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Item Codificação e interpretação para além das visões reducionistas do direito: uma reflexão sobre a concreção do direito a partir do devir histórico da experiência jurídica romana(2011-06) Coelho, Saulo de Oliveira PintoThis paper deals with the aspects of the hermeneutical experience of the ancient Rome , which are capable to clarify the relation between the interpretation of law and its codification, throwing the basis for a better comprehension of this matter. Considering Roman Law as the founding base of juridical rationality, we go over the symbiosis of History of Law, Roman Law and Juridical Hermeneutics, so as to question one of the most disturbing issues of contemporaneous Dogmatic: qualify the correct measure of the possibilities of hermeneutics in a system of Codified Law.Item Estudo sobre o alcance das competências municipais para ordenação agro-ambiental do solo como instrumento de efetivação do desenvolvimento humano democrático: paradoxos do federalismo centralizador na perspectiva do pensamento jurídico contemporâneo(Maria Cristina Vidotte Blanco Tárrega, 2011-12-31) Coelho, Saulo de Oliveira Pinto; Morais, Rafaela PereiraThe article has to draw lines of methodological investigations for verification, assessment and delimitation of municipal competence provided for in the Federal Constitution, to sustainable soil sorting AE. The agenda proposed is to research the role given to the municipal public power identifiable human fundamental rights-regarded as the third generation. The article presents partial results of the reflection in this regard, with the main methodological goal of communicating to the academic community which is the problem and the prospect of theoretical-discursive approach that the team has built to approach the relationship between municipal authorities and the ordering activity's socio-environmentally sustainable agrarian, with the aim of enabling the scientific dialogue between stakeholders in exhibitors generating a deepening debate. The theoretical reference search have been tested against the data about the practical legal experience that has been observing about municipal participation of rural ordering spacialities, in view of the need to regulate the rational use of resources used in economic activities can be developed there, with a specific focus on AE activity.Item Para uma crítica das críticas ao discurso dos direitos humanos e fundamentais: da desconstrução do jushumanismo ao jushumanismo crítico(2015-12) Coelho, Saulo de Oliveira PintoEsta investigación tiene como principal objeto de analisis y reflexión el fenómeno de los discursos de crítica al rol fundamental que tienen los derechos humano-fundamentales en las actuales sociedades democráticas. El problema central de la investigación consiste en la pregunta por la consistencia de tales discursos y sobre la posibilidad de que se basen en estratagemas y falacias. Como presupuesto investigativo está el planteamiento de que existen dos tipos básicos de discursos sobre os derechos humanos que hay que sospechar: la perspectiva apologética, de una parte, y la perspectiva de se puede llamar de critica-niilista, de otra. Hay que sumar a esto la hipótesis de que: el discurso que puede cajear contribuciones a las actuales sociedades democráticas es el que está basado en una reflexión critico- propositiva sobre os derechos humanos. La hipótesis -la falacia de algunos discursos críticos sobre los derechos humanos- la hemos testado por medio de la realización de un inventario de los modelos heurísticos básicos de dos discursos críticos de los derechos humanos. Como resultado de la investigación, ha sido posible la identificación de seis modelos heurísticos de critica a los derechos humanos, de los cuales cinco han sido desvelados en sus falacias e uno, relativos a los problemas del lenguaje principiológico de los derechos humanos, ha sido confirmado como consistente. Pese a los difíciles desafíos de la experiencia de los derechos humano-fundamentales, cumplen un papel indispensable y insustituible, de momento, en las sociedades democráticas contemporáneas.Item Políticas de educação ambiental na América Latina: aportes e desafios para um diálogo interconstitucional(2015-12) Coelho, Saulo de Oliveira Pinto; Bambirra, Felipe MagalhãesEl propósito del presente paper es comprender, desde una metodología comparativa y crítica- reflexiva, en el marco de una perspectiva interconstitucional, la forma de promoción conjunta del derecho al medio ambiente a través de políticas públicas la educación ambiental en los niveles supranacionales, nacionales y locales, especialmente en el primer caso, las iniciativas regionales de América Latina y el Caribe - la Propuesta de Programa Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Educación Ambiental en el contexto del Desarrollo Sostenible (PLACEA) y la propuesta de sub -regional, el Plan Andino-Amazónico de Comunicación y Educación Ambiental (PANACEA) -, así como su coherencia con los planes y políticas para la educación ambiental en la región nacionales. El análisis de los planes nacionales se centrará en las constituciones y los planes nacionales de