A redação do ENEM: uma análise das possibilidades do trabalho com a língua portuguesa na sala de aula
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
This paper presents a research conducted in the Stricto sensu Professional Master's Degree
Program in Teaching in Basic Education, at the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to
Education (PPGEEB/CEPAE), Federal University of Goiás (UFG),within the research line
Theoretical-Methodological Conceptions and Teaching Practices, between the years 2021 and
2024. Given the essays results of the National High School Exam (Enem) between the years
2019 and 2021, according to INEP data,and the decreasing index of essays scoring 1000, the
proposal to develop this study emerged, aiming to investigate why the number of Enem essays
scoring 1000 has been decreasing each year and what is the relationship between students'
performance and the educational, social, and economic context experienced in our country. For
this research, we use excellent essays analyses, as well as texts from 3rd year students of
Technical High School who were preparing to take the exam in 2023. To support the work, the
theoretical basis includes: Bakhtin (2016), Passarelli (2013?), Possenti (2002), Geraldi (2005),
Plato and Fiorin (2000), Candido (2011), Colomer (2017), Andruetto (2017), as well as
normative documents, such as National Curriculum Parameters – PCN (1997) and Common
National Curricular Base – BNCC (2017), among others. Also, this research is justified by the
intention to understand how Portuguese Language and Essay teachers work with texts in the
classroom and how they prepare students for the Enem and, futhermore, if investment in reading
and literature improves textual comprehension and the writing of argumentative essays. The
methodological approach was developed through documentary analysis and participatory action
research, having as analysis corpus six Enem essays scoring 1000 (from the years 2019, 2020,
and 2021), as well as fourteen essays from Technical High School students who took the exam
in 2023, with the researcher's interaction with the students of the chosen field school as the
research locus.During the field activities, questionnaires were applied to the students, in
addition to textual production and, finally, the essays were handed in with grades from two
graders – the class teacher and the researcher. The educational product is the PodEdu podcast,
which will be available on Spotify – a free platform that, in addition to providing music
streaming services, also offers podcasts. There will be two episodes dedicated to the discussion
on education and Enem essay, with interviews with Portuguese Language and Essay teachers
and students who had successful scores in the exam. Therefore, the results of the documentary
and field research, combined with the interviews from the media product, brought significant
insight to the understanding of the bottlenecks related to textual production in the final year of
Basic Education.
SOUSA, A. P. O. A redação do ENEM: uma análise das possibilidades do trabalho com a língua portuguesa na sala de aula. 2024. 194 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ensino na Educação Básica) - Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação, Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2024.