A sustentabilidade como um direito fundamental: a concretização da dignidade da pessoa humana e a necessidade de interdisciplinaridade do Direito

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The persistent misunderstanding between economical growth and development has resulted in an inevitable civilization crisis, which has produced several effects, such as environmental problems. By problematizing the basis of production, the environmental concern has presented a style of development, which is called Sustainable Development and has its ethical roots in the location of human beings as central subjects in the development process. Such an issue reaches far beyond the environmental considerations, and follows overlapping social, cultural, political and territorial aspects. To consider humans as the main target of development is to recognize human dignity, which once assured by the foundations of the Brazilian Republic, creates an eloquent synergy between the paradigm of sustainability and our Federal Constitution. This paper proposes the recognition of a sustainable development constitutional project, which requires an interdisciplinary approach in Law, presenting sustainability as a juridical principle implicit in the Federal Constitution. Once it is completely based upon the recognition of dignity as an inherent right of all human beings, it presents the typical relevance of a fundamental right.



Sustainability, Sustentabilidade, Human dignity, Fundamental rights, Dignidade da pessoa humana, Interdisciplinaridade, Direito fundamental, Interdisciplinarity


COELHO, Saulo de Oliveira Pinto; MELLO, Rodrigo Antonio Calixto. A sustentabilidade como um direito fundamental: a concretização da dignidade da pessoa humana e a necessidade de interdisciplinaridade do Direito. Veredas do Direito, Belo Horizonte, v. 8, n. 15, p. 1, jan./jun. 2011.