educación ambiental de Bolivia, Ecuador y Brasil, y en el ámbito local, cuya concreción, se espera, sea fuerte, se seleccionaron los planes para la educación ambiental de los estados Minas Gerais y Goiás. Pregunta sobre la sinergia e idoneidad en el lenguaje utilizado por diversos actores, hacia la construcción de una educación democrática, emancipadora, dirigida al respeto, el reconocimiento y pluralismo.Item O romanismo nas origens da cultura jurídica brasileira(2009) Coelho, Saulo de Oliveira PintoThis work tries to show the romans origins of Brazilian Legal Culture as consequence of portuguese colonization of the territory. To discuss about the historical process of formation of this culture, especially in the colonization of the brazilian territory, its basement is evidenced on jurisprudence of continental Europe, of roman matrices, and its transplantation to the colony. The legal order of the colonizers overrides the normative orders primitive indigenous background. The normativity of african cultures too little, or nothing, instilled in the national legal system. The legacy of Roman jurisprudence is suprassumed in Brazilian Legal Culture. The actualization of the brazilian jurisprudence, to tackle contemporary issues, can not be given effectively and mature if not understood and recognized the roman foundations of our legal culture. There is, at the end of the colonial period, the presence of Roman jurisprudence on ...Item O sujeito universal de direitos universais como núcleo da totalidade da realidade do Direito no pensamento atual de Joaquim Carlos Salgado: homenagem aos 70 anos do jusfilósofo mineiro(2013-12) Coelho, Saulo de Oliveira PintoThis paper presents a reflection on the current stage of thinking of the legal philosopher, Joaquim Carlos Salgado, to establish the core features of his reflexive approach to legal reality and highlight the concept of the Universal Subject of Universal Rights as the “bedrock” or key concept of his reflections on current law. The systematic review method is applied to the author’s texts by focusing on his recent production based on a reflective approach, and by seeking to situate his thought in the philosophical and legal context, thereby revealing the strength of his assertions on today’s Idea of Justice. It concludes that there is a need to reinstitute the concept of subject of rights as a key to understanding the entirety of the legal phenomenon in the transformation of the experience of Western ethical culture, as masterfully presented by the renowned Minas Gerais thinker.Item A sustentabilidade como um direito fundamental: a concretização da dignidade da pessoa humana e a necessidade de interdisciplinaridade do Direito(2011-06) Coelho, Saulo de Oliveira Pinto; Mello, Rodrigo Antonio Calixto de Pina GomesThe persistent misunderstanding between economical growth and development has resulted in an inevitable civilization crisis, which has produced several effects, such as environmental problems. By problematizing the basis of production, the environmental concern has presented a style of development, which is called Sustainable Development and has its ethical roots in the location of human beings as central subjects in the development process. Such an issue reaches far beyond the environmental considerations, and follows overlapping social, cultural, political and territorial aspects. To consider humans as the main target of development is to recognize human dignity, which once assured by the foundations of the Brazilian Republic, creates an eloquent synergy between the paradigm of sustainability and our Federal Constitution. This paper proposes the recognition of a sustainable development constitutional project, which requires an interdisciplinary approach in Law, presenting sustainability as a juridical principle implicit in the Federal Constitution. Once it is completely based upon the recognition of dignity as an inherent right of all human beings, it presents the typical relevance of a fundamental right.Item Valor e atualidade da busca por um conceito crítico-reflexivo e histórico-especulativo para o direito(Maria Cristina Vidotte Blanco Tárrega, 2010-06-30) Coelho, Saulo de Oliveira PintoThe present work seeks for, from a critical-reflexive view, present the theoretical and pratical wealth of a reflection about a speculative historical concept of Law that is able to express the complexity of juridical phenomenon’s dinamic wholeness. For that is exposed the tricky and the importance of the Law’s concept to the development of the jurist’s previous understanding horizon, as well as are shown the essentials elements of the ideal Law in his logical-historical process. That perspective reveals the judirical phenomenon exhibition as the final moment of the ethic process, as well as the exhibition of the rich interaction movement from the Law as Order to Law as Fruition, through the Law as Science, in which the Justice consolidated in fieri reveals itself as a essential conceptual guide of the juridical reality. This conceptual posture allow us to consider that concept in harmony with the hegelian axiom wich declare that the law is the kingdom of freedom in process of accomplishment.