Mestrado Profissional em Ensino na Educação Básica (CEPAE)

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    A redação do ENEM: uma análise das possibilidades do trabalho com a língua portuguesa na sala de aula
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-07) Sousa, Ana Paula Oliveira; Vieira , Ilma Socorro Gonçalves;; Vieira, Ilma Socorro Gonçalves; Galvão, Flávia Motta de Paula; Gonçalves , Letícia de Souza
    This paper presents a research conducted in the Stricto sensu Professional Master's Degree Program in Teaching in Basic Education, at the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education (PPGEEB/CEPAE), Federal University of Goiás (UFG),within the research line Theoretical-Methodological Conceptions and Teaching Practices, between the years 2021 and 2024. Given the essays results of the National High School Exam (Enem) between the years 2019 and 2021, according to INEP data,and the decreasing index of essays scoring 1000, the proposal to develop this study emerged, aiming to investigate why the number of Enem essays scoring 1000 has been decreasing each year and what is the relationship between students' performance and the educational, social, and economic context experienced in our country. For this research, we use excellent essays analyses, as well as texts from 3rd year students of Technical High School who were preparing to take the exam in 2023. To support the work, the theoretical basis includes: Bakhtin (2016), Passarelli (2013?), Possenti (2002), Geraldi (2005), Plato and Fiorin (2000), Candido (2011), Colomer (2017), Andruetto (2017), as well as normative documents, such as National Curriculum Parameters – PCN (1997) and Common National Curricular Base – BNCC (2017), among others. Also, this research is justified by the intention to understand how Portuguese Language and Essay teachers work with texts in the classroom and how they prepare students for the Enem and, futhermore, if investment in reading and literature improves textual comprehension and the writing of argumentative essays. The methodological approach was developed through documentary analysis and participatory action research, having as analysis corpus six Enem essays scoring 1000 (from the years 2019, 2020, and 2021), as well as fourteen essays from Technical High School students who took the exam in 2023, with the researcher's interaction with the students of the chosen field school as the research locus.During the field activities, questionnaires were applied to the students, in addition to textual production and, finally, the essays were handed in with grades from two graders – the class teacher and the researcher. The educational product is the PodEdu podcast, which will be available on Spotify – a free platform that, in addition to providing music streaming services, also offers podcasts. There will be two episodes dedicated to the discussion on education and Enem essay, with interviews with Portuguese Language and Essay teachers and students who had successful scores in the exam. Therefore, the results of the documentary and field research, combined with the interviews from the media product, brought significant insight to the understanding of the bottlenecks related to textual production in the final year of Basic Education.
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    Algoritmos do silêncio: as relações entre o ensino e as aprendizagens de estudantes surdos e professor, em atividades de programação com o Scratch
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-10) Silva, Raisson Alves da; Faria, Elisabeth Cristina de;; Faria, Elisabeth Cristina de; Moraes, Moema Gomes; Lima, Luciano Feliciano de
    In most cases, deaf children born to hearing parents enter school without proficiency in either Sign Language (Libras) or Portuguese. This study investigates how computer programming with Scratch can contribute to the teaching and learning process of deaf students. Theoretical frameworks were drawn from the works of Paulo Freire, José Carlos Libâneo, Tatiana Bolivar Lebedeff, and Ronice Muller de Quadros. The research conducted during the Professional Master’s Degree in Teaching in Basic Education at the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program of CEPAE/UFG, involved four deaf students from the eighth grade of elementary school at a public school affiliated with the Goiânia Association of the Deaf. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews in Libras and video recordings of student activities. Approximately 30 hours of recordings were analyzed, revealing changes in students' problem solving strategies and collaborative behavior. The research produced an educational resource for teachers titled "ALGORITHMS OF SILENCE: THE POSSIBILITIES OF SCRATCH FOR DEAF STUDENTS," which outlines all the activities used in data collection and provides suggestions for their implementation. The findings indicate that, like other pedagogical tools, computer programming with Scratch, when used intentionally by teachers, can positively impact the teaching and learning process of deaf students.
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    Metodologias ativas de aprendizagem e a formação do leitor literário nos anos finais do ensino fundamental: contribuições e desafios
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-04-28) Borges, Tálita de Oliveira; Vieira, Ilma Socorro Gonçalves;; Vieira, Ilma Socorro Gonçalves; Silva, Célia Sebastiana da; Melo, Keila Matilda de
    Active Learning Methodologies have been studied and applied in undergraduate and graduate courses. Research points out that the use of these methodologies has contributed to the engagement of Higher Education students in the proposed activities and favored the development of autonomy to carry them out. Thus, this Dissertation, developed through the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ensino na Educação Básica (Mestrado Profissional), of the Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação, of the Universidade Federal de Goiás (PPGEEB-Cepae-UFG), had as main objective to investigate the contributions of the use of Active Learning Methodologies in Basic Education, specifically, in the formation of readers in the Final Years of Elementary School. The guiding questions are the following: what are the contributions of Active Methodologies to the teaching of literature in the Final Years of Elementary School and what are their challenges in teaching work? The research is based on the dialogic perspective of language teaching and it is based on studies by Rojo (2012; 2013), Kleiman (2014) and Freitas (2016) about multiliteracy practices; Freire (2003, 2015) and his conception of autonomy; Paulino (2001), Kramer (2005), Candido (1995), Colomer (2017), Machado (2009), Lajolo (2004), Todorov (2019), Zilberman (1988; 1999), Vargas Llosa (2009) about the formation of the literary reader; and of Moran (2018), Alves (2015), Bergmann and Sams (2019) on Active Methodologies; between others. This is an action-research, based on a qualitative field research developed at Colégio Fundação Bradesco – Aparecida de Goiânia, in an 8th grade class. Data collection was carried out through the researcher's experience report and analysis of the of students’ productions involved in the investigation. The Educational Product of the research is a website entitled: "Protagonist literary readers: contributions and challenges of Active Methodologies for the formation of readers", to be maintained with didactic materials (texts, scripts for teachers and activities for students), with the aim of assist Portuguese language teachers and other areas of knowledge, about the use of didactic resources and the use of Active Methodologies.
