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Item Altjeringa e didgeridoo: dispositivos identitários australianos na espacialidade polifônica de Priscilla, a rainha do deserto, de Stephan Elliott(2016-08) Santana, Jorge AlvesThe Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) is an Australian ilm directed by Stephan Elliott. It expresses socio- and aesthetically a perspective of devices that produce contemporary subjectivities in Australia. In this article, some aspects of the production of such subjectivities shall be discussed in terms of possible cross mobilities, present in relations strained by spatiality - in their lieux and non-lieux, lieux lisse and lieux strié (AUGÉ, 1992; 1997; 2006; Deleuze, 1997) - traveled by the trio of protagonists who, in the trip from Sydney to Alice Springs, meet an Aboriginal community in the heart of the Outback. Among Altjeringa and the didgeridoo, we will follow this meeting between homoafective and ancestral identities, which, on a certain semantic level of this ilm, indicates contexts of political and cultural negotiations in the historical and imaginative nation building process (Anderson, 2006), carried out by the stratiied Australian society.Item Arúspices indianos, Kindzu e Surendra Valá: máquinas de guerra na geopolítica do Oceano Índico pós-colonial(2017-06) Santana, Jorge AlvesIn Mia Couto’s Sleepwalking Land we see the cultural and political developments of Kindzu’s diaries in mozambican society in civil war. Kindzu, in his psicossocial formation, connects with the indian Surendra Valá, who teaches him about facts of the contemporary globalization. We are presented this way to certain geopolitics of the Indian Ocean which rebuilds to the portuguese colonization, exposed in The Lusiadas. We’ll reflect upon this transnationality between Mozambique and India. Such spacial mobilities are contemplated by postcolonial studies, such as Deleuze; Guattari (1997), Augé (2010; 2012), Anderson (1989; 2008), Fanon (1979), Spivak (2008; 2010), e Harvey (2003).Item Aspectos da construção da imagem do índio na narrativa Quarup, de Antônio Callado(2014) Santana, Jorge Alves; Mello, Layssa Gabriela Almeida e Silva; Beltrão, Larissa CardosoIn this article we attempt to highlight aspects of the heterogeneous process of building the cultural identity of the contemporaneous Brazilian indian in order to emphasize from narrative Quarup, Antonio Callado (1977), the relationship between literature and cultural studies. Such reflections here are based predominantly by Maria Elisa Cevasco studies (2003), Stuart Hall (2003, 2006) and Homi Bhabha (1998).Item Aspectos da pastoral rizomática em livro de pré-coisas: roteiro para uma excursão poética no pantanal, de Manoel de Barros(2014) Santana, Jorge AlvesWhen planning our bucolic wanderings, sometimes we do not notice how exactly the chosen itinerary was built. Despite the determination of the official and expected courses, we try, because of our habits, to immerse ourselves in those possibilities of genuine experience, active and creative, in which our looks can meander by spaces that become realities of our co-autorship as well. From this point of view, we will follow the literary and policies articulated by the poet Manoel de Barros in his book Livro de pré-coisas (1985), which guide us to comprehend the composition engineering of the postmodern pastoral, expressed on the poetic ideal of the possible incursions and excursions in the Mato Grosso do Sul pantanal. Such engineering will be noticed through the reflections of Greg Garrard’s Ecocriticism (2006) and by those relevant to the rhizome ontology that underlies the existence of the constant becoming of phenomenon (GUATTARI, 2006), that works, side by side with other political-cultural mechanisms, as displacements possibilities towards the construction of inclusive spatialitys and transversal identities.Item Aspectos do nomadismo identitário e dos corpos sem órgãos em Synonymes, de Nadav Lapid(2020-11) Santana, Jorge Alves; Mota, Alice Amorim de SantanaWe will reflect upon the Israeli director Nadav Lapid’s movie Synonymes(2019), winner of the 69th Berlin International Film Festival’s Golden Bear, relating it to the thematic: production of transversal identities indicated by bodies without organs (CsO) (Deleuzeand Guattari); Israeli’s political and subjective contemporary diaspora (Hall); symbolic capital’s critictransformation (Bourdieu); as well as the transcultural heterogeneous mobilities that conform the current Israeli society (Augé).Item Aspectos intergeracionais