A encarnação da filosofia: uma análise da filosofia da sensibilidade de Ludwig Feuerbach

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


The thought of Ludwig Feuerbach, when we realize its true dimension and scope, is far from being limited to a simple critique of religion and Christianity. The almost universal label of a atheistic seems to pursue him, generating impoverishing interpretations of his thought. However, if we look at the movement of his works - which we limit ourselves, for various reasons, to the period from 1839 until 1843 - we can identify a more relevant subject: the attempt to give a new meaning to the Human Sensibility within the philosophical tradition. In that direction, we can understand his juvenile works, passing by the Essence of Christianity, and arraving to his later "philosophy of the future." The image of this development as an "incarnation" also summarizes the evolution, accompanied here chronologically, of the Feuerbachian philosophy from the unfolding of a post-Hegelian scene, with the claim for a "realization of the idea" yet in the Hegelian horizon, to his emancipation and formation of an authentically "incarnated philosophy" in the human figure and in the sensibility ground..



ASSUNÇÃO, F. A encarnação da filosofia: uma análise da filosofia da sensibilidade de Ludwig Feuerbach. 2016. 99 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Filosofia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.