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    Contos de José J. Veiga: entre o real e o insólito nas práticas de leitura literária na educação de Jovens e Adultos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-21) Martins, Raquel; Faria, Vivianne Fleury de;; Faria, Vivianne Fleury de; Silva, Célia Sebastiana; Aurora Neta, Maria
    This research presents a proposal for training literary readers in Young Adult Education (EJA), based on reading fantastic stories by José J. Veiga. The short stories gathered to compose a didactic sequence, carried out with the 5th to 8th grade classes of a municipal public school, located in Goiânia, are set in rural spaces and small villages and portray, in an allegorical way, the human condition subjected to different types of oppression. The general objective that guides this study is, in addition to contributing to the process of forming the literary reader in EJA, to highlight the importance of literary reading in the teaching-learning process. In other words, it aims to collaborate with the process of training an autonomous, critical and reflective literary reader. The methodology defined for this work was action research (Thiollent, 2009). The theoretical contribution presents scholars in the areas of literature and education, such as Candido (2009, 2017), Zilberman (2009, 2012), Todorov (2007, 2009), Eco (2001), Andruetto (2017), Machado (2011), Petit (2009), Cosson (2021), Aguiar and Bordini (1988), Cortázar (2008), Gotlib (1990), Souza (1990), Freire (1987, 2020), Arroyo (2017), Libâneo e Silva (2020) and Saviani (2021), among others. As it is action research, an interpretative analysis was developed, based on the authors studied, of data collected in questionnaires, field diaries and student productions that contemplate the application of the didactic sequence. As a result of this pedagogical intervention, the educational product is presented in the form of an e-book, entitled “Literary reading notebook: José J. Veiga in EJA” and includes a presentation by the author, the short stories read, with a brief interpretation, suggestions for activities and, finally, some student reflections and productions. Its content was developed during the Stricto Sensu Professional Master's Degree of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education at the Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Aplicada à Educação (CEPAE) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG).
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    O ensino de dança na educação física escolar: uma proposta metodológica para os anos iniciais do ensino fundamental
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-10) Brandão, Flávia Ramalho Monteiro; Pimentel, Fernanda Cruvinel;; Pimentel, Fernanda Cruvinel; Rodrigues , Anegleyce Teodoro; Zandominegue, Bethania Alves Costa
    The teaching of Dances in school Physical Education classes, as well as other specific contents of this curricular component, often presents in pedagogical practice only procedural aspects of the content, the "knowing how to do", however, the current curricular guidelines that guide Education, the BNCC, directs a teaching and learning process beyond the "knowing how to do", aiming at the global formation of the student through concepts, attitudes and values. Given the lack of academic production on this subject, the aim of this study is to develop a methodological teaching proposal for the content of Dances of Brazil and the World in the early years of elementary school, integrated into the Physical Education curriculum, in accordance with the legal guidelines and the particular needs of the educational environment. From this perspective, a qualitative study was undertaken, based on the precepts of action research and supported by the Pedagogical Intervention Project developed during the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program at CEPAE/UFG, which was configured into the educational product entitled "Dance in the context of Physical Education: Dances from Brazil and the world". Participant observation, the Field Diary, audiovisual recordings and questionnaires were used as instruments for producing and collecting data. In order to analyze and interpret the data, the Field Diary entries were taken into account, as well as observations in class, audiovisual recordings and entries written by the students in response to the questionnaires. Given the constant changes, especially with the implementation of the BNCC, this study is an important theoretical and methodological support for teachers involved in the teaching of Physical Education in the early years, with the aim of contributing to a better performance in the face of the numerous challenges that arise in everyday school life, and thus guaranteeing meaningful learning and the principles of an integral education, which seeks to develop broad skills and competencies in students, making them protagonists in the educational process. As a result, this study shows that the implementation of Dance in school Physical Education classes, from the perspective of the dimensions of knowledge and guided by the current curriculum guidelines, the BNCC, plays a fundamental role as a pedagogical activity that can be worked on in its various aspects, providing students with emotional, physical, intellectual and social benefits. This content helps in a positive way to build the individual's knowledge in relation to the body culture of movement and to recover historical and socio-cultural aspects of both the society in which he is inserted and the world
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    Leitura da poesia de carlos drummond de andrade nos anos finais do ensino fundamental
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-12-01) Rodrigues, Patrícia Silva Valverde; Silva, Célia Sebastiana da;; Silva, Célia Sebastiana; Faria, Vivianne Fleury de; Ferreira, Elizete Albina
    This research is part of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education (PPGEEB) at the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education (CEPAE) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), developed between 2021 and 2023. Its aim was to investigate how the reading of Carlos Drummond de Andrade's poetry can contribute to the development of reading skills in sixth-grade students in the Municipal School Network of Aparecida de Goiânia. It also seeks to demystify the belief that poetic texts are difficult to be read by students in the classroom, in addition to evaluating how poetry can enhance students' reading proficiency. The methodology used was action research, with the researcher mediating the reading of poems from the works Boitempo I and Boitempo II, aiming to integrate the practice of reading comprehension through poems into the students' lives as a social activity. As an Educational Product, named 'Interactive Poems Website: The Poetry of Carlos Drummond de Andrade in Aparecida de Goiânia,' an interactive website has been created with a variety of activities and academic, poetic, and visual texts, along with the different written works produced by the students throughout the research development.
