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A Região Metropolitana de Goiânia compreende: Campus Colemar Natal e Silva, Campus Samambaia, Campus Aparecida de Goiânia os ministrados nesses campus são:
1) - Colemar Natal e Silva: Direito, Enfermagem, Engenharia Ambiental e Sanitária, Engenharia Civil e Ambietal,Engenharia da Computação, Engenharia Elétrica, Engenharia Mecânica, Farmácia,Medicina, Nutrição, Odontologia, Pedagogia e Psicologia.
2) - Campus Samanbaia: Administração, Agronomia, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Artes Cênicas, Artes Plásticas, Artes Visuais, Biblioteconomia, Biomedicina, Biotecnologia, Ciências Biológicas,Ciências Contábeis, Ciências da Computação, Ciências Econômicas, Ciências Geoambientais, Ciências Sociais, Dança, Design de Ambientes, Design de Moda,Design Gráfico, Direção de Arte, Ecologia e Análise Ambiental, Educação Física, Engenharia de Alimentos, Engenharia de Software, Engenharia Florestal, Engenharia Química, Estatística, Filosofia, Física, Física Médica, Geografia, Gestão da Informação, História, Jornalismo, Letras, Licenciatura Intercultural, Matemática, Medicina Veterinária,Museologia, Música, Musicoterapia, Políticas Públicas, Publicidade e Propaganda, Química,Química Industrial, Relações Internacionais, Relações Públicas, Sistemas de Informação e
3) Campus Aparecida de Goiânia: Engenharia de Produção, Engenharia de Materais, Engenharia de Transportes e Geologia.
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Item Da percepção de riscos à saúde às reais motivações para a conservação da natureza(202-02) Ribeiro, Servio Pontes; Loyola, Rafael DiasItem O papel da pesquisa tipológica sociolingüística em projetos de educação, vitalização de língua e cultura: primeiros relatos sociolingüísticos do grupo indígena Avá-Canoeiro de Minaçu/Goiás/BRASIL(204) Braggio, Silvia Lucia BigonjalLa acelerada desaparición de lenguas amerindias a lo largo de la historia, sobre todo en las tres últimas décadas, ha llevado a lingüistas de todo el mundo no solamente a llamar la atención sobre este fenómeno, sino también a defender el uso de encuestas sociolingüísticas que puedan decir cuándo una lengua está muriendo; además, se han creado tipologías sociolingüísticas que apuntan vías para evitar la pérdida de las lenguas amenazadas y revitalizarlas. Este artículo presenta: (i) las razones para la conservación de esas lenguas; (ii) las causas de su desaparición y (iii) las tipologías que fundamentan el estudio con los indígenas Avá-Canoeiro de Minaçu, Goiás, Brasil, llevado a cabo en febrero y agosto de 2002. Para ello se traza un esbozo del contacto del grupo con la sociedad dominante a fin de comprender la situación sociolingüística del grupo hasta este momento. Se describen eventos de habla, de tipo interpersonal, que presentan alternancia de lenguas (codeswitching), pues este aspecto del uso de la lengua en comunidades bilingües muestra si la lengua nativa está siendo desplazada o no. Aun siendo un primer acercamiento sociolingüístico, se apuntan hechos importantes que están dando apoyo a un programa de educación escolar en la comunidad.Item Escolarização da sexualidade no estado de Goiás: o que mostram as dissertações e teses(214) Nicolino, Aline da Silva; Paraíso, Marlucy AlvesThis article aims to analyze how PhD theses and Master dissertations present sexual education in the State of Goias. On the one hand, we seek to investigate what insights are embedded in the public schools and, on the other hand, we sought to analyze how sexuality in the school has been shown in the scientific production of the State. In our discussion of those productions, we established as criteria works which had been defended by 2012, and also thought of or realized in the context of State Schools and which dialogued with the theme in vogue. It became evident that sexuality has very much attracted the interest of professionals of the health field and of the education field as well. These specific fields present in their discourses which “knowledge” should be taught and who is considered able to teach that subject at schools, disputing the best ways to teach sexuality.Item Efeito de micronutrientes e calcário na cultura do arroz em solo de cerrado(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-09) Valladares, Luiz Carlos; Carvalho, Yvo de; Almeida Neto, José Xavier deABSTRACT Since the growing season oi 1966-67, there have been abnormalities appearing in the rice planta cultivated in the "cerrado" in various regiona oi the State oi Goiás. One oi abnormalities is brown coloring on the leal biades which worsens as the life cycle progresses, eventually leaving green pigmentation only along the edges snd the principal vein oi the leal. Generally, this sympton appears more