Mestrado Profissional em Ensino na Educação Básica (CEPAE)
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Item A biblioteca escolar e sua contribuição para uma educação antirracista: utilização da literatura negro-brasileira na parceria entre bibliotecária(o) e professoras(es) a partir do uso do livro Becos da Memória(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-09-27) Sousa, Thaís Gabrielly Fernandes; Vreeswijk, Anna Maria Dias;; Vreeswijk, Anna Maria Dias; Valério, Erinaldo Dias; Rabelo, DaniloThis research aims to contribute to anti-racist education in secondary schools, presenting proposals for themes raised by reading the book Becos da Memória, by Conceição Evaristo, which can be dialogued with the different subjects in the school curriculum. To build the theoretical framework, we used works by various authors from a decolonial and contemporary perspective, prioritizing black people who produce in the field of Education and Librarianship, including Conceição Evaristo (2021), Muniz Sodré (2023), Eliane Cavalleiro (2021), bell hooks (2013), Zélia Amador de Deus (2020), Bernadete Campello (2012), Plácida Santos (2002), Marta Valentim (2002), Waldeck Silva (1995), Ezequiel Silva (1995), Emiliana Borges and Melina Santos (2020), Sara Vieira and Erinaldo Valério (2020), Vanessa Cardoso (2020), Nilma Lino Gomes (2021), Antonio Candido (1998), Sylvia Castrillón (2011), among others. This is basic research, with a qualitative approach and using the action research technique taught by Antônio Chizzotti (2014), with the teachers as active subjects and participants in the research. In order to validate the proposal for the educational product, two questionnaires were applied: an initial one, to survey the research participants; and a final questionnaire, to evaluate and validate the educational product produced by the librarian-researcher. To analyze the results, the Content Analysis technique was applied, as taught by Maria Laura Puglisi Barbosa Franco (2021) and Paulo Roberto Dalla Valle and Jacques de Lima Ferreira (2024). The action research culminated in the construction of the educational product, a textual activity guide, entitled “Anti-racist education based on black-Brazilian literature: interlocutions between ‘Becos da Memória’ and the subjects of the new high school”, developed during the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program at CEPAE/UFG, made available in online format. The activity guide presents suggestions for interlocutions between themes raised by the reading of the book Becos da Memória, by Conceição Evaristo, for dialog with the racial themes proposed in the teaching curriculum of the Positivo System, adopted by the field school, which can be developed by all high school teachers, especially with the partnership of the librarian, classroom and school library. This dissertation and the educational product aim to present yet another tool to combat racism within the school environment, promoting awareness about being an anti-racist educator, learning about the history of black people in Brazil and its social effects from post-slavery to the present day, also seeking to strengthen the role of the librarian as a reader and educator, proposing dynamic activities that can be used as a starting point for building new proposals, promoting literature as an integral part of the school environmentItem A construção de identidades de gênero a partir da leitura de narrativas literárias de recepção infantil e juvenil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-25) Costa, Flávia Ferreira da; Martins, Lucinéia Scremin;; Vieira, Ilma Socorro Gonçalves;; Vieira, Ilma Socorro Gonçalves; Martins, Lucinéia Scremin; Faria, Vivianne Fleury de; Galvão, Flávia Motta de Paula; Melo, Keila Matida deThis dissertation is the result of research conducted within the scope of the Professional Master's Degree Program in Teaching in Basic Education (PPGEEB-Cepae-UFG), at the Center for Teaching and Applied Education Research (CEPAE) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). The underlying motivation for this study lies in understanding the transformative potential of literary reading and the conviction that access to it is a fundamental right, transcending the simple act of reading to constitute an essential citizenship practice for individuals' effective participation in a literate society. The general objective of the research was to demonstrate how certain narratives of children's and youth reception can contribute to discussions that lead to the deconstruction of stereotypes based on sexist and patriarchal conceptions by presenting fictional universes in which the constitution of female characters highlights the importance of a human formation process based on gender equity and the valorization of aspects and attitudes that seek this equity. The specific objectives were thus defined: to investigate the contributions of literary reading to the formation of readers, to contribute to the formation of literary readers in Basic Education, based on the study of narratives of children's and youth reception by Brazilian authors; to analyze how certain female characters are represented in the literature of Ana Maria Machado, Marina Colasanti, and Vita Murrow, in light of discussions about gender; to create conditions for students from a public school to become acquainted with narratives by these authors, providing new aesthetic experiences through readings that address cultural, social, and gender themes; to reflect on the importance of female-authored literature for the formation and strengthening of women's identity; and to contribute to the construction of gender identities in a perspective capable of breaking the chain of patriarchal practices in society. For the field research, action research methodology was adopted, in a qualitative approach, involving students from the 6th grade of Elementary Education, aged between 11 and 12 years, from a school in the northern region of Goiânia. Participant observation during the mediated readings enabled the analysis of the students' responses to the proposals for aesthetic experience, as well as the impact of these readings on the deconstruction of stereotypes that contribute to gender inequalities, prejudices, and discriminations. The analyses showed that literary reading plays a crucial role in the formation of readers, promoting the development of autonomous, critical, reflective, and, above all, humanized individuals. As an educational product of this research, an e-book entitled “WEAVING GENDER IDENTITIES: contributions of literary reading of narratives