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    Estudo dos reflexos do plano de ações articuladas na educação básica: na escola pública da rede estadual em Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-29) Gomes, Pedro Barreto; Gonçalves, Glauco Roberto;; Gonçalves, Glauco Roberto; Santos, Wanderley Alves dos; Ribeiro, Cristiane Maria
    The study aimed to conduct an analysis of the Articulated Action Plan (PAR), a supplementary and voluntary technical and financial assistance strategy from the National Fund for Education Development (FNDE) and the Ministry of Education (MEC) in Brazil. The goal is to enhance the Brazilian public basic education. To comprehend and assess the second dimension of PAR, focused on the training of teachers and professionals in school support, the dissertation aimed to understand the scope of this national public policy. Three qualitative analysis axes were addressed to evaluate the importance of the program, resources as a pedagogical differential, and the educational performance of the institution. Educational planning and practical utilization from the perspective of projects presented to the State Department of Education of Goiás (SEDUC-GO) were also described. A semi-structured interview with open-ended questions was conducted with administrative technicians from SEDUC-GO to discuss the second dimension of PAR, exploring how it has been managed and implemented. As an educational product, a mini-course titled "Reflections of the Articulated Action Plan in Basic Education: in the public schools of the state network in Goiânia" was conducted, and a dissertation titled "Study of the Reflections of the Articulated Action Plan in Basic Education: in the public schools of the state network in Goiânia" was produced during the Professional Master's in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program at the Center for Teaching and Applied Education Research of the Federal University of Goiás (CEPAE/UFG). The work was directed towards the management teams of the State Center for Youth and Adult University Education (CEEJA) and the Dom Abel Full-Time Teaching Center, aiming to provide adequate knowledge about PAR so that managers can better utilize resources. The theoretical-conceptual approach of the research referred to the contributions of Saviani, Fonseca, and Dourado. The methodology was qualitative, at exploratory and descriptive levels, foreseeing the use of techniques such as document analysis and semi-structured interviews with SEDUC-GO technicians.
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    [Des]construção e [res]significação dos direitos humanos: um estudo com vivências de ensino-aprendizagem e análises sociológicas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-01-25) Brito, Gabrielle Amâncio Bertolli Venâncio; Rabelo, Danilo;; Rabelo, Danilo; Oliveira, Dijaci David de; Vreeswijk, Anna Maria Dias
    Faced upon a convoluted moment over a polarized political context with different and opposite ideas, the conception of human rights lies as “privilege” for criminals. Such annalysis is sustained by both population and commom sense. This work presents the results of a research made with second grade classes from Ensino Médio (Brazilian High school) in a full-time public school in Goiânia, Goiás. In order to do so the following investigation problem has been set: How to (de)construct the human rights conception and (re)define it through sociology classes? This research aims to understand the human rights concept lying (or not) in Ensino Médio students’ speech, opposing the bias that such rights are “bandits” privilege. To deconstruct such alignaments – sustained by social and historical visions shaped within neoliberalism interest, means to construct a critical perspective of human rights biased over multiculturalism through a teaching Project that sustains this Dissertation process. The pedagogic interventions were set upon the teaching Project entitled “Afinal, o que são esses tais direitos humanos?” (Afterall what are the so-called human rights?) developed in Sociology classes. Such Project is a founding part of the previously mentioned research and also part of the Professional Master in Science stricto sensu from the post-grad program in Basic Education teaching in the Research and Teaching Education Applied center (CEPAE – Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa aplicada à Educação) from the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), thus named educational product, available in appendix. The research is made upon qualitative bias and fundamented over theoreticals that worked with the history of human rights and its concepting, such as Giuseppe Tosi (2004), Norberto Bobbio (2004), Hannah Arendt (1989, João Dornelles (2013) and Boaventura Santos (1997). The theoretical fouding is set also in human rights educators such as Candal (2008), Sacavino (2013) and Paulo Freire (2019), scholars that annalysed a democratic and humanizing education. Such authors work with the plurality of understandings in the concept of human rights in several theoretical and historical perspectives, developed over a democratic focus, universally centralizer of rights, or with a neoliberalism perspective. Due to a common sense deconstruction of human rights and its following reconstruction, normatizing documents of the school curricum are annalysed, the Nacional Curricular Commom Base (BNCC, 2018) and the Curricular Document for Goiás – Ensino Médio part (DC-GOEM, 2020). The field research is characterized by an action-research with the school environment collaboration objective and the recognition of subjects in its following parts as developers of a democractic and rights protective environment. The data collection happened through quizzes, semistructured interviews and teaching and project observation. The reflections were made upon field diary annalysis and student developed production, meaning to understand which is the guiding line that directs the student claimed human rights conception.
