A produção dos espaços e do território: turismo e empreendedorismo na APA das nascentes do Rio Vermelho - Goiás

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


This study intends to comprehend spatial production and tourism reality by understanding entrepreneurship at natural and cultural environments existent and available for the construction of Nascentes do Rio Vermelho’s APA (APANRV) touristic territory. Methodologically, this analysis was centered upon a direct and participative approach to people, enterprises and representative institutions inside and outside the research spatial reach by means of a dialogic perspective. It intended to give voice to subjects and capture their environmental perceptions, it also searched for registries that could further knowledge on this theme’s state of the art. It is evidenced that areas of environmental protection of sustainable use, a modality of conservation unit, opens opportunities for services in environments essential for human activities without losing their prerogative function of nature conservation. Those areas are recognized as socially fair and economically viable touristic exploitable territories that can guarantee renewable resources and cultures. Thus, institutional normalization and rules conciliate man-nature interest relations in appropriation, spatial production, territorial construction and social organization closer to what the environment can effectively offer. APANRV touristic expression results from its karstic relief that has caves, underground watercourses and waterfalls, alongside cultures and traditions by means of what is made and created by entrepreneurs. It is recognized that tourism appears as an alternative contributive activity of social production in areas with socioeconomical problems, low economical dynamics, lack of substantial infrastructure investments and low populational density. This dissertation also demonstrates that entrepreneurship is a dynamic phenomenon capable of modifying local economic landscapes and is based on society’s individual or collective proactivity. The attractivities in use and those that can be produced by activity, abilities, acts and relations, opens up potential dimensions of this conservation unit for touristic and territorial development by its effects of propagation, income and employment generation.



SILVA JÚNIOR, J. J. A produção dos espaços e do território: turismo e empreendedorismo na APA das nascentes do Rio Vermelho - Goiás. 2019. 191 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.