for children and young people", containing information on the investigated theme, presentation of the narratives addressed, and the didactics used. The theoretical frameworks that underpinned this study were diversified, including studies by renowned authors such as Adichie (2017), Aguiar and Bordini (1988), Auad (2004; 2022), Bourdieu (1989; 2007; 2011), Caldim (2021), Candido (1973; 2002; 2011), Chauí (1994), Coelho (1985; 2000; 2008), Colomer (2017), Louro (1995; 2000; 2002; 2013; 2014), Murano (2002), Sandroni (2007), Scott (1990; 2012), Thiollent (2011), Zilberman (1983; 1991; 2005; 2008); Zolin (2007; 2009; 2010), among others.Item A importância do conto de Mia Couto para formação de leitores e para discussão da discriminação racial(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-10-27) Manuel, Eliane Rodrigues Alves; Faria, Vivianne Fleury de;; Faria, Vivianne Fleury de; Silva, Célia Sebastiana; Aurora Neta, MariaThis action research (Singer, 2011), part of the Professional Master's Degree Program in Basic Education Teaching at the Center for Teaching and Applied Research in Education (CEPAE) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), aimed to promote the development of literary readers in Basic Education. The study was based on authors such as Andruetto (2017), Antonio Candido (2004), Calvino (1993), Colomer (2002), Freire (1989), Humberto Eco (2009), Lajolo (2004), Todorov (2010), and Zilberman (1991). Additionally, the research sought to foster critical awareness among readers, particularly concerning racial discrimination and prejudice, drawing on the contributions of Ferreira, Fernandes, and Alberti (2000), Fischmann and Zilber (2002), Jones (1973), Marques (2005), Munanga (1999), Oliveira (1994), and Reis (2003). To achieve these objectives, readings and discussions were held on the short stories "The Baobab That Dreamed of Birds" and "Sidney Poitier at Feripe Beruberu's Barbershop," narratives from the book Every Man is a Race by Mozambican author Mia Couto. The research was conducted with 8th and 9th-grade students at Jardim Europa Adventist School (CAJE), a private school in Goiânia, during 2021. By the end of the study, students completed writing activities that demonstrated both satisfactory engagement with the literary texts and a critical understanding of racial discrimination and prejudice, as depicted in the stories and present in Brazilian society. An Educational Product was developed as a result, titled "The Importance of Mia Couto's Short Stories for Reader Development and Discussion on Racial Discrimination," in e-book format, which presented the research results based on a scientific process involving theoretical planning and qualitative and quantitative methods, articulated through the activities carried out with the students. Therefore, it can be concluded that the goals of the action research were achieved.Item A Literatura infantil e os jogos digitais educacionais como recursos didáticos para a alfabetização matemática(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-02) Silva, Élida Ferreira da; Moraes, Moema Gomes;; Moraes, Moema Gomes; Araújo, Jaqueline; Machado, Patrícia Roberta de Almeida CastroThis dissertation belongs to the research line "School Practices and Application of Knowledge" of the Graduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education, at the Center for Teaching and Applied Research in Education, Federal University of Goiás, which investigates the possibilities of learning mathematics through the use of children's literature and educational digital games as teaching resources. The research problem was: How does the process of mathematical literacy develop in first-year elementary school children when using children's literature and educational digital games as teaching resources? To answer this question, a qualitative approach was adopted through a participant research conducted in two stages: initially, an interview was conducted to understand fundamental aspects of mathematical literacy to develop the educational products; later, after finalizing the products, a field activity was carried out. Five pedagogical meetings were held with five first-year elementary school children from a municipal school in the city of Senador Canedo, Goiás.The theoretical foundation permeated the entire research, supported by scholars such as Lev Vygotsky (1995-2018), Libâneo (1994-2012), Barbosa (1997), Pino (2010), Negrine (1994), Facci (2006), Diniz (2001), Moura (1991; 2012), Lorensatti (2009), Lorenzato (2006; 2010), Peixoto and Araújo (2012), Vieira Pinto (2005), among others, who discuss the interaction between the child and the environment in the learning and development process, as well as didactic strategies for mathematical literacy and the understanding of technology in educational contexts.Data collection was carried out through interviews and observation, which contributed to data analysis, especially regarding the applicability of educational products in mathematics learning environments. The educational products created are available on a free webpage, which provides links to access the children's literary book "Luca and the Birthday of Senador Canedo" and the educational digital games "Elidinha's Games" developed during the research.Through critical reflection, the results indicate that the use of literary books and digital games as teaching resources can enhance didactic strategies aimed at promoting the development of mathematical literacy and the ability to interpret mathematical contexts and everyday situations. This study shows that children's literature and digital games are teaching resources that support teachers' work, contributing to educational success by integrating them into pedagogical practices and the adopted pedagogical framework.Item A ocupação do Jardim Nova Esperança: narrativas de estudantes da rede Municipal de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-02-06) Honorato , Rafaela Paula; Gonçalves; Gonçalves, Glauco Roberto;; Gonçalves, Glauco Roberto; Vreeswijk, Anna Maria Dias; Garcia, Allysson FernandesThis research presented to the Stricto Sensu Professional Master's Course of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education at the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education (CEPAE) at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) has as its object of investigation historical narratives about the process of occupation of Jardim Nova Esperança, by students from Education for Youth and Adults (EJA) at Escola Municipal Jardim Nova Esperança. This work is part of the field of