Revisão taxonômica das espécies de Manihot Mill. (Euphorbiaceae, Crotonoideae, Manihoteae) com folhas inteiras, não lobadas ou curtamente lobadas

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


Euphorbiaceae is the largest family of Malpighiales and one of the largest of Angiosperms encompassing 246 genera and approximately 6,000 species in the tropics, where Brazil stands out with 64 and 941 representatives, respectively. Manihot Mill. belongs to the subfamily Crotonoideae, tribe Manihoteae, consists of over 100 species, 66 of them endemic to Brazil, besides being one of the genera that has the most complex taxonomy in the family, since it presents conserved floral morphology and diverse vegetative morphological variation. In this genus, there are several leaf morphological patterns, one of them represented by species traditionally allocated in the sections Brevipetiolatae Pax and Peltatae Pax, which, although not monophyletic, include plants easily recognized by the leaves entire, sessile to petiolate, with blade not lobed or shortly lobed. These species are little and/or poorly known, have classification problems, inaccurate geographical distribution, non-evaluated conservation status, and they have not been studied for at least 40 years. This master’s dissertation aimed to review the taxonomy of species of Manihot with leaves entire, unlobed, or shortly lobed applying usual methods of plant taxonomy. As the results of this dissertation, we present four articles, which have been standardized according to the journals where they have been or are going to be published. The first article is a taxonomic revision of the aforementioned species, in which 17 taxa were recognized, three of them new to science (Manihot allemii, M. fallax, and M. scandens), as 12 lectotypifications and a synonymization were performed. In addition to the description of the species, it shows photographs and illustrations for some of them, as well as comments about its morphological relationships, conservation status, period of flowering and fruiting, and distribution maps. The second, third, and fourth articles bring descriptions of three new species, one of them already published and the other two already accepted for publication. Our results provide systematic, ecological, and evolutionary knowledge of the genus Manihot, especially the species studied, and also offer support to other similar studies of the genus.



INOCÊNCIO, Laís de Souza. Revisão taxonômica das espécies de Manihot Mill. (Euphorbiaceae, Crotonoideae, Manihoteae) com folhas inteiras, não lobadas ou curtamente lobadas. 2016. 184 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biodiversidade Vegetal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.