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    Gêmeos autistas em processo de alfabetização: linguagem e aprendizagem matemática no ensino regular em Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-11-16) Santos, Maria do Socorro Venancio dos; Civardi, Jaqueline Araújo;; Civardi, Jaqueline Araújo; Moraes, Moema Gomes; Silva, Paulo Roberto de Jesus; Araújo, Claudia Helena dos Santos
    Considering the importance of Special and Inclusive Education in Brazil, this study had the general objective of analyzing how the mathematical literacy process of twin children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) takes place, based on the use of teaching resources that emerge from their demands. educational. Therefore, we were prompted to investigate which characteristics should contain didactic resources capable of assisting in the literacy process and the development of oral and written mathematical language in twin brothers with ASD? In this sense, the research was qualitative, and for data collection we used technological means and observation and mediation techniques, semi-structured interviews, audio recordings, with the teaching and support teachers, the psychopedagogue, and the therapeutic companion. children's school. This first moment, together with the observations at the school research field were crucial for the creation and development of the Educational Products, the animations “Beto, the fireman” and the pedagogical proposals. The products are available on the YouTube channel, in the appendices and on the website entitled: Beto, the Firefighter: learning about magnitudes and capacity measurements. The Educational Products mentioned were extension tools developed during the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program at CEPAE/UFG, which contributed both to the pedagogical mediation processes and assisted in the learning process and development of ideas. twins math. As a second enrichment proposal, we developed three Pedagogical Proposals, corresponding to each animation, as a means of offering important information to teachers and professionals that corroborate the process of language, learning and the development of mathematical ideas of twins with ASD. The theoretical constructs of the dissertation in question were explored in Vygotsky and Luria. Thus, the data were analyzed following the assumptions of Vygostky's Socio-Historical-Cultural Theory. In this way, the results obtained provided valuable insights into the role of social interaction, adaptation, pedagogical mediation and language in the construction of mathematical knowledge and the development of higher psychological functions. Therefore, Category 1 Analysis describes social interaction and the concept of adaptation in Vygostky related to twins with ASD in the literacy process; Category 2 Analysis brings aspects related to learning the concept of magnitudes and capacity measurements and the mathematical ideas developed by the twins, associating adaptation and the system of signs and symbols; in Category 3 Analysis, we specify educational demands, outlining pedagogical mediation and the use of teaching resources; we finish with the Analysis of category 4, presenting a focus on the oral and written mathematical language of the twins, relating language and human behavior in Vygotsky.
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    Educação histórica e o uso das TDICs: uma proposta de ensino de história utilizando as mídias digitais
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-01-25) Bueno, Fernanda Magalhães; Vreeswijk, Anna Maria Dias;; Vreeswijk, Anna Maria Dias; Rabelo, Danilo; Teixeira, Rafael Saddi
    The present research presented to the Course of the Strict Sensu Professional Master's Course of the Graduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education of the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education (CEPAE) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) has as its object of investigation the possibility of using Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs) in the teaching of History from the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Historical Education. Historical Education is a line of research within the area of teaching History that aims at a didactic built by historians, uniting the assumptions of reference science with classroom practice to understand the development of historical thinking and historical awareness to from the elucidation not only of what is learned in history, but also of how history is learned. Based on the investigation, an educational product entitled “Why Study History? Sequence of three tutorial videos on studying History in basic education” was developed. The product is a sequence of three videos available on the YouTube platform that aims to highlight the significance of the study of the discipline of History in the current school and, finally, to show resources that favor students in the production and sharing of their school work related to the discipline of History, so that they use technology in the service of contact with varied historical sources, in the service of authorship of knowledge and in the service of communication and sharing of their learning. The research methodology consists of bibliographical research, application of questionnaires with the objective of investigating the conception of students of the ninth year of elementary school of a private school in Goiânia about what History is, its usefulness and, also, to investigate the relationship of these students with the TDICs. From the analysis of the students' answers to the questionnaires and based on the theory and methodology of Historical Education, the educational product was developed with the objective of filling the lack of guidance in relation to the discipline of History and the use of TDICs. The educational product was presented to the students and evaluated by them in order to analyze its relevance to the educational scenario.