investigations that has been called Historical Education, constitutive of the area of History Teaching, and whose focus is, mainly, research related to the analysis of historical ideas and historical consciousness of the subjects. In this way, the general intention of the research was articulated with the theoretical concepts of Jorn Rüsen (2001), Barca (2012); Schmidt (2009) and Cerri (2011) and the historiography of Goiás that discusses the process of occupation of Jardim Nova Esperança. Based on the investigation, an educational product was developed entitled: My place in the world: Digital collection and didactic sequence Jardim Nova Esperança. The educational product is a didactic sequence with three lesson plans that aims to assist teachers and students in the research process about the community in which they live and/or teach. In order to corroborate the didactic sequence, a Digital Historical Collection of Jardim Nova Esperança was created to facilitate access to documents that date back to the historical past of this community.Finally, we demonstrate that the methodology of this research consisted of fieldwork of a qualitative nature analyzing the activities proposed in the previously mentioned field school and based on the analysis of interviews carried out with members of the occupation process of the neighborhood that was the subject of this research.Item A pedagogização do frescobol na educação física escolar: uma proposta baseada na pedagogia histórico-crítica(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-08-09) Moraes, Sara Caroliny Marques; Silva, Alcir Horácio da;; Silva, Alcir Horácio da; Cruvinel, Fernanda Pimentel; Inácio, Humberto Luís de DeusThe present work has as object of study the school physical education and the teaching of the sport racquetball in the school. It is justified by the need to look at the manifestation of racquetball body culture as a powerful practice for thematization at school as a content of physical education. However, in the context of hegemony of some school physical education contents, would racquetball be a possible sport/game at school? Is racquetball presented as an overcoming possibility in physical education classes, to reduce the hegemony of certain content? To answer these and other questions, the research, developed during the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program at CEPAE/UFG, investigated the possibilities for teaching racquetball as a physical education content in a school of the Municipal Education Network of Goiania, intervening with the implementation of a methodological proposal for teaching racquetball, subsidized by the contribution theorist of Critical Historical Pedagogy and Action Research. It was verified that it is possible to diversify the contents of Physical Education through racquetball, even with challenges and limitations, and still present a possibility of racket sport at school, which breaks with the traditionalism of competitive sports. In addition to thematizing racquetball with the 5th grade elementary school students, the intervention aimed at the development of an educational product in the configuration of a didactic sequencer, covering historical, social, cultural, technical, leisure and sports performance aspects, as well as playfulness and cooperativeness belonging to the essence of the game. The educational product “FRESCOBOL AND ITS PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE AT SCHOOL” is available to those interested in teaching racquetball, especially for physical education teachers, in the appendix and on the EduCapes portal.Item A percepção da língua portuguesa como segunda língua pelo estudante surdo por meio do uso de aplicativos de comunicação digital(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2023-09-25) Cardoso, Aliffer Vanduir; Carvalho, Andrea Guimarães de;; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da;; Silva, Ana Paula Salles da; Dalla Déa, Vanessa Helena Santana; Pires, Edna MissenoThis dissertation is based on the following question: Can digital communication applica-tions, developed for smartphones, contribute to teaching written Portuguese to deaf ado-lescent students? The general objective is to analyze activities mediated by the digital com-munication application for teaching written Portuguese to the deaf population. The specific objectives aim to observe linguistic aspects of Libras and the Portuguese language, inves-tigate the educational action and that of the subject, collect data from the activities applied to the participants, understand how L2 learning takes place and prepare a pedagogical notebook as a way of collaborating with teaching practice. The methodology has a descrip-tive, qualitative approach, with action research in the group with seven participants, using fictitious names to protect their identities. The educational product entitled: Pedagogical notebook for teaching Portuguese as a second language for the deaf: Use of technologies, the product is of the digital media type. Developed during the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching in Basic Education of the Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program at CEPAE/UFG. Among the main sources of this research, Souza (2021) who deals with L2 for knowledge, Selinker (2020) addresses interlanguage, Bévort and Belloni (2009) support action re-search that improves teaching-learning, Falkembach (1987) ) brings the field diary and his reflections. The linguistic potential of the media is seen in the collection of activities of deaf individuals capable of expressing themselves using languages. The didactic-pedagogical activities mediated by digital communication applications reap results from students' under-standing and help in learning the Portuguese language. The results are divided into two phases: 1) analysis of the participants' profiles with activities that observe how they perceive their development and 2) a demonstration of activities seen as an intervention that has a fundamental role in supporting the understanding of the acquisition of the target language. As a final analysis of the results, the social function of the Portuguese language, the stu-dents demonstrated greater interest in learning the Portuguese language due to the fact that current and everyday themes were presented in the activities. In relation to methodol-ogies, the interest in the activities came from bringing appropriate and interesting method-ologies to these students, such as the examples used by applications and gamification. In relation to the potential, technologies and expressions of