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    Os usos do passado na escrita de si: a memória da Revolução de 1930 em Goiás na autobiografia de Pedro Ludovico Teixeira
    (2018) Souza, Rildo Bento de
    The objective of this article is to analyze the (re)construction of the past in the autobiographical discourse present in the book “Memórias” by Pedro Ludovico Teixeira, who was a Goian physician and politician. In this analysis we start from the assumption that the past was used by the author as a form of criticism to the present, since the work was published in 1973, when the author was canceled and with the political rights suspended by the AI-5. To situate the critic, the author highlights his participation in the Revolution of 1930, when he was able to come to power. In addition, we intend to discuss methodological issues in relation to autobiography.
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    Entre os “desherdados da sorte” e os “abandonados da saúde”: a imagem dos internos no livro de visitas do Asilo São Vicente de Paulo em Goiás (1909-1930)
    (2022) Souza, Rildo Bento de
    The São Vicente de Paulo asylum was inaugurated in 1909 in Goiás, the state capital at that time, with the aim of sheltering the poor and sick who had no one to help them. The purpose of this article is to analyze the Guestbook of this institution from the date of its founding until 1930. It is intended to understand how the image of the inmates, the Vincentians, the Dominican Sisters and the institution itself appear in the 80 reports of the aforementioned document.
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    Nas trilhas de uma autobiografia política: uma análise das biografias de Pedro Ludovico Teixeira
    (2020) Souza, Rildo Bento de
    Este artículo pretende analizar dos biografías del médico y político goiano Pedro Ludovico Teixeira (1891-1979), a saber: A vida de Pedro Ludovico: fundação de Goiânia (1.ª edición 1992; 2.ª edición 2004) de José Mendonça Teles y Tu és Pedro: uma biografia de Pedro Ludovico Teixeira (2016) de Hélio Rocha. El objetivo es demostrar que ambos libros, con pocas alteraciones sustanciales, recorrieron el camino transitado por el propio Pedro Ludovico en su autobiografía titulada Memórias, que fue publicada en 1973. En este sentido, tomaremos como ejemplo las construcciones narrativas de los motivos que llevaron a Pedro Ludovico a luchar en la Revolución de 1930 y sus primeras accionesen el gobierno del Estado, como Interventor.
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    As correspondências enviadas pelos presos da cadeia da Cidade de Goiás na década de 1930
    (2022) Souza, Rildo Bento de; Tavares, Milena Bastos
    The purpose of this article is to present the correspondence sent by prisoners in Goiás city prison during the 1930s, highlighting its poten tial for research. This set of documents is located in the important archive of the Museu das Bandeiras (MUBAN museum), more precisely in the Fundo Delegacia Especial de Polícia de Goyaz, and is available for consultation and research. We hope that this essay can contribute to publicizing this documentation, aiming to serve as a source for future works. This article is divided into four parts: in the first part we present the Museu das Bandeiras and its archive; in the second part, we will delve into the set of documents related to correspondences; in the third part, we will present the prisoners’ correspondence sent to the delegate; and, finally, in the fourth part, we will present the prisoners’ correspondence sent to friends and family.
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    “Pobres mulheres do sertão!”: um olhar feminino sobre as mulheres de Goiás no final do século XIX
    (2019) Souza, Rildo Bento de
    The purpose of this article is to analyze the feminine look on women from Goiás in the late nineteenth century, from the memorialistic account of Augusta de Faro Fleury Curado “Do Rio de Janeiro à Goiás – 1896 (A viagem era assim)”. It is also intended to understand the hinterland of Goiás to which the author refers, the context of the writing of the work and the conjuncture of women in the period.
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    Pelas páginas da Revista Oeste: poder e imprensa em Goiás (1942-1944)
    (2018) Souza, Rildo Bento de
    The objective of this article is to analyze the projection of the figure of the then Federal Auditor of Goiás, Pedro Ludovico Teixeira in the pages of Revista Oeste, between 1942 and 1944. With the intention of being a vehicle available to writers, poets and intellectuals, with the passage of time the magazine becomes a means of propaganda of the Estado Novo. Prioritizes the analysis of four copies, covering the whole period in which it was in circulation, highlighting the articles that made mention of Goiânia or the politician who built it.
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    No asilo e no orfanato: crianças pobres e doentes em Goiás na primeira metade do século XX
    (2021) Souza, Rildo Bento de; Costa, Lara Alexandra Tavares da
    This paper aims to analyze the situation of poor and sick children in the City of Goiás, based on two charities, namely the São Vicente de Paulo Asylum (1909) and São José Orphanage (1922). The period selected will cover the first half of the 20th century. It is intended to discuss the role of these institutions and their relationship with poor and sick children. Furthermore, the objective is to examine the relationships established between the institutions in focus with powerful and influential people in the city. Finally, we will try to establish the similarities between the two institutions, whom we call “sisters”.
