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A Região Metropolitana de Goiânia compreende: Campus Colemar Natal e Silva, Campus Samambaia, Campus Aparecida de Goiânia os ministrados nesses campus são:
1) - Colemar Natal e Silva: Direito, Enfermagem, Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária, Engenharia Civil e Ambietal,Engenharia da Computação, Engenharia Elétrica, Engenharia Mecânica, Farmácia,Medicina, Nutrição, Odontologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia.
2) - Campus Samanbaia: Administração, Agronomia, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Artes Cênicas, Artes Plásticas, Artes Visuais, Biblioteconomia, Biomedicina, Biotecnologia, Ciências Biológicas,Ciências Contábeis, Ciências da Computação, Ciências Econômicas, Ciências Geoambientais, Ciências Sociais, Dança, Design de Ambientes, Design de Moda,Design Gráfico, Direção de Arte, Ecologia e Análise Ambiental, Educação Física, Engenharia de Alimentos, Engenharia de Software, Engenharia Florestal, Engenharia Química, Estatística, Filosofia, Física, Física Médica, Geografia, Gestão da Informação, História, Jornalismo, Letras, Licenciatura Intercultural, Matemática, Medicina Veterinária,Museologia, Música, Musicoterapia, Políticas Públicas, Publicidade e Propaganda, Química,Química Industrial, Relações Internacionais, Relações Públicas, Sistemas de Informação e
3) Campus Aparecida de Goiânia: Engenharia de Produção, Engenharia de Materais, Engenharia de Transportes e Geologia.
Navegando REGIÃO METROPOLITANA DE GOIÂNIA (RMG) por curso "Ciências Contábeis (RG)"
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Item Acordo basiléia III: análise e composição do capital de risco(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-02-25) Mata, Renato Zorzin da; Zanolla, Ercílio; Zanolla, Ercílio; Silva, Julio Orestes da; Pereira, Ednei MoraisItem Aderência ao conteúdo da disciplina de controladoria proposto pela FBC - Fundação Brasileira de Contabilidade(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-07) Gomes, Charles Rodrigues; Araújo, Kleber Domingos de; Ferreira, Celma Duque; Silva, Julio Oreste daItem Adoção do valor justo em ativos imobilizados: análise da representatividade nas companhias de bens industriais listadas na BM&F Bovespa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-12) Pereira, Mateus da Silva; Neves, Pablo PereiraItem A aferição da qualificação economica financeira adotada nos processos licitatórios para obras e serviços de engenharia no estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-06-30) Gonçalves, Fabricío da Silva; Pereira, Ednei Moraes; Pereira, Ednei Morais; Oliveira, Johnny Jorge de; Tavares Junior, Ednilto PereiraItem A aferição da qualificação econômica financeira adotada nos processos licitatórios para obras e serviços de engenharia no estado de Goiás.(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-06) Gonçalves, Fabrício da Silva; Pereira, Ednei MoraisItem Alinhamento estratégico com a gestão das partes interessadas: uma análise da associação entre o conteúdo da missão e a distribuição de riqueza aos empregados(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-12-01) Gonçalves, Mariana Faleiro; Ribeiro, Alex Mussoi; Carmo, Carlos Henrique Silva do; Cunha, Moisés Ferreira daItem Alteração na matriz tributária brasileira: o que vem por aí?(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-11) Carvalho, Nathália Ramos de; Machado, Lúcio de SouzaThe current Brazilian tax scenario presents a high complexity, in which a tax reform to simplify it becomes essential due to the large number of problems pointed out as: high tax burden, insufficient distribution, differences in rates between federal entities and the significant amount of taxes. related standards. This study aims to establish converging points between the proposals that are being processed in the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Government to anticipate the tax trajectory that the country tends to follow. The research is a documentary study that used content analysis in the texts of the proposals that are under discussion in the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies and the Federal Government today. The results show that the Brazilian tax scenario tends to create taxes on added value and to be based, mainly, on the principle of "Non-cumulative", thus meeting the proposed objective. Additionally, in view of the main criticisms to this scenario mentioned by several authors throughout the discussion, the proposal that would best serve is PEC No. 45/2019, as it is the proposal that maintains the autonomy of the States and for not allowing the concession of benefit points that hold the most criticisms.Item Ambidestralidade organizacional e desempenho multidimensional: uma investigação de sua associação em escritórios contábeis brasileiros(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2020-12-11) Martins, Mariana Silva Liah; Soares, Juliano LimaThe objective of this research was to identify the association between organizational ambidexterity and multidimensional performance in Brazilian accounting offices. Organizational ambidexterity can be conceptualized as an ability of organizations to balance exploration actions (research, experimentation, discoveries) and exploitation actions (improve, select), which are fundamental for the survival and prosperity of organizations. The research, by the adopted methodologies, is characterized as exploratory, quantitative, descriptive and transversal. The sample consisted of 207 offices that answered the questionnaire between July and August 2018. The research subject was the company manager. The results of the research proved the association between the constructs. The correlation test indicated a positive and significant effect (Pearson's r = 0.178, p <0.05). An expanded hypothesis test was performed and found that the association was positive in only two dimensions of multidimensional performance: variation in customer satisfaction (Pearson's r = 0.243, p <0.001) and delivery time of products and services to customers (r Pearson's = 0.242, p <0.001). The results also indicated that the average performance grows as companies evolve at the level of ambidexterity: embryonic, structured, semi-developed and developed.Item Análise bibliométrica da produção científica brasileira em contabilidade tributária(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2015-06) Almeida, Luiz Filipe de Carvalho; Machado, Michele Rílany Rodrigues; Zanolla, ErcilioItem Análise bibliométrica das pesquisas sobre valor justo: um estudo