multi-competence, it is clear that technologies are not the villains of learning, being used in appropriate pedagogical ways they can contribute to the teaching of these deaf students.Item A redação do ENEM: uma análise das possibilidades do trabalho com a língua portuguesa na sala de aula(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-07) Sousa, Ana Paula Oliveira; Vieira , Ilma Socorro Gonçalves;; Vieira, Ilma Socorro Gonçalves; Galvão, Flávia Motta de Paula; Gonçalves , Letícia de SouzaThis paper presents a research conducted in the Stricto sensu Professional Master's Degree Program in Teaching in Basic Education, at the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education (PPGEEB/CEPAE), Federal University of Goiás (UFG),within the research line Theoretical-Methodological Conceptions and Teaching Practices, between the years 2021 and 2024. Given the essays results of the National High School Exam (Enem) between the years 2019 and 2021, according to INEP data,and the decreasing index of essays scoring 1000, the proposal to develop this study emerged, aiming to investigate why the number of Enem essays scoring 1000 has been decreasing each year and what is the relationship between students' performance and the educational, social, and economic context experienced in our country. For this research, we use excellent essays analyses, as well as texts from 3rd year students of Technical High School who were preparing to take the exam in 2023. To support the work, the theoretical basis includes: Bakhtin (2016), Passarelli (2013?), Possenti (2002), Geraldi (2005), Plato and Fiorin (2000), Candido (2011), Colomer (2017), Andruetto (2017), as well as normative documents, such as National Curriculum Parameters – PCN (1997) and Common National Curricular Base – BNCC (2017), among others. Also, this research is justified by the intention to understand how Portuguese Language and Essay teachers work with texts in the classroom and how they prepare students for the Enem and, futhermore, if investment in reading and literature improves textual comprehension and the writing of argumentative essays. The methodological approach was developed through documentary analysis and participatory action research, having as analysis corpus six Enem essays scoring 1000 (from the years 2019, 2020, and 2021), as well as fourteen essays from Technical High School students who took the exam in 2023, with the researcher's interaction with the students of the chosen field school as the research locus.During the field activities, questionnaires were applied to the students, in addition to textual production and, finally, the essays were handed in with grades from two graders – the class teacher and the researcher. The educational product is the PodEdu podcast, which will be available on Spotify – a free platform that, in addition to providing music streaming services, also offers podcasts. There will be two episodes dedicated to the discussion on education and Enem essay, with interviews with Portuguese Language and Essay teachers and students who had successful scores in the exam. Therefore, the results of the documentary and field research, combined with the interviews from the media product, brought significant insight to the understanding of the bottlenecks related to textual production in the final year of Basic Education.Item A abordagem funcional dos textos de opinião a partir do uso da tecnologia em sala de aula(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-04-21) Silveira, Danúbia Sampaio Gomes; Filetti, Elisandra;; Oliveira, Ilse Leone Borges Chaves de; Sousa Filho, Silval Martins de; Filetti, ElisandraThe research search investigates the functionality of argumentative genres by analyzing the argumentative strategies used by students in textual productions. Thus, this research observed the construction of oral and written arguments in the debate and opinion article genres. In addition, another technological resource, the whatsapp application, was used to observe how it allows student interaction, promoting discussion and the exchange / sharing of information and knowledge. For this, the theoretical framework that we use is based on studies related to the conception of interactional language defended by Bakhtin (1994); Halliday's (1973) functionalist approach; as well as the conceptions of discursive genre by Rojo (2000), Marcuschi (2008), Bronckart (1999) and Schneuwly & Dolz. (2004). For the analysis of the argumentation we use Koch (1993), Perelman & Olbrechts-tyteca (2000) and Breton (2003). Regarding studies on the insertion of technology in the classroom, we used Lévy (1999), Kensky (2003), Coscarelli (1996), Moran (2013), among others. The research environment involved a 9th grade class from the Municipal School Cesário Lopes de Oliveira de Ordália - District of Itauçu-GO. From a methodological perspective, this research, of a qualitative nature, is characterized as action research, which used the following data collection instruments: participant observation, questionnaires and textual productions in order to reach a result from the triangulation of data. As a result of this research, it was observed that students developed several argumentative strategies based on the exchange of knowledge during the classroom debate and the discussion in the whatsapp group, in addition to producing an opinion article, with constructions from a critical point of view, with the insertion of new knowledge and the ability to argue through convincing and persuasive strategies. As an educational product, in addition to a blog with orientations, doubts and questions about the genres of an argumentative nature, it was created an activity notebook with the title: “Activity notebook about working with argumentation from a functionalist perspective.”