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    Territórios e territorialidades: a compreensão de Aparecida de Goiânia por jovens e adultos migrantes de uma escola da rede pública estadual na educação de jovens e adultos
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-25) Sá Junior, Abner Conceição de; Olanda, Elson Rodrigues;; Olanda, Elson Rodrigues; Bento, Izabella Peracini; Teixeira, Renato Araújo
    More than the result of capital action with the connivance of the State, cities are an example of the materialization of protected relations between society and space. Aparecida de Goiânia, complex, fragmented and segregated, is an example of this condition. The present study seeks to understand the specificities of this city. Singularities, whose elucidation, are fundamental to think about a contextualized geography teaching proposal for Youth and Adult Education (EJA). Seeking to re-signify our pedagogical practice, we also seek to identify spatial practices and processes of reterritorialization of migrant students who attend this teaching modality. People whose presence is a remarkable fact in the school context of schools located in Aparecida. We are based on the observation that the migratory phenomenon, in part, explains the difficulties that many students have in identifying themselves as residents of the city. The main objective of the research is to understand how the processes of reterritorialization of migrant students can be considered for a better understanding of the city, aiming at a more meaningful teaching that provides better learning of more complex phenomena on a local, regional and national scale. global, in geography classes of Youth and Adult Education, in the city of Aparecida de Goiânia. I also hope to contribute to the debate on the re-signification of geography teaching, from a perspective of citizen training, aiming at the effective right to the city. To achieve these objectives, methodological procedures were used: bibliographical and documentary research, data collection through sessions, interview scripts and testimonials (life stories). In a class of the 3rd Semester of the Third Stage of EJA (Corresponding to the 3rd Year of Regular High School), in a state public school, located in Aparecida de Goiânia. As a theoretical framework, we prioritize authors who study the production of Brazilian and Goiás urban space: Arrais (2004, 2013), Carlos (2018, 2020), Corrêa (1989, 2016, 2020), Gottdiener (2016), Lefebvre (1999, 2004), Santos (2006, 2021) Spósito (2013); the concept of territory and correlates: Haesbaert (1997, 2006, 2021), Sack (2013), Saquet (2015, 2020), Souza (2000, 2021); and the teaching of geography: Callai (2000, 2003), Castellar and Vilhena (2019), Cavalcanti (1998, 2005, 2010, 2014) and others. The reflections made possible through bibliographical and documentary research, in addition to the tabulation of data obtained through empirical research, culminated in the elaboration of the educational product entitled: The city and its “owners”: who does Aparecida de Goiânia belong to? Developed and experienced in a real teaching and learning situation (2022). This product consisted of a didactic sequence, which sought to provide EJA students with instruments to better understand the city in which they live.
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    Práticas de leitura e acessibilidade para a formação de leitores no espaço de leitura acessível do núcleo de educação básica inclusiva e formação em práticas docentes do CEPAE/UFG
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-24) Franczak, Lillian Jordânia Batista; Bezerra, Cláudia Santos Gonçalves Barreto;; Dalla Déa, Vanessa Helena Santana;; Dalla Déa , Vanessa Helena Santana; Oliveira , Ana Flávia Teodoro de Mendonça; Costa, Vanderlei Balbino da; Bezerra, Cláudia Santos Gonçalves Barreto
    This research is included in the line of research ‘School Practices and Knowledge Application’, of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education, the Master in Teaching in Basic Education, from the Teaching and Research Applied to Education Center at the Federal University of Goiás (CEPAE/UFG). Its general objective is to promote accessibility and encouraging reading through inclusive practices to the reader formation at the Accessible Reading Space of the Inclusive Basic Education Core and Training in Teaching Practices of CEPAE/UFG. It speaks about inclusion, accessibility, reading, teacher training, reader formation, the access to cultural assets, the right to inclusive education as access to learning opportunities and the possibility of empowerment respecting human diversity. It starts from the essence of an education as a practice of freedom that promotes cultural and informational diffusion through literature and reading. It reverberates on the Brazilian school reality, the role of teachers and librarians in face of the demands of inclusive education in Basic Education and inclusive practices in reading spaces. As for the methodology, it is a quantitative-qualitative research using action research as a method. The field diary, questionnaires, teacher training, pedagogical experience and inclusive reading practices, drawings and photographs were used as data collection instruments, as a way of contemplating and recording all stages of action research. The subjects of the research were 20 teachers in formation (the pedagogical mediators that provide specialized educational assistance to students with specific needs), 20 students without and with disabilities, global developmental disorders, enrolled regularly in the 1st grade of elementary school, a main teacher and a teacher from the Inclusive Education Commission, both from CEPAE / UFG, in the city of Goiânia, Goiás. The conclusion is that there is a possibility to supply the real needs of teachers and librarians working in basic education through training in the area of inclusive education, the offer of accessible cultural spaces that promote the encouragement and training of inclusive readers. It is aligned with the actions of the 2030 agenda of the United Nations (2105), which in its fourth objective concerns the provision of quality education that ensures an inclusive and equitable education, as well as promoting lifelong learning opportunities throughout life, aiming at a more sustainable and resilient world by 2030. It results in an educational product in the e-book format named ‘Reading space accessible at school: reading, empathy, inclusion and universal design’. It includes theoretical and practical reflections that contribute to a transformation of inclusive and quality education aiming at significant changes in teaching in Basic Education. It is necessary to welcome and exercise empathy for, and with, students with specific needs, giving them more opportunities to reach regular schools and leave them humanized, dialogical, readers critical to a more conscious world.