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    Por uma identidade cultural para Goiás: uma análise da revista Goianidade (1992)
    (2017) Souza, Rildo Bento de
    The magazine Goianidade was published in 1992 by the Goiania Press Association, in a single edition, and aimed to build a cultural identity for Goiás, fostering the idea of belonging between the citizen and his place where he lives. The period in which the journal came to the public is very interesting, since it came less than five years after two major events that affected the population of Goiás: the radioactive accident with Césio-137, which occurred in 1987 in Goiânia, and the creation of the State of Tocantins, from the division of territory in 1988, with the advent of the new Constitution of the Republic. The objective of this article is to analyze the itinerary traced by the magazine for the creation of a cultural identity for Goiás from the assumptions of Stuart Hall. Also, we will discuss the context in which the magazine was created and how the text suggests that the young capital, Goiânia, built in the 1930s, claimed the leading role in the formation and construction of the identity of Goiás. In addition, we will discuss the gaps left by the magazine in recounting this past, where we believe the stigmata of the history of Goiás, such as decay, isolation, and backwardness, reside.
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    A “severa vigilancia para que a epidemia não attingisse aqueles infelizes”: notas sobre a gripe espanhola, os vicentinos e o Asilo São Vicente de Paulo na cidade de Goiás em 1919
    (2022) Souza, Rildo Bento de
    The aim of this article is to analyze the Spanish Flu pandemic between 1918 and 1919 from the work developed by the São Vicente de Paulo Society in Goiás City. It is intended to understand how the Vincentians managed to rid the virus from São Vicente de Paulo Asylum, and also the work developed by this lay society during the outbreak, emphasizing the hygienic-sanitary character of these services.
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    A integração de povos indígenas através de projetos de desenvolvimento comunitário: a política indigenista da FUNAI em finais dos anos de 1970 e início dos anos 1980
    (2021) Silva, Joana Aparecida Fernandes
    Here, to this dossier, I present chapter IV from my master’s dissertation, Os Kaiowá e a ideologia dos projetos econômicos (Kaiowá and economical projects ideology); together with my advisor Mércio Pereira Gomes, we did an incursion to indigenous policy in the 80’s, whose emphasis was the integration of brazilian indigenous people into national market. Acculturation was the key concept through which such strategies were structured. Based on these considerations, I introduce a quick overview on current government indigenous policy.
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    Dal sinis al cerrado
    (2018) Patti, Carlo
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    American seeds of ABACC? Findley's proposal to create a mutual nuclear inspections system between Brazil and Argentina
    (2018) Patti, Carlo; Mallea, Rodrigo
    After the first Indian peaceful nuclear explosion in 1974 international observers perceived Argentina and Brazil, long-time rivals in South America, as countries that could follow suit. Not only had they not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), they had also not joined the Tlatelolco Treaty: the Latin American and Caribbean nuclear-weapon-free zone. In this context, the US began to reassess and tighten its nonproliferation policy, particularly throughout the Jimmy Carter presidency (1977–1981). Carter's foreign policy sought to stall Argentine–Brazilian efforts to master the nuclear fuel cycle, as well as push them toward Tlatelolco. These efforts ultimately proved unsuccessful. However, after a visit to Argentina and Brazil, US congressman Paul Findley suggested in 1977 that they consider a bilateral agreement, whereby they would agree to mutual inspections and renounce the right to conduct peaceful nuclear explosions. Even though it was disregarded at the time, these are the core ideas behind the creation of the Brazilian–Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials (ABACC) established in 1991. This article, then, seeks to fill the gaps in what today constitutes an unknown episode in the dense nuclear nonproliferation history of the 1970s.
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    "Atomi proibiti", il tentativo brasiliano di cooperare con Giappone e Germania Occidentale nell'ambito dell'arricchimento dell'uranio (1967-1968)
    (2021) Patti, Carlo
    During the 1960s, the gas centrifuge enrichment technique became pivotal in the production of nuclear energy. Brazil, a country with a nascent nuclear industry and with ambiguous ambitions, discussed with Japan and West Germany the acquisition of such technique. Relying on recently declassified primary sources, this study shows how those countries could easily circumvent the existing international limitations to the spread of sensitive technologies.
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    Ser historiador das relações internacionais. Diálogos com as escolas francesa e italiana
    (2000) Rocha, Alexandre Luís Moreli; Patti, Carlo
    Professor Amado Cervo international experience was built on many collaborations, resulting in a diffused influence. In this text, we intend to remember these circulations and appropriations, evoking two important historiographical traditions to Professor Cervo: the French and the Italian. We thus seek to map a shared tradition on the history of international relations, briefly presenting readers with the state of the art resulting today.