. The purpose of the material is to offer other professionals and scholars in the field, a suggestion of work from a functionalist perspective on argumentative genres and the use of the whatsapp application as a means of teaching / learning.Item Abordagem sistêmica de ensino: narrativas de memórias e letramento no ensino fundamental(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-06-22) Jesus, Weslania Evangelista de; Lima, Clêidna Aparecida;; Mesquita, Deise Nanci de Castro;; Mesquita, Deise Nanci de Castro; Rocha, Maria Alice de Sousa Carvalho; Oliveira, Ilse Leone Borges Chaves de; Souza, Aline Gomes; Carvalho, Andréa dos Guimarães deEste estudo indaga sobre como a vida narrada reconstitui-se pelo tempo (re)vivido. Pretende-se refletir acerca dos saberes ensinados pela escola, relacionando-os e aproximando-os das vivências dos estudantes a partir do percurso da pesquisa. “Abordagem Sistêmica de Ensino: narrativas de memórias e letramento no ensino fundamental” justifica-se pela necessidade de se buscarem alternativas interativas e significativas que possam contribuir para o processo de letramento de crianças em ambiente escolar. O foco desta investigação é compreender como as narrativas de memória podem potencializar a apreciação de diversas leituras e, assim, contribuir para o processo de aprendizagem dos conteúdos de outras disciplinas escolares. No âmbito da pesquisa qualitativa desenvolve-se um estudo de caso com dezessete estudantes com idades entre dez e doze anos, de uma turma de quinto ano do ensino fundamental da Escola Municipal José Luiz Bittencourt, em Goianira-GO. O estudo permite destacar que, ao narrarem suas memórias – em diálogo com leituras – estes jovens estabelecem relações significativas e instigantes com a arte da leitura e com suas memórias de vida. Como produto educacional foi produzida uma coletânea de curtasmetragens contendo produções narrativas dos colaboradores. Neste processo busca-se ampliar a leitura de mundo, estimulando sensibilidades e percepções.Item Abordagem triangular: uma experiência estética na educação infantil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-03-06) Pereira, Elenice de Fátima; Santos, Wanderley Alves dos;; Santos, Wanderley Alves dos; Cruvinel, Roberta Carvalho; Dias, Maria José Pereira de OliveiraThe present work, enrolled in the research line School Practices and Application of Knowledge of the Postgraduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education (PPGEEB), from the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education (CEPAE), at the Federal University of Goiás - UFG, arises from my research entitled: “Triangular Approach: an aesthetic experience in Early Childhood Education”. It intends to reflect about the use of Ana Mae Barbosa's Triangular Approach with children from three to four years old, since this proposal by Barbosa has not been used in Early Childhood Education in the city of Goiânia. It is justified by the importance of working with Visual Arts in a contemporary, progressive, and dialogical way, and by the need to seek interactive and meaningful alternatives in the school environment with children in this age group that can contribute to their development. The goal of this research is to understand how the three dimensions of Barbosa's Triangular Approach can contribute to perception, sensitivity, intuition, curiosity, and creative imagination, considering the several possibilities of expression and manifestation through the artist's historical contextualization, the image reading of a work, and also, through his drawing. It seeks to provide children with aesthetic experiences beyond those that are part of their routine, beyond immediate reality, seeking new ways to learn and teach Art. This research had as main theoretical references, Barbosa (2007, 2012, 2014), Iavelberg (2013) Vygotsky (2018). In the scope of action research, allied to qualitative research, an art project was developed using the Triangular Approach with twenty children from Grouping D-2 1, during six months, at CMEI Cristiano Emídio Martins, in the city of Goiânia. In the art project, I followed all the impressions, gestures, manifestations, expressions of the children about getting to know the artist, about reading the image of the artist's work, and also, the drawing produced by them. As an educational product, presents the title “Visual Arts with the Triangular Approach: ways and possibilities"-, a digital portfolio was built containing photos, videos, drawings, and speeches of the children with all the experiences lived in the art project. In this case, the pedagogical interventions worked with Barbosa's Triangular Approach showed that it is possible to develop with children in this age group, a deeper and contextualized artistic work.Item A ação pedagógica na educação infantil: sentidos e significados atribuídos por professoras da Rede Municipal de Educação de Goiânia(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-12) Ferreira, Eulâmpia Neves; Araújo, Denise Silva;; Araújo, Denise Silva; Costa , Sônia Santana da; Sousa, Sônia Margarida Gomes; Siqueira, Romilson MartinsIn the present study, the objective was to analyze how the pedagogical action is understood by teachers of the Municipal Education Network of Goiânia, who work in Municipal Early Childhood Centers and/or Municipal Schools with classes of Early Childhood Education and attempted to answer the following problem: What sense and meaning are assigned by teachers of Early Childhood towards pedagogical action? This study starts from the conception of Early Childhood Education as the first stage of Basic Education, with its own social and pedagogical nature and specific characteristics and differentiated from other educational stages. It is taken on the understanding of pedagogical action as praxis, human action oriented by values, theoretical conceptions and supporting political positions, which, therefore, require the conscious and intentional action of the teacher. The latter is part of a formal organization that has the objectives, strategies and methodologies necessary for teaching-learning to take place as a shared historical and social process. The research was guided by the principles of Socio-historical Psychology, which is based on Historical-Dialectical Materialism, a method of investigation that aims to understand concrete reality in order to act and transform it. In this epistemological approach, the human being is seen as a subject that builds the history of society by relating and interacting with it, in a movement of affirmation and contradiction. In this process the human being constructs its own history, constituting itself, modifying itself and transforming reality. In this way, the teachers are understood as subjects situated socially and historically. The procedures for collecting information are interviews with teachers of two municipal institutions of early childhood education in Goiânia. The analysis of the accounts was essential in order to understand the senses and meanings attributed by the teachers to their pedagogical action. In order for its words and practices to be understood as totalities of a dialectical process, a qualitative approach was adopted to proceed both to field research and to the systematization and analysis of information. It could be concluded that, despite the legal and theoretical-practical advances that have taken place in Brazil in the last