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    A percepção da língua portuguesa como segunda língua pelo estudante surdo por meio do uso de aplicativos de comunicação digital
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-25) Cardoso, Aliffer Vanduir; Carvalho, Andrea Guimarães de;; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da;; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da; Dalla Déa, Vanessa Helena Santana; Pires, Edna Misseno
    This dissertation is based on the following question: Can digital communication applica-tions, developed for smartphones, contribute to teaching written Portuguese to deaf ado-lescent students? The general objective is to analyze activities mediated by the digital com-munication application for teaching written Portuguese to the deaf population. The specific objectives aim to observe linguistic aspects of Libras and the Portuguese language, inves-tigate the educational action and that of the subject, collect data from the activities applied to the participants, understand how L2 learning takes place and prepare a pedagogical notebook as a way of collaborating with teaching practice. The methodology has a descrip-tive, qualitative approach, with action research in the group with seven participants, using fictitious names to protect their identities. The educational product entitled: Pedagogical notebook for teaching Portuguese as a second language for the deaf: Use of technologies, the product is of the digital media type. Developed during the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program at CEPAE/UFG. Among the main sources of this research, Souza (2021) who deals with L2 for knowledge, Selinker (2020) addresses interlanguage, Bévort and Belloni (2009) support action re-search that improves teaching-learning, Falkembach (1987) ) brings the field diary and his reflections. The linguistic potential of the media is seen in the collection of activities of deaf individuals capable of expressing themselves using languages. The didactic-pedagogical activities mediated by digital communication applications reap results from students' under-standing and help in learning the Portuguese language. The results are divided into two phases: 1) analysis of the participants' profiles with activities that observe how they perceive their development and 2) a demonstration of activities seen as an intervention that has a fundamental role in supporting the understanding of the acquisition of the target language. As a final analysis of the results, the social function of the Portuguese language, the stu-dents demonstrated greater interest in learning the Portuguese language due to the fact that current and everyday themes were presented in the activities. In relation to methodol-ogies, the interest in the activities came from bringing appropriate and interesting method-ologies to these students, such as the examples used by applications and gamification. In relation to the potential, technologies and expressions of multi-competence, it is clear that technologies are not the villains of learning, being used in appropriate pedagogical ways they can contribute to the teaching of these deaf students.
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    Trançando histórias por uma educação antirracista: escrevivências com podcast em uma escola quilombola de Aparecida de Goiânia
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-16) Santos, Lara Fogaça dos; Rocha, Maria Alice de Souza Carvalho;; Lima, Cleidna Aparecida de;; Lima, Cleidna Aparecida de; Rocha, Maria Alice de Souza Carvalho; Vreeswijk, Anna Maria Dias; Carvalho, Thaís Regina de
    This work aims to present research in quilombola schools as a possibility to think about pedagogical practices for anti-racist education. In this way, it proposes to build pedagogical actions that reinforce legislation that provides for the mandatory Teaching of the History of Africa and Afro-descendant Culture in Brazil, that is, Law 10.639, aiming at overcoming racism in teaching and school methodologies. Racism is part of the structure of society and is reflected in the educational process, in derogatory, stereotyped, and discriminatory consequences of peoples, bodies and black culture. To this end, understanding the need to climb steps on the teaching practice itself, based on the survey of data, notions, proposals, and experiences already lived, we opted, as a methodology, for action research, focused on actions that promote and encourage educational action in the field of anti-racist teaching methodology. Thus, as a space-time cut of this analysis, the Municipal School Serra das Areias, in Aparecida de Goiânia, was chosen, specifically because it is an urban quilombo and anti-racist pedagogical actions have already been outlined. Data collection was then carried out in the following ways: field observation, data collection about the school and the school subjects, interviews with teachers and the pedagogical coordinator, and classes and workshops on and through the podcast with the students. In the process of building the Educational Product, it is intended to present a podcast, “Trançando Histórias,” an audio program that tells stories with black representation and stories, which raise discussions about Afro-descendant culture, and through it, the intervention project. Bearing in mind the above, various bibliographic sources were sought to help understand and support assisted practice. Among classic texts of national education, others that deal specifically with Law 10.639, course conclusion works and scientific articles, I highlight the following authors who helped me to support the analyses: hooks (2013, 2017), Bento (2002), Café, 2015, Evaristo (2019), Freire (1967), Gomes (2013), Gonzalez (1982), Kilomba (2019), Bâ (2010), Quijano (2005), Oliveira (2021) and Nascimento (1985), in his learning theory, among others. Therefore, it was, is and will be possible to dialogue and create practices, based on the use of the podcast, that reflect the racial debate. Finally, an analysis and discussion of the results will be made and further reflection on the impacts, difficulties, and changes, after the activities carried out in the quilombola schools.
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    A pedagogização do frescobol na educação física escolar: uma proposta baseada na pedagogia histórico-crítica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-09) Moraes, Sara Caroliny Marques; Silva, Alcir Horácio da;; Silva, Alcir Horácio da; Cruvinel, Fernanda Pimentel; Inácio, Humberto Luís de Deus
    The present work has as object of study the school physical education and the teaching of the sport racquetball in the school. It is justified by the need to look at the manifestation of racquetball body culture as a powerful practice for thematization at school as a content of physical education. However, in the context of hegemony of some school physical education contents, would racquetball be a possible sport/game at school? Is racquetball presented as an overcoming possibility in physical education classes, to reduce the hegemony of certain content? To answer these and other questions, the research, developed during the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program at CEPAE/UFG, investigated the possibilities for teaching racquetball as a physical education content in a school of the Municipal Education Network of Goiania, intervening with the implementation of a methodological proposal for teaching racquetball, subsidized by the contribution theorist of Critical Historical Pedagogy and Action Research. It was verified that it is possible to diversify the contents of Physical Education through racquetball, even with challenges and limitations, and still present a possibility of racket sport at school, which breaks with the traditionalism of competitive sports. In addition to thematizing racquetball with the 5th grade elementary school students, the intervention aimed at the development of an educational product in the configuration of a didactic sequencer, covering historical, social, cultural, technical, leisure and sports performance aspects, as well as playfulness and cooperativeness belonging to the essence of the game. The educational product “FRESCOBOL AND ITS PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE AT SCHOOL” is available to those interested in teaching racquetball, especially for physical education teachers, in the appendix and on the EduCapes portal.
