Construção e avaliação empírica de um catálogo de padrões de requisitos para sistemas de registro eletrônico em saúde

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Universidade Federal de Goiás


[Context] Requirements pattern catalogs (CPR) are a useful reuse approach for dealing with incomplete, incorrect, and omitted requirements. The main benefits of using catalogs are: time savings and higher quality requirements. [Problem] Despite these advantages, there is a scarcity of supported domains and of empirical studies evaluating the use of these catalogs. [Objective] - Develop a CPR for Electronic Health Record Systems (SEHR) and evaluate it empirically considering: (a) support for requirements elicitation and specification and (b) the perception of its usefulness and ease of use. [Methods] - The requirements modeled in the CPR are based on a Certification Manual for S-RES marketed in Brazil. The structure and grammar of the CPR is based on a metamodel called Software Pattern Metamodel (SoPaMM), and the construction of the CPR took place using the Terminal Model Editor (TMed) tool. In two case studies, the quality of requirements documents built with and without the use of CPR by undergraduate students was evaluated. A survey was also applied to collect students perception of the usefulness and ease of use of CPR. [Results] - In terms of completeness and scope, the catalog helped to increase the quality of the Requirements especification document (DER) by approximately 50%. The catalog also made it possible to eliminate inconsistencies in case of reuse. In the perception analysis, 98% of the students stated that the use of the catalog enabled faster elicitation and specification. [Conclusions] - It was identified that the approach helps to improve the quality of the DER and allows a perception of faster elicitation and specification.



MARTINS, M. C. Construção e Avaliação Empírica de um Catálogo de Padrões de Requisitos para Sistemas de Registro Eletrônico em Saúde. 2022. 107 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação), Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2022.