decades, concerning Infant Education and its socio-educational function, teachers sometimes have difficulties in understanding their specificity.Item O acompanhamento individual de uma criança autista em seu processo de escolarização(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-11-26) Morais, Rosa Maria Ribeiro de; Freire, Silvana Matias;; Freire, Silvana Matias; Murce Filho, Newton Freire; Oliveira, Alexandra Almeida deThis study is the result of a research carried out in the Professional Master's Degree in Teaching in Basic Education – Postgraduate Program in Teaching in Basic Education, at the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education, at the Federal University of Goiás. The research aims to discuss the importance of the child with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) being inserted in the schooling process in the inclusive modality. This theme instigated me when I worked as a support teacher for an autistic child. At the time, I asked myself about the advantage of autistic children attending regular schools. In this research, I defend the argument that school inclusion can be important for autistic children due to the symbolic value that the school represents to the social group. However, in certain cases, individualized monitoring, even in the same school environment, can contribute to the maintenance of the autistic child in a regular classroom. In the context of qualitative research, a case study is developed with a ten-year-old student diagnosed with ASD, who was in the 4th year of elementary school in 2019, at the Center for Teaching and Research Applied to Education (CEPAE) of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG). To theoretically support the discussions carried out, we used, mainly, the work of Maria Teresa Egler Mantoan (2015) and, mainly, the work of Maria Cristina Kupfer (2013) who deals with the topic from a psychoanalytic perspective, in addition to the laws governing inclusion school (1996, 2008, 2010, 2012). As an educational product, didactic sequences were developed to be worked individually with an autistic child. The experience gained by working with the didactic sequences, led us to realize the importance of the ASD child to attend school to (re)constitute the social bond and to recognize themselves as a subject of the culture in which they are inserted.Item Alfabetização e letramento de estudantes com síndrome de Down: indicações a partir da percepção de professores sobre a vivência de estudantes em uso do software alfabetização fônica computadorizada(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2019-03-27) Santos, Tatiane Soares dos; Barreto, Maria de Fátima Teixeira;; Dalla Déa, Vanessa Helena Santana;; Dalla Déa, Vanessa Helena Santana; Oliveira, Ana Flávia Teodoro de Mendonça; Silva, Ana Paula Salles daThe present research was carried out in a course of continuous formation that happened in the Faculty of Education of the Federal University of Goiás, denominated "Culture Digidown". The purpose of this study was to analyze the perception of teachers about the experience of students with Down syndrome using computerized computer literacy software. Based on these indications, we attempted to construct a prototype software program for literacy and literacy of these students. In field research, video recording and the focal group for data collection were used. For data analysis we used the Bardin content analysis. The subjects of the research were 40 teachers of the regular network of education, participants of the course. The results of the research showed us significant indications. In relation to the use of software on: audio, interface, gamification, user- software interaction options, among other factors. Regarding the pedagogical mediation of teachers, it was clear that some specificities of this public should be considered in the elaboration of activities, so that they do not become too complex and confusing. Regarding the pedagogical proposal, we obtained indications that lead us to realize that the method to be used is not the most important point to have good results in the literacy processes, so the most significant in this process is to know the ways in which the subject appropriate written language. Thus, the teacher can guide the student in this process, in a significant way, working both literacy and literacy, to form subjects who not only master a code, but who understands and makes use of it in its most diverse social contexts.Item Algoritmos do silêncio: as relações entre o ensino e as aprendizagens de estudantes surdos e professor, em atividades de programação com o Scratch(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-05-10) Silva, Raisson Alves da; Faria, Elisabeth Cristina de;; Faria, Elisabeth Cristina de; Moraes, Moema Gomes; Lima, Luciano Feliciano deIn most cases, deaf children born to hearing parents enter school without proficiency in either Sign Language (Libras) or Portuguese. This study investigates how computer programming with Scratch can contribute to the teaching and learning process of deaf students. Theoretical frameworks were drawn from the works of Paulo Freire, José Carlos Libâneo, Tatiana Bolivar Lebedeff, and Ronice Muller de Quadros. The research conducted during the Professional Master’s Degree in Teaching in Basic Education at the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program of CEPAE/UFG, involved four deaf students from the eighth grade of elementary school at a public school affiliated with the Goiânia Association of the Deaf. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews in Libras and video recordings of student activities. Approximately 30 hours of recordings were analyzed, revealing changes in students' problem solving strategies and collaborative behavior. The research produced an educational resource for teachers titled "ALGORITHMS OF SILENCE: THE POSSIBILITIES OF SCRATCH FOR DEAF STUDENTS," which outlines all the activities used in data collection and provides suggestions for their implementation. The findings indicate that, like other pedagogical tools, computer programming with Scratch, when used intentionally by teachers, can positively impact the teaching and learning process of deaf students.Item Alunos(as) do ensino fundamental filhos(as) de pais encarcerados: um estudo de caso(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2024-06-28) Pôrto, Francisca Solange de Carvalho; Freire, Silvana Matias;; Freire , Silvana Matias; Rocha, Maria Alice de Sousa Carvalho; Mesquita , Deise Nanci de CastroThis work aims to bring to the debate the theme of