intensely in spotty areos where lhe plants are stunted and can die, causing an appreciable loss in production. When the planta don't die, their life cycle is retarted. Has been observed that these caracteriotic frequently appear in rice fields that have been with lime. ln the present research project, the cause oi these symptons has been studied, by observing the effect oi lime and micronutrients which were added to the soil. The research design was composed oi random plots with four replications. The experiment was instatted near Goiânia in red latosol in an area of natural vegetation typical of the "campo-cerrado". The variety of rice used was 1. A. C. 12/ 46. alter it had been disinfected with dry neantina at 0,3%. Dry brush country with stunted vegetation. The treataments were as follows:Item Competição entre quatro variedades alemãs de batatinha(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-09) Abbud, Nelson Salim; Sonnenberg, Peter Ernst; Kratz, Fernando Luiz; Centeno, Alberto JoséA competition experiment was performed at lhe Federal Unlversity of Goiás, among four German varieties of potato. The results show signiticant advantages of lhe varieties Olympia and Maritta over Delta-A and Anco.Item Efeito de produtos químicos no controle de meloidogyne sp. sobre quiabeiro (hibiscus sculentum l.)(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-10) Carvalho, Yvo de; Zica, Lincoln FonsecaThe Effect of chemical products on lhe contrai of Meloidogyne sp. in the okra plant (Hybiscus sculentum L.J. The nematicide power of Shell-DD. vapan, granulated nemagon, methyl bromide and soluble neantina, were tested by applying them to soil affected by Meloidogyne sp. The okra plant (Hibíscus esculentum L.l was used as lhe hosting agent, to measure the amount of worms alter treatment. The results showed that Shell-DD (40 ml/22) controll ed the worms well, but that vapan, granulated nemagon and the soluble neantina were statistically equal to the contrai plot. The plots treated with methyl bromide were not included in the results because of the toxic effect of lhe product on the plants.Item Influência dos adubos amoniacais na ramificação da raiz principal da cenoura (Daucus carota L.)(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-10) Zica, Lincoln Fonseca; Sonnenberg, Peter ErnstMísshap of carrot roots can be incited by soil agents, like badly prepared soil and nematodes or by ammonium fertilizers. RALEIGH (Knott), cited by SILVA, found that ammonium fertilizers can kill the root and consequently cause malformation. The preference ot sodlum nitrate ar other non-ammonium fertilizers is widely spread in Brazilian literatura about carrot. MALAVOLTA (1967) even recomends only small quantities of manure to preveni root dammageREGINA (1964), advises against use of ammonium sulphate and other ammonium fertilizers for the sarne reason. CAMARGO (1963) also prefers sodlum nitrate but mentlons the possibllity of substitution by ammonium sulphate, too. Although, it was imposslble to find any origi· na\ experimental information about, in Brazilian literaure. The sodium nitrate is imported by Brazil from Chile and is therefore almost five times more expensive than ammonium sulphate, in spite oi its \ower nitrogen content. Thls triai investigated four sources of nitrogen: ammonium sulphate, sodium nitrate, urea and manure. The quantities applied were higher than MALAVOLTA recomends for carrot. The results don't show any significant difference between treatments, neither in ramification frequence nor in yield. The varlety used was a cone-shaped carrot, named London. Other varieties possibly are•susceptible to malformation of root by ammonium fertilizers. This will be investigated in further experiments.Item Observações feitas no sistema genital de vacas azebuadas abatidas em matadouros(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-10) Lazzeri, Lourenço; Carneiro, Mauro InácioExamining part of the genital system (ováries, Fallopian tubes. uterus and cervix) o! 3. 308 cross-bred Brahama cows, slaughtered in slaughterhouses, the authors, among other findings, registered tho following observations: Pregnant: Normal: 2.024 (94.1%) with alter: 129 ( 5,9%) total: 2 .153 non-pregnant: Normal: 446 (39,0%) with alter: 709 (61,0%) Total: 1.155 Total: Normal: 2. 