da família marrana e o caso dos “abafadores” no conto “Alma‑Grande”, de Miguel Torga(2015-11) Santana, Jorge AlvesDiaspora contexts work as a device that produces multiple and heterogeneous subjectivities. In the case of the crypto-‐‑Jewish or marrano families from Iberia, such psychosocial pictures, that also generates the diaspora, are turned into allegory, such as in the Miguel Torga'ʹs short story O “Alma-‐‑Grande”. In this fictional picture, with factual aspects, we'ʹll reflect upon the existential field of a buffer and the multicultural and intergenerational negotiations made between such character and a family, in which childhood is central perspective. Such negotiations occur in the attempt of preserving certain facility, and at the same time, move the traditions to the transversal identities dimension.Item Autopublicação e a amplificação de vozes silenciadas na literatura brasileira contemporânea(2022) Magalhães, Liara Oliveira; Santana, Jorge AlvesItem Brô MC’s e os agenciamentos discursivos transculturais Guarani-Kaiowá(2017) Santana, Jorge Alves; Trindade, Israel Elias“Good morning good aft ernoon ndo je’ei ko ape avape “ is the opening part of Bro MC’s’ rap Koangagua/ In the present day formed by young Guarani-Kaiowá, from the villages Jaguapiru and Bororó, in the neighborhoods of Dourados-MS. Such a lyric immediately questi ons the fact that indigenous people are not even greeted by the non-nati ve populati on in their daily coexistence. In this context, this study will focus on the minor discursive formati ons (Deleuze and Guatt ari, 1975), on the dispositi on of their raps that enable these young people and their communiti es to treat in a dialecti cal way the social, politi cal and cultural devices that make them strange to the eyes of the establishment, as well as enable them to produce negoti ati on strategies for the deconstructi on of fronti ers that prevent them from heterogeneous mobiliti es that enable pragmati c inserti on in local, regional, nati onal and global spati aliti es; (BAUMAN, 1995, 2013) and issues of mobiliti es, borders and otherness (BAUMAN, 1995, 2013).Item Cartografias subjetivas na cibercultura: o caso da rede social do orkut(2009-07) Santana, Jorge AlvesItem Contribuições da literatura do devaneio para o conceito de juventude(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2004-06) Santana, Jorge AlvesItem Cora Coralina e o computador: velhice e letramento digital perspectivados pelos direitos humanos(2015-08) Santana, Jorge Alves; Mota, Luciana Amorim de Santana; Mota, Alice Amorim de SantanaItem Corpos envelhecidos, porém desejosos de coexistência colaborativa, em duas narrativas de Hilda Hilst(2015-09) Santana, Jorge AlvesThe literary text is streamlined by the critical dialogism between aesthetics possibilities and callings for social transformations, done by the community. In this picture, we will observe representations and strategies of ageing and elderly in Hilda Hilst's narratives Agda and Estar Sendo. Ter Sido. Memory, the construction of intergenerational and collaborative coexistence, desirous bodies, stoic finiteness and kairológicos infinities are the center line that prevails in this reading proposal.Item Corpos rizomáticos na diáspora heterotópico-subjetiva de Um copo de cólera, de Raduan Nassar(2015-08) Santana, Jorge AlvesRepresentations of the process of subjectivity and transversal spaces are perceived and analyzed in Raduan Nassar’s Um copo de cólera. Among traces of madness, obtained by an updating of the image of h e ship of fools in the conl ict between pastoral bucolism and the emergency of urban productivity, the study proceeds to the territorialized and deterritorialized production of faciality that reveal openings to possibilities of new emotional, cultural and political pacts in which the meaning of madness moves to less essentialist and more historical realities.Item Crazy Lady is an early old woman and needs care(2017) Santana, Jorge Alves; Rosenthal, Benjamin“Old Age is a way of feeling cold that assaults me/ and a certain acidity”: that’s the beginning of a poem of Adélia Prado, in which she deals with the thematic of aging, old age and the care that is necessary in this phase of life. In opposition to the initial impression that these stanzas transmit to us, the perspective of Adélia Prado on this entire poem and on the other poems that we’ll discuss in this article, is the concern for the elderly, for instrumental practices of care, and for the bio-political, humanitarian and democratic conditions that may