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    "We are not a non-proliferation agency": Henry Kissinger's  failed attempt to policy of accommodation towards Nuclear Brazil (1974-1977)
    (2020) Patti, Carlo; Spektor, Matias
    In the aftermath of India's first nuclear explosion in 1974, U.S. officials concluded that Brazil posed a growing proliferation risk, and they proposed to target Brazil with a new set of nonproliferation policies that included the denial of fuel-cycle technologies. However, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger expressed doubt that such an approach would curb Brazilian nuclear ambitions. Pushing back against influential voices in the U.S. Congress, the State Department, and the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Kissinger argued that Brazil should be allowed to proceed with its plans to master the nuclear fuel cycle in exchange for U.S. assistance and new nonproliferation commitments. He justified this attitude on the grounds of alliance politics (Brazil was too important a pillar of U.S. Cold War policy in Latin America) and the interests of key domestic constituencies (U.S. private companies eyed Brazil's burgeoning nuclear industry). The Brazilian government responded well to Kissinger's approach and would have struck a deal if the transition to the Carter administration had not rendered the bargain untenable.
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    The forbidden cooperation: South Africa–Brazil nuclear relations at the turn of the 1970s
    (2018) Patti, Carlo
    Contributing to a global nuclear history, this article discusses Brazil’s refusal to accept sensitive nuclear assistance from South Africa in the late 1970s. Relying on primary sources and oral history interviews, this study argues that despite their similar positions in the global nuclear order, Brazil’s decision was connected to political and technological reasons.
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    Lélia Gonzalez e seu lugar na antropologia brasileira: “cumé que fica?”
    (2022) Ratts, Alecsandro José Prudêncio
    This bibliographic review, itself part of a wider research on black intellectuals from 1970- 1980, reports on my collective and personal experience. It focues on Lélia Gonzalez’s (1935-1994) oeuvre and trajectory and her relationship with anthropology, with written and insurgent speeches that are recaptured as an epistemological dispute in the context of affirmative actions. It is based on a collection of original and republished texts: essays, articles, interviews, speeches, and some images from personal files of the activist author.
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    “Parirás com dor”: a violência obstétrica revisitada
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-11-17) Ferreira, Maíra Soares; Gonçalves, Eliane
    Faced with a social context in which instrumental births predominate, via cesarean surgery, in private hospitals and the “cascade of interventions” in vaginal deliveries in Brazilian public hospitals, the women’s movement marked the beginning of the 21st century with the name “obstetric violence”. The understanding of obstetric violence ranges from physical, psychological, verbal, symbolic, sexual aggressions to negligence in care, discrimination, excessive and inappropriate medicalization, adherence to obstetric practices that are not recommended, painful, harmful and not based on scientific evidence which are experienced at the time of pregnancy, childbirth, birth and postpartum. Aspects of this violence - with imposition of pain, suffering and preventable deaths - are legitimized by obstetric science and authorized by the State as assistance to sexual and reproductive health. We argue that obstetric violence is a misogynistic act of punishment for women, the result of centuries of denial of their sexuality and the ability to decide. The purpose of the article is to reflect on how this political authorization was given to violate the bodies of women, as well as their naturalization and invisibility justified by science and certain obstetric practices. Being part of a broader research, historical analyzes of feminist nature were privileged, whose collection of knowledge allowed to track the process of elaboration of the concept and show how the intrinsic relations between childbirth and State policies, through thedifferent assistance - public and private - coordinate the discipline over the expropriated bodies of women.
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    Estudo sobre o potencial de cartografias interculturais para a emergência e consolidação de novas bases epistêmicas
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-11) Herbetta, Alexandre Ferraz; Landa, Mariano Báez
    El siguiente texto reflexiona brevemente sobre el potencial de la cartografía como método. En este sentido, en la dinámica del mapeo propuesto, es posible identificar y sistematizar aspectos centrales de los proyectos contra hegemonícos y así proponer, ejecutar y evaluar acciones y políticas de manera más consistente en el tema. Se advierte que un movimiento central en el proceso es el surgimiento de nuevas bases epistémicas.
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    Reflexos no Abebé de Oxum: por uma narrativa mítica insubmissa e uma pedagogia transgressora
    (Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-10-20) Dias, Luciana de Oliveira
    In this article I started a communication with the myth of Oxum, Orixá of feminine energy from afro- brazilian religion candomblé. Discussions were made about the multiple processes of articulation and construction of non-hegemonic knowledge. The mythology of the Orixás, plus the whole set of signs, meanings and symbologies that are subjectively constructed, contains a language and a performance that contribute to the consolidation of cultural aspects. These aspects are responsible for the constitution of affiliations and belongings, generating an extremely complex particular ethos. In this text, through a description of a mythical narrative by Oxum, a subalternized epistemology is revealed. This epistemology of African origin suffers at the same time with cruel processes of epistemicides and ontoepistemicides, but it remains insurgent, transgressive and not submissive.