students who are children of incarcerated parents, demonstrating that this situation can interfere with both their school development and behaviour. Brazil ranks third in the world in terms of incarcerated population, and a significant portion of this population consists of parents of school-aged children. Some studies indicate that these students are practically considered a forgotten population by academia, given the scarce scientific production about them, and by government officials at the state, federal, and municipal levels. Laws benefiting these students are scarce, if not non-existent, which contributes to making them invisible. These students are also affected by social stigma and/or discrimination, which encourages them to remain anonymous and silent. To support our research, we sought theoretical support from authors such as Goffman (2004), Mantoan (2003), Minayo (2000, 2003, 2014), Ormeño, Maia, and Williams (2018), Santos (2006), Severino (2002), and Stella (2009), among others, as well as documents from state, municipal, and federal agencies, national laws such as the Federal Constitution, the Statute of the Child and Adolescent, the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education, the Penal Execution Law, and international treaties such as the Salamanca Declaration (1994). In addition to the bibliographical research, we went into the field to gather data through discussions and questionnaires regarding the following questions: Does having one of the parents incarcerated hinder the development of the school progress of the student? Regarding social stigma, what can we, as education professionals, do? And regarding the invisibility of this public, especially by the government? After heated debates among educators and the researcher, it was possible to build our reflections and jointly develop suggestions and/or guidelines aimed at reducing the social stigma and bullying suffered by these students who are children of parents deprived of freedom, making them feel part of the school and social context, allowing them to break free from the silence that surrounds them. Therefore, the research conducted in the Professional Master of Arts Program in Basic Education Teaching at the Center for Teaching and Applied Research in Education, Federal University of Goiás, allowed us to develop our educational product entitled: "Children of Incarcerated Parents: Guidelines for Schools" which will be made available in textual material form, in the form of a booklet.Item Apoio itinerante na educação inclusiva em uma escola da rede estadual de ensino em Buriti Alegre-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-06-18) Santos, Luciene Guerra dos; Silva Neta, Segismunda Sampaio da;; Mesquita, Deise Nanci de Castro;; Mesquita, Deise Nanci de Castro; Tiballi, Elianda Figueiredo Arantes; Freire, Silvana Matias; Silva Neta, Segismunda Sampaio daThis paper discusses the role of itinerant learning support teacher in a Regular School of Basic Education of the Secretaria Estadual de Educação (State Education Network) in the city of Buriti Alegre in the state of Goiás- Brazil. The goal is to help students in their daily activities by avoiding fragmented attendance, as well as highlighting the ways to overcome obstacles and obtain possibilities for advancement in roaming. For that, we took into account the presupposition prescribed and lived in the performance of this professional of Inclusive Education. The results presented were based on reflections of a Study Group (GT-Buriti) carried out during ten meetings in the second half of 2016, in order to observe the professional practice of the teacher of itinerant learning support. The theoretical references of authors, such as: Maria Tereza Égler Mantoan, Ivani Catarina Arantes Fazenda, Francisco Imbernón, Magda Soares, Enicéia Gonçalves Mendes and others were used as basis. This Study Group was comprised of two teachers of itinerant learning support, a teacher of Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE) and the researcher (itinerant learning support teacher and regent teacher). Based on the experiences of each subject of the research, activities were presented and elaborated with the following purposes: to analyze the mentioned experiences seeking alternatives and educational actions that help the unveiling of the difficulties faced by the itinerancy; possibilities of advancement in the relation between itinerant learning support teacher, regent teacher and student, in basic inclusive schooling. In order to investigate problems related to questions raised about the role of itinerant learning support teacher in education, the action research, the bibliographical review, as well as a semi-structured interview were used as methodological strategies in order to draw the profile of the participants and carry out initial survey from the perspective of each one in the function performed. The research indicates the following conclusion: despite the obstacles present in a fragmented service, it is possible to get solutions that are more accurate with a better analysis of the daily life, with a view to partnership and theoretical / practical training. We can understand that if each teacher is aware of his role, in a solidarity search that meets the needs of all, expanding knowledge to improve his performance, chances are of success throughout the institution. Thus, assisting students and teachers in the school context requires discussion of better conditions for carrying out the itinerant support service.Item Aprender pela pesquisa: desafios do letramento informacional no ensino médio de uma escola estadual de Aparecida de Goiânia-GO(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2022-08-18) Mota, Jacqueline Pereira; Santos, Andréa Pereira dos;; Pimentel, Fernanda Cruvinel;; Pimentel, Fernanda Cruvinel; Cruz Riascos, Sônia Aguiar; Ferreira, Evandson Paiva; Oliveira, Laís Pereira deAnalyzes how the research process occurs by students in a state school in Aparecida de Goiânia-GO, considering the informational literacy for basic education in order to develop a necessary educational product. The work is based on the theoretical foundations of authors from the area of Librarianship and Information Science who study informational literacy, Beluzzo (2021), Campello (2009), Dudziak (2001, 2003) and Gasque (2012; 2020), authors who deal with school research as reconstructive questioning, Bagno (2000), Demo (2015) and other authors from the area of Education related to the theme. This is an exploratory-descriptive case study research, analyzed from a qualitative-quantitative