies is imperative to have teacher training and enlightenment of students. It is essential that these be used with prudence and are appropriate to the objectives. The intersection of the perceptions of teachers and students can reveal valuable appointments for the redirection of higher education in dentistry.



MATIAS, Karolina Kellen. Metodologias de ensino e práticas pedagógicas em um curso de graduação em odontologia. 2013. 134 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências da Saúde) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.