optimize the elderly life in our society. Adélia Prado has an illusio about the inexorable of old age and we will discuss this illusio. We will also discuss dispositions towards care that are evoked in her poems. These care practices may alleviate the “natural” physical, psychosocial deconstructions that old age might bring to all of us. In this work we deal with conceptual elements from Simone de Beauvoir, Leonardo Boff, Pierre Bourdieu and others.Item A crítica genética e a estética da recepção em preâmbulos da poética de João Guimarães Rosa na escritura de Magma(2014-06) Santana, Jorge Alves; Teixeira, Gismair MartinsThis work aims to establish a study that relates the Genetic Criticism and Aesthetics of Recepcion at first, projecting the result on writing Magma, book of poems by João Guimarães Rosa, in an intertextual perspective with William Shakespeare, configuring a contribution to studies to endorse this work of Rosa as a preamble of the greatest poetic of the Brazilian writer.Item A dicção israelo-palestina em dois poemas de Dahlia Ravikovitch(2018-05) Santana, Jorge AlvesWhat is necessary to see through a seemingly limited and limiting window? The Israeli poet Dahlia Ravikovitchoffers us, through her poetic instruments, her discursive and poetic experiences on Israeli-Palestinian relations in chronic personal, cultural and political confrontations throughthousands of years, worsening in the 20th and 21st centuries. This study, in this aesthetic-social context will analyze two poems of this activist artist that are: “The Tale of the Arab Who Died by Fire”and “The Baby Cannot Be Killed Twice”.Poems that deal with the ethical and aesthetic positioning of a large Israeli social segment in the framework of the living metaphorand of the minor literature in the face of possible dialogues with Palestinian society that hybridizes identity aspects.Item Dispositivos alteritários na religiosidade transcultural e nos aspectos ecocríticos de São Marcos, de Guimarães Rosa(2019-07) Santana, Jorge AlvesJosé/Izé, the narrator-protagonist of the tale São Marcos, by GuimarãesRosa tells us, in cautious mise en abyme, that his cook Sá Nhá Rita Preta, used to warn him about his behavior towards the traditions of religiosity/mysticism of Calango-Frito–traditions produced by transversality among indigenous, African and European cultures. "If you do not accept it, you are the king in your own land; but to abuse ... ah, no way you should!" (ROSA,2001, p. 218). In this socio-aesthetic context, we will reflect on cultural violence, and its consequences for the maintenance or displacement of actions which this character causes to most famous sorcerer of this locus, João Mangolô, in the backlands of Minas Gerais. Political-cultural production of supposedly strange identities, of mobilities and reconstruction of heteregeneous and interconnected existential universes, as well as transculturalities immersed in ecocritical devices transforming the socius performed, are the predominant themes in the study of this narrative, one of the matrices of Rosa’s aesthetic paradigm.Item Dispositivos discursivos e parresía cínica no ativismo sociopolítico de Leonardo Sakamoto(2016) Santana, Jorge Alves; Mota, Alice Amorim de SantanaItem Do Hamlet edipianizado à ecologia mental e social: reflexões sobre segmentaridade molar e molecular(2013) Santana, Jorge Alves; Moura, Alexssandro RibeiroEconomy of desire, work and investment form the Oedipus Complex as multiple and heterogeneous identity process. Singularities mark the engineering of such complex in view of Sigmund Freud (1996), Erich Fromm (1992) and Deleuze and Guattari (1996; 1998). A field supposedly individualized, Oedipus is shifted to the social field and, finally, to the field of molecular segmentarity character meta-institution. Becomings of subjectivity Hamlet, immortalized in the classic tragedy by William Shakespeare (2004), underlie discursive formations of individuality (his affection for his mother and his desiderata), the nuclear family (strategies for possession of the kingdom) and those of the molecular relationship desire power- on the level of meta-institutions, field in which aesthetic principles and eccentric behavior point to possibilities of living and thinking mental ecology, and social perspective Félix Guattari (2001), in which the subjects can be arranged as co-agents of their destinies.Item Do peso e da leveza: sobre a velhice(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2003-12) Santana, Jorge Alves
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