A língua(gem) como constitutiva da (re)elaboração conceitual: um estudo a partir da educação Química de surdos
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
In accordance with the Dialectical Historical Materialism and substantiated on Marxist bases, such as Vigotski's Sociocultural Theory, and Language in the perspective of Bakhtin's Circle, this thesis is a participating research and assumed as a proposition that the meanings and senses elaborated by deaf students in chemistry classes, in a bilingual environment, are directly related to the intermediation of knowledge provided by the translators and interpreters of Libras/Portuguese, so that we express this relationship from the approach of the concept of Chemical Transformation. We analyzed the discursive interactions established during a didactic sequence, carried out in the second semester of 2016, at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás - Câmpus Anápolis. In all, eight pedagogical interventions were carried out that dealt with the concept of “Chemical Transformations”. Thirteen deaf students enrolled in the State and Federal Education Network of the city of Anápolis participated in the study, and of these, six allowed us to perform an analysis of their bilingual profiles by applying a Language History Questionnaire. The data collection instrument used was video recording, which took place from two different cameras. All pedagogical interventions went through a process of translation and transcription, and the data generated were analyzed from the Dialogic Discourse Analysis. Our results indicate that the education of the deaf is multifaceted and crossed by several singularities. Our participants, like most deaf children of hearing parents, had late access to Libras, which led to differences in their development compared to listeners of the same age. Our results also showed that our participants presented different dominances in both languages (Libras and Portuguese), and therefore different bilingual profiles. The discursive interactions during the didactic sequence allowed to analyze the ways in which the speech that circulates in the bilingual environment constitutes the elaboration of meanings and senses, both for TILS and for deaf students, so that it was explained that access to chemical thinking by of these individuals goes through processes of intermediation of dialogical relations, starting from the figure of TILS, permeated by conflicts in the negotiation of meanings and senses. However, we emphasize the importance of approaching the three levels of chemical knowledge as a way to enhance the access of deaf students to a chemical thought.
PEREIRA, L. L. S. A língua(gem) como constitutiva da (re)elaboração conceitual: um estudo a partir da educação Química de surdos. 2020. 229 f. Tese (Doutorado em Química) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.