470 (75.0% ) with alter: 838 (25,0%) Total: 3.308 They also found that in the pregnant cows the majority of lesions were in the avaries (4.5%) and likewise with the non-pregnant cows (44,0%). We would like state that the corpora lutea mentioned on table IV were, aparently active.Item Notas preliminares sobre conservação de forragens em silos do tipo trincheira(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-11) Kravchenko, Anatoly; Teixeira, Aécio LeoniItem Controle químico ao ácaro tetranychus urticae (Koch 1836) Bordeaux & Dosse 1963, em tomateiros(Antônio Lopes da Silva, 1971-11) Silva, Antônio Lopes daSUMMARY An experiment to test chemical contrai oi the mite Tetranychus urticae (Koch 1836) Bordeaux & Desse 1963, was carried out tomato plants, at the college of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine of the University oi Golas. The following insecticides were tested: - Diazinon E-60 (Thiophosphate-0-0-diethyl-0-2-isopropyl-4-methyl-pirimidyl) at 0,06%; Foi ido\ 60 (Thiophosphate-0-0-dimethyl-O-p-nitrophenil) at 0,06%; Kumulus (80% coloidal sulfur) at 0,03%; Metasystox-i. (Thiophosphate-0-0- dimethyl-0-3-methylmercapto-ethyl) at 0,025%; Lebaycid-50 (Thiophosphaté-0-0-dimethyl-S-ethyl-mercaptoethyl) at 0,065% and granulated Disyston at 2,5% (Dithiophosphate-O-O-Oiethyl-S-2(Thioethyl) - ethyl· at 2,5 g/plant. Disyston, Metasystox-i, Lebaycid and Folidol-60, were statistically superior to the others in controlling the mite. The highest percentage os contrai was reachead by Disyston. Next in arder carne Metasystox-i, Lebaycid-50. and Folidol-60. Diazinon-E-60 and sulfur cannot be recommended for controlling Tetranychus urticae.Item Nota sobre resultados coproscópicos de felinos do jardim zoológico de Goiânia(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-03) Carneiro, José Roberto; Komma, Margarida Dobler; Pereira, Edson; Santos, Cacildo Rodrigues dosThe incídcnce of intestinal helminths in 14 wildcats from the zoo in Goiânia was investigated. The following results were obtainefJ: 12 animais were infectcd by helminths; ali of them had hookworms. Besides, two wildeats had Toxascaris leonina, 4 were infected by Diphyllobothrium sp, three were carriers of rhabditiform larvae. Helminths are believed to be responsiblc for the diarrhea since no other causative agent was found.Item Toxoplasmose em Goiás: comparação dos resultados da reação de sabinfeldman em investigação clinica e epidemiológica(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-03) Fernandes, Waldemar José; Barbosa, WilliamThe results of 141 l Sabin-FddmLin tcst pcrformcd on patients procccding from scvcral clinics wcrc analyzcd: ophtalmologic 213; neurologic 52; ohsletric 231; general clinic 353, other clinics 562. Thcse results wcrc comparcd with thosc obtained in 366 apparently normal individuais livíng in thc samc área. The average índex of positivúy was 56,7% and 4H,6% rcspectivcly. Titcrs as high or over 1/1024 werc found in 12% of the first group and in 5,1% of the hcalthy individuais whereas titcrs ranging betwccn 1/16 and l '256 wcre found in 45,9% of the patients and among 43,4% of the hcalthy group.Item Observações sobre taenia solium (lineu, 1758) e taenia saginata (goeze, 1782) em uma coleçao de 31 tenias, a maioria eliminada com uso de tenifugo caseiro à base de sementes de abóbora(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-03) Komma, Margarida Dobler; Santos, Vera Lúcia VerasThe rcsults of investigations on 31 taeniae proceeding frora inhabitants of the rural districts of Goiânia are presented; 24 were expcllcd after the use of a taeniafuge made of pumpkin seeds, the others after treatmen with Yomesan and two others after the in take of nonmentioned taeniafuges. Taenia solium was found 13 times, 11 were expelled after the use of medicinal compounds made of pumpkin seeds, the scolex being present in 7 of them. Taenia saginata was found 18 times, the scolex occurring only once; it was attached to a narrow portione of the neck and was expelled after repetion of the treatment with Yomesan 20 days after the first dose.Item Prevalência de parasitos intestinais em Goiânia(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-03) Evangelista, Alfredo; Komma, Margarida Dobler; Santos, Maria Alves Queiroz dosThe stools from 2702 inhabitants of Goiânia were examincd and the results were analyzed and expressed in 6 tables. 84,9% were natural from Goiás; 14,99% carne from other states and 0,11% were foreigners. Intestinal helminths were observed in 68,1% of cases; the highest incidence was ancylostomidae with 28,3%; Schistosoma mansoni was found in 1,8% — no autochthonous case was observed. The foreigners did not harbor any exotic parasites. The most frequent intestinal protozoa were Entamoeba coli, in 22,5% of cases; Giardia lamblia — 12,7%; Entamoeba histolytica — in only 0,70% . Simple parasitism (only a single type of parasyte) occurred most frequently — 33,49% of cases. Of the 420 patients infected by hookworm, 11,8% also harbored Stronglyloides stercoralis.Item Toxoplasmose em crianças excepcionais em Goiás (1969)(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-03) Fernandes, Waldemar José; Barbosa, William; Oliveira, Raquel Lopes de; Machado, Arminda