O Festival Internacional de Cinema e Vídeo Ambiental - FICA na produção e disseminação da consciência ambiental
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The dissertation has na object to realize na approch about the International Festival of
Cinema and Environmemtal Vídeo-FICA that is realize on Cidade de Goiás. The objetive is to understand what is FICA and how it has being realized since its first edition, besides verifying who are your characters and how do they act. The dissertation had as methodologic base the quality research using theoric bases from the case studies having as instruments the documental analize, the observation, the photography, and the structured and semi-structered intervies. The information were collect in four stages in the first stage. The information were obtained fron the governmet, responsable for the reavaliation of FICA. On the second stage, observations and photografies were taken by the objectve of knowing the event´s reality and the characters on it. The third stage were dedicated to interviw the visitants and the turists, and semi strutured enterviews with the were realized semi structured interviews to know what they think about that is still gowing up, and structuring it sell and an a geral form , it presents more positive points than negative points. It the environmemtal conscientization were contined, possibily the event will obtain at least sensibilize the public that participat of the culture atractions .
CARNEIRO, Gracielly Cristina. O Festival Internacional de Cinema e Vídeo Ambiental - FICA na produção e disseminação da consciência ambiental. 2005. 141 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia)– Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2005.