em periódicos contábeis nacionais e internacionais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-06-07) Santos, Luis Eduardo de Almeida; Iara, Ranielly Nascimento; Amaral, Gustavo dos Santos; Ferreira, Celma DuqueOf the various methods of asset valuation and asset, can highlight the fair value (fair value) which has proved a fertile ground for discussion. Thus, from a bibliographical and documentary research, we sought to identify the bibliometric characteristics. The objective of this research is to identify characteristics of bibliometric research on fair value, published in national and international journals of high financial impact on Brazilian accounting research. The sample consisted of 81 articles identified in 72 journals and selected by the presence of the term "fair value" or "fair value". A descriptive analysis was performed using variables drawn from bibliometric die from reading the papers and guided by a checklist, which organized the variables into structures. Proceeded to the analysis of descriptive statistics, and ANACOR and HOMALS for qualitative variables. The results showed significant associations between search strategy, theoretical framework and analytical techniques used in the work, identified that international studies on the subject tend to use quantitative approach to data analysis and fewer researchers, in addition to conducting a larger number of bibliographic sources, compared to the work of national journals. The study also identified important features of the structure, origin, technical, educational institutions, and these approaches work on fair value, and ensured comparability between national and international samples.Item Análise bibliométrica das pesquisas sobre valor justo: um estudo em periódicos contábeis nacionais e internacionais(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-07) Santos, Luis Eduardus de Almeida; Iara, Renielly Nascimento; Amaral, Gustavo dos Santos; Ferreira, Celma DuqueOf the various methods of asset valuation and asset, can highlight the fair value (fair value) which has proved a fertile ground for discussion. Thus, from a bibliographical and documentary research, we sought to identify the bibliometric characteristics. The objective of this research is to identify characteristics of bibliometric research on fair value, published in national and international journals of high financial impact on Brazilian accounting research. The sample consisted of 81 articles identified in 72 journals and selected by the presence of the term "fair value" or "fair value". A descriptive analysis was performed using variables drawn from bibliometric die from reading the papers and guided by a checklist, which organized the variables into structures. Proceeded to the analysis of descriptive statistics, and ANACOR and HOMALS for qualitative variables. The results showed significant associations between search strategy, theoretical framework and analytical techniques used in the work, identified that international studies on the subject tend to use quantitative approach to data analysis and fewer researchers, in addition to conducting a larger number of bibliographic sources, compared to the work of national journals. The study also identified important features of the structure, origin, technical, educational institutions, and these approaches work on fair value, and ensured comparability between national and international samples.Item Análise bibliométrica dos principais periódicos nacionais de administração e contabilidade nos períodos de 2012, 2013 e 2014(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-12) Barbosa, Thaís Ferraz; Tavares Júnior, Ednilto PereiraItem Análise Bibliométrica dos trabalhos apresentados no curso de ciências contábeis da UFG tendo em vista os congressos USP e anpCONT(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-06-30) Silva, Bruna Melo; Tavares Junior, Ednilto Pereira; Tavares Junior, Ednilto Pereira; Ferreira, Celma Duque; Oliveira, Johnny Jorge deThis study aimed to verify whether the themes produced in the completion of course work in Accounting Sciences from the Federal University of Goiás accompany domestic production. To achieve the objective of an analysis of all work submitted and approved in the course of Accounting course UFG was performed, making a contrasts with the scientific production of articles presented in two major national conferences, the Congress of Accounting and Comptroller of the USP and the Congress of the National Association of Graduate Programs in Accounting (AnpCONT). Bibliometric nature, the primary conclusion of the research was that overall 66.67% of TCCs are following the trends of at least one of the events investigated.Item Análise bibliométrica dos trabalhos apresentados no curso de Ciências Contábeis da UFG tendo em vista os Congressos USP e AnpCONT(2014-06-30) Silva, Bruna Melo; Tavares Júnior, Ednilto PereiraItem Análise da distribuiçao do valor adicionado em empresas de capital aberto e em empresas de capital fechado(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-12) Abadia, Rodrigo Junqueira; Carmo, Carlos Henrique Silva doItem Uma análise da divulgação e composição do ativo intangível das empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa por setor no Brasil(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2014-12) Nogueira, Maryane Barbosa; Cunha, Moisés Ferreira da; Ribeiro, Alex Mussoi; Ferreira, Celma DuqueItem Análise da evolução dos indicadores econômico-financeiros na execução orçamentária do Estado de Goiás no período de 2008 – 2017(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-14) Garcia, Marilizi Faria; Oliveira, Johnny Jorge de; Oliveira, Johnny Jorge de; Machado, Michele Rilany Rodrigues; Pereira, Ednei MoraisItem Análise da gestão pública nos programas relacionados à logística no estado de Goiás(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2016-12-13) Lemos, Jéssica Luana Chaves; Oliveira, Johnny Jorge de; Oliveira, Johnny Jorge de; Freire, Mac Daves de Morais; Silva, Ricardo Augusto Ferreira eItem Análise da influência da experiência e do desempenho sobre a decisão de adquirir novamente(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2018-12-04) Bueno, Juliete Domingos Rosa; Pimenta, Daiana Paula; Pimenta, Daiana Paula; Rodrigues, Fernanda Fernandes; Cunha, Moisés Ferreira daItem Análise da liquidez dinâmica entre os níveis de governança corporativa em empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2017-12-05) Pinto, Gabriel Alves; Zanolla, Ercilio; Zanolla, Ercilio; Silveira, Elmo Dias da; Machado, Camila Araújo