A estruturação psíquica nos autismos: o enodamento entre real, simbólico e imaginário

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This research investigates the process o f psychic elaboration o f what is con1monly referred to as passage from the infans to the speaker, considered, fro1n the point of view of this thesis, a structuring operation, in which there is a subjective initiurn dependent on the speech function. The analysis starts from the initial texts ofFreud and the theory ofknots at the end ofLacanian teaching in arder to deal with the subjective structuring and, thus, to penetrate the particularities o f autism. This investigative exercise brings the concepts o f drive, unary trait, lalangue, Real, Syrnbolic and Imaginary with a view to explaining that the baby's body suffers the incidence of the brand generated by maternal c are. In these conditions, in order for the infans to leave the category o f pure organism and humanize itself, it 1nust ally itself with the signifiers from the Other. Along with this question, we present the subjective structure supporied by the braiding between Real, Symbolic and Imaginary whose incidence o f lapses in its structuring is capable o f producing effects such as autism. To investigate this complex elaboration, we start with the following questions: Can the effect ofthe other1 s speech on the child's body result in drifting speech? Is it possible for the autistic child to be in language, even without the function of speech? In this context, we approach the subjective constitution under the logic of the Borromean node and the RSI braid, evidencing the synchronic structure o f the subj ective constitution and the necessity o f a fourth link for its 1nooring. Given that autistic individuais are revealing of such impasses, we have made some considerations about the understanding that node failures will only be differentiated after the repair oftheir lapses with the fourth link. Such a proposition emphasizes a non-fixation of the psychic structure in childhood. We argue, finally, that the autistic child is in language, is subject to it, even i f the signifier is erased in relation to the sign. In addition, in arder to analyze issues related to the treat1nent ofyoung children in autism, vve chose to present the Nadia case, conducted and described by Rosine Lefort. Taking into account the context of Law 13.438 I 2017, this analysis evidenced the need to search for nevv conjectures about the tiine and devices involved in both the diagnosis and treatment o f children. This is because the establishn1ent o f a closed diagnosis can have negative effects when fixing the idea o f the disease in place o f the treatment. Therefore, we reitera te that our comn1itn1ent to the psychoanalytic treatn1ent ofthe autistic child is about the extraction ofthe object as a way of access in the relation between it and the analyst, privileging the movetnent of the significant network, the causation of a double, the instauration of a body iinage and, or the forn1ulation o f an object o f substitution.



SANTOS, D. P. A estruturação psíquica nos autismos: o enodamento entre real, simbólico e imaginário. 2018. 150 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.