de Jesus; Guerra, Hélio de Almeida; Evangelista, Sigisfredo; Ceva, Grace Helena DaherSerologic tests for Toxoplasmosis were performed in: 112 exceptional children from the Central-Western region of Goiás witli 53,2% positive results. The same seruns reacted to syphilis in the proportíon of 1,1% and to American Trypanosomiasis in the proportion of 17,6% . These finding do not allow us to attribute to any of the etiologies the responsibility for the mental disease.Item Evolução de ovos de ancilostomídeos a larvas filarióides em cultura sobre papel de filtro(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-03) Komma, Margarida DoblerThe development of eggs of ancylostomidae into infectivc larvae was studied ín the laboratory at room temperature. The material consisted of cultures of larvae of Necator amerícanus (Stiles, 1902) Ín filter paper. The filariform stage on filter paper occurred on the fifth day; positive hygrotropism was shown by filariform larvae on the seventh day. Photomicrographs of morphologic and structural characteristics of the encapsulated filariform larvae were taken.Item Diarreias infantis em Goiânia durante o verão de 1970 estudo bacteriológico de 400 casos(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-03) Reis, Cleômenes; Muniz, Maria AparecidaThe prevalence of intestinal disease causing bactéria during Summer 1970 was studied. The stools of 400 children with acute diarrhea from two Hospitais in Goiânia were examined. The highest incidence was E. coli (42,6%) predominating the samples: O III B 4, O 55 B 5, and O 126 B 16. Also great numbcrs of Proteus, Klebsiella and Shigella were found. In ali cases susceptibility tests to 15 different antibiotics were performed. Nalidixic acid, gentamicin and ampicillín proved more effective "in vitro" against ali cnteric bactéria than the other 12 antibiotics tested.Item Do provável encontro do strongyloides stercoralis macho parasita do homem(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-03-31) Komma, Margarida Dobler; Barbosa, WilliamLarvac of Strongyloidcs stercoralis were isolated by hygro and thcrmotropism. Thrce specimcns of male stercoralis werc found Io nave migratcd to watcr from two samplcs of fcces. Thery presenteei the fcature describcd for thc malc parasite of man.Item Resultados preliminares com a associação da sulformetoxina à pirimetamina sob a forma injetável * no tratamento da malária por plasmodium falciparum(Ruy de Souza Lino Júnior, 1972-06) Almeida Neto, Joaquim Caetano de; Vasconcelos, Wanderlei Montenegro de PitalugaThe parenteral combination of sulfamethoxine + pyrimethamine was tested in 25 patients with malária due to P. falciparum Two dosage schedules were followed. One group of 14 oligosymptomatic patients with low paràsitemia received a single I.M. dose. The second group of eleven patients with severe clinicai manífestations and high parasitemia reçeived one daily intramuscular injection for two days. Blood smear controis revealed that in the first group the asexual forms disappeared between the 2nd 4th days after treatment in ali 14 patients. 10 patients of the second group showed negative blood smears between the 3rd and 6th days and one patient died. Two relapses occurred in the group and one was observed in, the second group during a control period of cure of 30 days. The patients remained hospitalizes during this time. It is concluded that the association of these two drugs when administered parenterally is well tolerated and highly effective for the treatment of severe forms of P. falciparum malária in which oral administration of drugs is often impracticable.Item Pesquisa de antígeno circulante na malária humana(Ruy de Souza Lino Junior, 1972-06) Barbosa, William; Aires, Wiliam Ferreira; Souza, Oswaldo Caetano de; Chavarria, Raul; Oliveira, Giovanni Septimmi Cysneiros deThe presence circulating antigens of P. falciparum or P. vivax was demonstrated in 14 out of 153 será of patients wíth malária. The identification of these permitted to group them into: carriers of acute non-ímmune P. vivax malária — 2 cases; patients with P. falciparum malária, 6 cases — 2 with high parasitemia, 2 with low parasitemia and 2 with circulating gametocytes only (whose stage of parasitemia was not controlled by us) and finally theie were observed circulating antigens in patients presenting the clinicai picturc of tropical splenomegaly. In the first two groups there were circulating parasites. In the cases with tropical splenomegaly no circulating parasites were found. Ali patients showed high titers of fluorescent antimalarial antibodies, P. falciparum beins used as antigen . The finding of circulating antigen is believed to be of great importance in the interpretation of the physiopathology of tropical splenomegaly .