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    Metodologias ativas: reflexões sobre o percurso entre a tradição e a inovação
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-18) Lima, Adriane Oliveira de; Gonçalves, Letícia de Souza;; Gonçalves, Letícia de Souza; Egido, Alex Alves; Gonçalves, Glauco Roberto
    Faced with a scenario of changes in various social segments, the educational field also needs to adapt to the new times, since education is organized and formatted to meet the demands of society, but it is a very complex task. One of the points that require attention concerns the relationship between those involved in the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this work is to reflect on the literature and teaching practice on such methodologies. As guides, we propose the following questions: What are active methodologies? Since when and where does the search for student autonomy in education come from? Are we teachers, in fact, prepared for the proposed changes with the use of active methodologies? Active methodologies have potential, but what is the vision regarding their use in a neoliberal education? Therefore, our objective is to understand and propose reflections, from the teaching point of view, about active methodologies, the attempt to implement them in our classroom practices in basic education, in addition bringing the discussion about the neoliberal aspects that use the innovation discourse to promote these methodologies as products to be sold. As a theoretical background, we will bring some authors such as Bacich, Neto and Trevisani (2015), Mello, Neto and Petrillo (2019) with the concept and characteristics of active methodologies; Dewey (2011) and Freire (1993 and 1996) with discussions on building autonomy; Libâneo (2013) and Nunes (2008) about the position and challenge of teachers in the face of innovations; Laval (2019), Mordente (2020), Borges (2020) and Silveira (2009) with the reading of the neoliberal forces active in Brazilian Education. The educational product during the Professional Master's in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program CEPAE / UFG is available on the website entitled: “Active methodologies: reflections”, of an expository nature, it has a blog part that has posts resulting from the bibliographical survey and curation of materials on the subject, the forum with reflective questions about active methodologies and teaching practice and sharing activities in Spanish and Portuguese Language. The intention is to reach basic education teachers who share the anxieties related to the use of active methodologies, so that there is a space for conceptual clarification and an invitation to reflect on the teaching praxis, those involved and the teaching and learning process.
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    (Re)contos de Machado de Assis: uma viagem ao mundo das HQ's e sua contribuição para a formação do leitor na educação básica
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-07-18) Macelai, Laura Graziella Rodrigues Sobrinho; Faria, Vivianne Fleury de;; Faria, Vivianne Fleury de; Silva, Célia Sebastiana da; Teixeira, Átila Silva Arruda
    This dissertation is the results of the Stricto Sensu Professional Master’s Course of the Graduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education, from the Center for Teaching and Research Aplied to Education, Federal University of Goiás (PPGEEB -CEPAE -UFG). It presents an investigation about the teaching practice, when analyzing my Portuguese language classes, observing, and reflecting on the teacher's approach to the formation of the reader in Basic Education. Thus, from a pedagogical intervention focused on the reading of short stories by Machado de Assis, in two classes of the ninth grade and an elective subject of High School at a state school in the municipality of Goiânia/GO, my own practice was investigated. To do so, I established the following research problem: as a Portuguese teacher working with 9th graders of Elementary School and with an elective subject for High School students, how the reading of adapted comics from Machado de Assis’ short stories serve as a mediation for Machado’s original texts and contribute to the formation of the literary reader in basic education? This research was qualitative and based on theorists who discuss action research, such as Michel Thiolent (2005) and Barbier (2002). I also based myself on COSSON (2008) to investigate my own practice and about literary literacy. And the class narratives were mainly inspired by the studies of CANDIDO (2004), TODOROV (1995), ZILBERMAN (2002), ANDRUETTO (2017). The data collection took place through participant observation, descriptions and reflections of the field diary, the productions of the students' comics in relation to the activities applied and collected during the intervention and recorded audios of all classes, for three months. By analyzing the data, I developed the educational product in the form of an e-book, entitled Who a tale increases a point! Report of a literary experience in basic education, inserted apendix of this work. The book was written from a reflection on and about action with a focus on the analysis of comics produced by students, contemplating the results of this research through reflective narratives, sharing the experience obtained. With this research it was possible to highlight some didactic strategies that can lead the students themselves to the formation of the reader, improving their learning.
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    O ensino da língua inglesa no processo inicial de escolarização de estudantes com deficiência visual
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-30) Pires, Maria Cristina Alcântara; Cruvinel, Roberta Carvalho;; Cruvinel, Roberta Carvalho; Carvalho, Edione Teixeira de; Gonçalves, Letícia de Souza
    This work, entitled The Teaching of the English Language in the Initial Schooling Process of Students with Visual Impairment, developed during the Stricto Sensu Professional Master's Degree of the Graduate Program of the Center for Teaching and Applied Research in Education (CEPAE) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), was motivated from listening to the reports of blind students, assisted by CAP - Center for Pedagogical Support for People with Visual Impairment, (organization in which I work professionally). At the time, they talked about their difficulties in learning English when they reached the second phase of elementary school, since they had no contact with the language in the first grades. This work is justified, mainly, by the fact that there are not many studies about teaching English to blind students, mainly, in the initial phase of schooling, which may cause difficulties in the pedagogical practice of those who teach and in several difficulties for those who learn. Thus, the general objective of this research is to design strategies to awaken, in blind students, the taste for studying the English language at the beginning of their schooling, in a calm, dynamic and inclusive way, in order to reduce the barriers encountered in their schooling in the following years. As a theoretical reference, I looked for authors such as Vygotsky (1997; 2000); Rodrigues (2006; 2007 and 2011); Nascimento (2009); Motta (2004); Mittler (2003); Minayo (1992; 94; 2000; 2009 and 2012); Fraiberg (1990) among others. For the development of this research, the methodology used was qualitative, based on the research-action conception, and, as a result of this work, I present the educational product, an e-book, entitled: "The use of concrete and/or adapted English language materials for blind students in the early years: a reflective narrative about concept and meaning beyond vocabulary teaching". This product contains general orientations, followed by reflections about the teaching and learning of the English language for blind students, in an inclusive perspective, as well as demonstrations of adapted materials and suggestions of activities to work with the English language in the early grades.