methodological perspective with the application of a questionnaire has as research subjects 56 students of the third year of high school of the Nova Era State School. To evaluate the data collected it was used the theoretical basis of the reference process of the author of the area of Librarianship Denis Grogan (2001), which is designated as the recognition of an informational need to solve a question: a) problem; b) need for information; c) initial and negotiated question; d) strategy and search process. The results were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics with the help of the software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 20), and thematic content analysis. Among the results obtained it is possible to evidence that most students feel safe and with autonomy to solve information problems anchored in the facilities to search on the internet. The students recognize the importance of evaluating the information available on the internet and of citing references in the papers. We conclude that the research process in the high school of the Nova Era State School requires monitoring and guidance for a learning process based on information literacy, and we realize the need for training students to learn to use physical and digital information resources effectively. The result of this research is the development of an educational product in video format, entitled: "Animated video: how to do a good school research in high school", with the intention of introducing information that can help students in the development of skills for school and scientific research. As a contribution, the results of this dissertation can be used as a diagnosis for school managers, teachers and librarians to develop programs and projects of information literacy in high school focusing on mediation and guidance in school work, and thus enable the 'learning through research' integrating the areas of Librarianship, Information Science and Education.Item Aquisição da escrita: implicações do outro(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-03-15) Silva, Joelma Oliveira Santos; Freire, Silvana Matias;; Freire, Silvana Matias; Buragarelli, Cristóvão Giovani; Carvalho, Maria Alice de SousaFor a long time, I have worked in school as a teacher of children in the early grades of elementary school. During my practice in the classroom, a question has always caught my attention: how does the acquisition of writing by children happen, mainly of those who do not ascend to writing in the period, according to the official documents, is expected that such acquisition occurs? Out of this concern, the research project "Writing Acquisition: Implications of the Other" arose, presented to the Postgraduate Teaching Program in Basic Education of Applied Teaching and Research Center for Education (PPGEEB / CEPAE / UFG) which resulted in the present work. To conduct my investigation on this subject, I took as theoretical referential the Lacanian and the Freudian psychoanalysis. Among the psychoanalytic notions that guide my study, there is the "Other", essential instance for the constitution of subjectivity. I also used the operations of "alienation" and "separation", such as developed by Jacques Lacan (2008), to analyze the written production of students who, according to their age, should have been literate, handling with 'ease' the written standard, but still do not. The written productions were the result of workshops specifically designed for these children. Beyond these productions, I analyzed interviews and questionnaires which were conducted by the manager and pedagogical group of the school and also by those responsible of the students. The research took place in a regular educational institution since this is the privileged place in which writing and reading are formally presented to the child. My hypothesis is that this is the right time for pedagogical interventions to be carried out in order to avoid social constraints to these children due to the fact that they are not literate.Item As artes circenses na educação física escolar enquanto conteúdo da cultura corporal: suas contribuições para desenvolvimento da expressão corporal e criatividade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-26) Ramos, Bruno Amaral; Silva, Alcir Horácio da;; Silva, Alcir Horácio da;; Baptista, Tadeu João Ribeiro; Viana Neto, Alcyr Alves; Santos, Jeferson Moreira dosThis study was constructed from a field research, qualitative, conducted with students belonging to the 3rd year of computer integrated technical course for internet Federal Institute of Goiás - Formosa. The problem that prompted this study was: how the circus arts can contribute to the development of body expression and creativity of students in physical education classes. The overall objective of the research is to identify how the circus arts can contribute to the development of creativity and body language of the students in the classes of Physical Education. The specific objectives are: to deepen the knowledge about the history and definitions of Physical Education and circus arts; present the possibilities of using circus arts on the different pedagogical approaches in Physical Education; show the contributions of the circus arts to the development of creativity and body language and deepen their knowledge of teaching methodologies, seeking those that can contribute to the development of body expression and creativity of basic education students. Studied in this work from the history of circus arts, circus and physical education, making relationships of these contents with the main pedagogical approaches this discipline, passing by the concepts of body expression and creativity to reach the field of research, where we develop an educational intervention for one academic quarter and work the following contents: juggling balls and flower stick, roll-roll and ropes. The instruments for data collection were structured observation, school reports and questionnaire. We can say from this study that a good planning combined with the historical aspects of these arts, which have in essence freedom of movement, creativity, body expression and a good mediation process, based on the actionreflection- movement action will allow the development of a physical education more expressive, creative, critical and human. In this way we will be contributing to the formation of questioning people with objective conditions to position themselves in favor of the lower social classes, not to reproduce the values of capitalist society: competition, exploitation, domination and exploitation of the best, among others.