Caracterização genética de populações naturais de Palicourea coriacea (Cham) K. Schum utilizando marcadores moleculares
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Universidade Federal de Goiás
The Species Palicourea coriacea (Cham) K,Shum is a species little know, it is belonging
to the Rubiaceae family, popularly known as douradinha. The popular use medicine in the
therapy of kidneys illnesses. The popular name douradinha is associated with the color of
the bracts and of the stem and the species occurs in Cerrado s Bioma, however in different
environments. Studies about the genetic diversity and its distribution in natural populations
of P. coriacea are of extreme importance for the definition of adequate strategies of
handling and cultivation, however they do not exist in literature, studies of this nature. This
work had as objective to evaluate the genetic structure from nine natural populations of P.
coriacea, collected in States of Goiás and Bahia and to evaluate the genetic diversity of
these populations through markers RAPD. The P. coriacea species presented one high
level of genetic diversity, or heterozygosity waited by Nei (1972) that it varied between
0,259 and 0,338 in the populations, with equal on average value the 0,296. The AMOVA
disclosed that 23% of the total variability is meeting each other between populations.
Although the estimates of apparent gene flow (Nm) have disclosed values inferior to one,
on the other hand, equal the 0,83. The analyses of Bayesian Statistics had disclosed to a
value of f (FIS) equal the 0,98 suggesting the possibility of this species has behavior like
autogamous species. The analyses of grouping of the populations using Bayesian and
AMOVA statistics disclosed that it does not exist a correlation between geographic
distance and genetic distance all the nine populations they grouping, eventually, not
obeying its geographic origin. Then, the hypothesis previously formulated of that
geographically next populations would be genetic next, was discarded for the results gotten
for the Mantel test where it got a correlation of 0,155. In addition, this relatively high inter
populations differentiation allows to recommend to a strategy ex situ of the genetic
variability using the biggest possible number of populations. In what, the conservation
says respect in situ must be taken in account characteristic genetic and demographic of
this species considering that this fact implies in the possibility of a continuous evolution
and in the development of new adaptable strategies. It is necessary to have conscience on
the distribution of the genetic diversity of these areas with intention to not only promote
polities for preservation of found natural populations in national parks, but yes to private
preservation of the legal reserves and properties.
BARBOSA, Taryana Coelho Sales. Genetic characterization of natural populations of Palicourea
coriacea (Cham ) K. Schum using molecules markers. 2006. 94 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Agrárias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2006.