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    Malaika: criação de um livro literário para a temática das relações étnicas e raciais no ensino fundamental
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-02) Araújo, Kênia Patrícia; Rabelo, Danilo;; Rabelo, Danilo; Vreeswijk, Anna Maria Dias; Garcia, Allysson Fernandes
    This dissertation, presented for obtaining the title of master’s in teaching in Basic Education, from the CEPAE/UFG Strictum Sensum Graduate Program, brings a pedagogical proposal for the study of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, aiming to improve students' learning in ethnic racial theme, encourage self-esteem and self-acceptance of black students, promote respect for diversity in the classroom through its educational product. The educational product is an authorial para-didactic book entitled “MALAIKA”. The book's history includes information about Black culture, the history of personalities who contributed to the achievements of Black people, and some important concepts for understanding the proposed subject. For its application, a sixth-grade class of a municipal school in Goiania was chosen and the Portuguese language teacher of the class was invited to read and discuss in the classroom during her classes. The data obtained from conducting the activities suggested in the five chapters of the para-didactic book will be presented and discussed in this dissertation. Subjects such as diversity, black representation, anti-racist laws, racism and prejudice were presented to the class through the characters in the book. About the dissertation, the method chosen for the presentation of the study was action research, using qualitative and applied research in a case study and bibliographical research for theoretical support. The study was divided into three chapters. The first chapter narrates the arrival of Black people in Brazil through the slave trade, their resistance, their challenges, achievements with the Black Movement and the role of literature in filling the gaps left by official history. The second chapter discusses the need for teaching Afro-Brazilian history and culture for an anti-racist education that combats structural racism in the school and presents a proposal for the educational product under construction. The third chapter presents in more depth the educational product “Malaika”, the data obtained when working in the field and its considerations about the need to work on Afro-Brazilian History and Culture with Elementary School students. Rabelo (2008; 2013; 2015); Mattos (2012); Almeida (2019); Gomes (2019) were some of the theorists used in the dissertation to tell the history of black people not only from the point of view of the colonizer but rather, through the conquests and struggles of the enslaved, a subject little known and discussed in the classroom as seen by the PPP analysis of the public school chosen as a field. The studies of theorists Munanga (2005; 2012), Almeida (2020), Andrade (2005), Cavalleiro (2005; 2010), Gonzales (2020), and Hooks (2012) among others, were used for theoretical basis in the racial ethnic theme and the theories of Freire (1987; 1997), Fanon (2008), Geertz (2017), Vygotsky (2004) related to social interaction, culture, learning, and education. In the research, specific parts of the National Human Rights Program (PNDH II), of the National Curriculum Guidelines for the education of ethnic-racial relations and the Teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture, Law 10.639/03, BNCC, and more were cited some official government documents are cited in the bibliographic references.
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    O ensino da língua inglesa no processo inicial de escolarização de estudantes com deficiência visual
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-06-30) Pires, Maria Cristina Alcântara; Cruvinel, Roberta Carvalho;; Cruvinel, Roberta Carvalho; Carvalho, Edione Teixeira de; Gonçalves, Letícia de Souza
    This work, entitled The Teaching of the English Language in the Initial Schooling Process of Students with Visual Impairment, developed during the Stricto Sensu Professional Master's Degree of the Graduate Program of the Center for Teaching and Applied Research in Education (CEPAE) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), was motivated from listening to the reports of blind students, assisted by CAP - Center for Pedagogical Support for People with Visual Impairment, (organization in which I work professionally). At the time, they talked about their difficulties in learning English when they reached the second phase of elementary school, since they had no contact with the language in the first grades. This work is justified, mainly, by the fact that there are not many studies about teaching English to blind students, mainly, in the initial phase of schooling, which may cause difficulties in the pedagogical practice of those who teach and in several difficulties for those who learn. Thus, the general objective of this research is to design strategies to awaken, in blind students, the taste for studying the English language at the beginning of their schooling, in a calm, dynamic and inclusive way, in order to reduce the barriers encountered in their schooling in the following years. As a theoretical reference, I looked for authors such as Vygotsky (1997; 2000); Rodrigues (2006; 2007 and 2011); Nascimento (2009); Motta (2004); Mittler (2003); Minayo (1992; 94; 2000; 2009 and 2012); Fraiberg (1990) among others. For the development of this research, the methodology used was qualitative, based on the research-action conception, and, as a result of this work, I present the educational product, an e-book, entitled: "The use of concrete and/or adapted English language materials for blind students in the early years: a reflective narrative about concept and meaning beyond vocabulary teaching". This product contains general orientations, followed by reflections about the teaching and learning of the English language for blind students, in an inclusive perspective, as well as demonstrations of adapted materials and suggestions of activities to work with the English language in the early grades.